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11k members
r/IBSResearch is a subreddit with 11k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size.
A community dedicated strictly to the research on Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) with the goal to 1) create a better definition of the disorders that together make up IBS, 2) provide a better and more comprehensive diagnostic roadmap to people with IBS and 3) provide solutions to those disorders.

Popular Themes in r/IBSResearch

: "Faulty 'fight or flight' response drives deadly C. difficile infections, research reveals"
2 posts
Advice Requests
: "The concept of nociplastic pain—where to from here?"
1 post

Popular Topics in r/IBSResearch



: "Multi-Million Dollar NIH Grant to develop new Ibs treatment (TNF-α antibody)"
31 posts

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

: "Stress triggers Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea through a spermidine-mediated decline in type I interferon "
18 posts


: "The gut Microbiome and chronic pain"
17 posts


: "Another NaV1.8 inhibitor in the pipeline to treat Pain (ODM-111 by Orion)"
9 posts


: "The Gut microbiome and chronic pain"
5 posts

Chronic Pain

: "Frontiers | Targeting α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors for Chronic Pain"
5 posts

Gut Conditions

4 posts


4 posts


4 posts

Gut Microbiome

: "Gut Microbiome and serum metabolome alterations associated with lactose intolerance (LI): a case‒control study and paired-sample study based on the American Gut Project (AGP)"
3 posts

Member Growth in r/IBSResearch

+9 members(0.1%)
+212 members(1.9%)
+3k members(29.7%)

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