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26k members
r/rational is a subreddit with 26k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size.
A place for discussion of rational fiction.

Popular Topics in r/rational

: "[RST][C] "The Story of Emily and Control" by Scott Alexander: "There's an old joke about a statistician who had twins. She baptized one, and kept the other as a control. Laugh all you like. It'll never be funny to me. I know the true story.""
2 posts
: "Rational Fiction Fest 2024 collection is open to read!"
2 posts
: "[RT][C][HSF] "The Witching Hour" by Scott Alexander: "We Lorekeepers are more astute, but not infinitely so. And so it was only forty years ago, in the time when my uncle Derech was Chief Lorekeeper, that we noticed that there is something wrong with Time.""
1 post
: "Can anyone give me the name of the MLP:FIM story where Celestia is banished to Earth and she uses advanced maths and science to get money and power to get in contact with Equestria?"
1 post

Member Growth in r/rational

+8 members(0.0%)
+143 members(0.6%)
+1k members(5.5%)