

32k members
r/Irishmusic is a subreddit with 32k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size.
Come and join the session on Reddit! The craic's mighty. This is a Reddit community for appreciation of Irish Traditional Music from all over the world. Content is mainly Irish Trad, but as with many sessions, some other Celtic styles are appreciated as well.

Popular Topics in r/Irishmusic

Trad Music
: "I've been experimenting with using a 360 camera to record sessions. Here's some friends and I at this year's Scoil Samhraidh Willie Clancy."
7 posts
non-Trad Music
: "Interesting Trad music themed cake."
6 posts
: "I beg of you, help. What does these symbols mean??"
4 posts
: "New single by Irish alt-rock band Idle Discourse"
1 post
: "Bring back Oxegen"
1 post

Member Growth in r/Irishmusic

+5 members(0.0%)
+132 members(0.4%)
+8k members(36.1%)