
37k members
r/philodendron is a subreddit with 37k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size, and has high activity.
Show off your Philodendrons! Ask questions, give tips, and post your plants. This is a friendly community, so if you don’t have anything nice to say, please keep it to yourself. We are all here because of a shared love of Philos, let’s focus on that rather than how we are different.

Popular Topics in r/philodendron

ID Help:Who Did I Bring Home Last Night?
: "What grew out of my wetsticks?"
49 posts
Look at it Grow!
: "watch me mature >;)"
27 posts
Question for the Community
: "To separate or not to separate…"
15 posts
Plant Haul: New Additions
: "Got this new plant today"
6 posts
Whats Wrong with It?
: "One of my babies refuses to grow up. Each leaf is like an inch long. Suggestions?"
6 posts
: "Why aren’t Silver Swords more popular? They’re rare-ish, silvery-shiny, grow fast, have a unique leaf shape, and cute babies, and can be variegated. Seems like the stuff people usually love! If there was a silver monstera it would be like £1k for a cutting. So underrated! Why the hate?"
3 posts

Member Growth in r/philodendron

+59 members(0.2%)
+2k members(4.5%)
+13k members(56.4%)

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