
213k members
r/HailCorporate is a subreddit with 213k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is huge in size.
/r/HailCorporate is to document times when people act as unwitting advertisers for a product or a brand with an aim towards raising awareness of the pervasive nature of commercialism in our society and culture. We have strict "Don't be a jerk" rules that are enforced with immediate banning for *violating the rules*.

Popular Topics in r/HailCorporate

Acts as an Advert
: ""bought a much more expensive version of a product by 'accident' at [club store] and liked it - here's the well-branded packaging""
8 posts
Brand Worship
: "My local [grocery store] does RIGHT by their cashiers! They get a chair! 21k upvotes."
3 posts
Unnecessary Logo
: "Clearly an ad. Nice product placement as well!"
1 post
Celebrity Worship
: "[candidate] is so down to earth, i promise. just look at my story and all these definitely totally real comments from others. i'm voting for him and citing [campaign messaging] as my reason."
1 post

Member Growth in r/HailCorporate

+-9 members(-0.0%)
+-7 members(-0.0%)
+3k members(1.6%)