

27k members
r/Poker_Theory is a subreddit with 27k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size.
r/Poker_Theory is a thought-provoking poker forum. Discussions should focus on the underlying concepts and theoretical aspects of the game of poker.

Popular Themes in r/Poker_Theory

Advice Requests
: "what poker math is essential to be a winning player at the table?"
25 posts
Solution Requests
: "Recommended YouTube content to learn cash game strategy 25nl"
15 posts
Pain & Anger
: "3x open in cash games is now fishy???"
5 posts

Popular Topics in r/Poker_Theory



: "3x open in cash games is now fishy???"
26 posts


: "I've been playing Poker ha thirteen years I never knew where to start studying. Of course I know the basics But I never knew, for example, where to start studying GTO and As No where to start . I never knew how to deal with ranges or anything like that. I'm just don't know where start. "
14 posts

Hand Review

: "Hand Review"
10 posts


: "3x open in cash games is now fishy???"
10 posts

Hand Analysis

: "Hand Analysis from last night's play which I think I could have done better."
9 posts


: "Any good resources for learning Gto that aren't just rote memorization?"
5 posts

Cash Games

: "3x open in Cash Games is now fishy???"
5 posts

Preflop Charts

: "Preflop Charts Android app"
5 posts


: "Solver checks it’s range on this board oop to the button. What’s the theoretical reason why it plays it’s range out of a check, thanks!"
4 posts


3 posts

Member Growth in r/Poker_Theory

+65 members(0.2%)
+1k members(5.0%)
+10k members(55.3%)

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