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47k members
r/roFrugal is a subreddit with 47k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size, and has high activity.
Frugalitatea este calitatea de a fi frugal, cumpătat, prudent sau economic în consumul de resurse cum ar fi alimentele, timpul sau banii, și de a evita risipa, belșugul sau extravaganța.
Popular Topics in r/roFrugal
Promoție :discount:
: "Reduceri fake la kaufland"
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Discuție :chat:
: "Raspunsul ANPC la reclamatia Kaufland"
61 posts
Tips & Tricks :tips:
: "Top alimente bogate în proteine de la Lidl (grame proteine per 100kcal/RON)"
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Extra mălai :extra:
: "20% reducere ON Whey 908g"
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Am economisit :economie:
: "Ambalaje tetra pak"
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Buget :buget:
: "Cum vă gestionați finanțele?"
8 posts
Știri :stiri:
: "Proiect Comunidar - Bucuresti"
1 post
Member Growth in r/roFrugal
+86 members(0.2%)
+2k members(5.0%)
+4k members(10.1%)