

90k members
r/AskTrumpSupporters is a subreddit with 90k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size.
Q&A subreddit to understand Trump supporters, their views, and the reasons behind those views. Debates are discouraged. If political debate interests you, please visit our partner sub r/politicaldebate.

Popular Topics in r/AskTrumpSupporters

Elections 2024
: "In this video from 2022, Trump describes Project2025 as "a great group & they’re going to lay the groundwork & detail plans for exactly what our movement will do". Why is he trying to distance himself from them now? "
28 posts
General Policy
: "I hear Republicans talking about Biden's "disastrous" policies but from what I've seen, the Biden administration has done good things for the country. So can you tell me some of these disastrous policies?"
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Foreign Policy
: "Why does Trump criticize the US and NATO for Russia's invasion of Ukraine, but never Putin for invading?"
10 posts
: "What are your thoughts surrounding Trump's disproved claim that "hundreds of thousands of dollars' worth" of cocaine was found at the White House last month? "
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: "What will be the impact of the SCOTUS's decision to allow cities to criminalize homelessness? "
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: "Thoughts on the study that reveals that Trump ran up the deficit twice as fast as Biden, even excluding COVID spending?"
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: "How can Trump lead the way in lowering the temperature of political debate and rhetoric? "
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: "Let's say 2 years from now Trump is acting like Biden, should he remain President?"
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Social Issues
: "Why is advocating for Pride and other forms of acceptance considered "indoctrination"?"
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Trump Legal Battles
: "Trump's attorneys are claiming that the fake electors scheme was an "official act" and thus immune from prosecution. How do you feel about this claim?"
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