

21k members
r/shittyMBTI is a subreddit with 21k members. Its distinguishing qualities are that the community is large in size.
I’m an ambivert, so honestly I just feel like I’m all of the types sometimes, y’know?

Popular Topics in r/shittyMBTI

The xNTJ grindset
: "shitty MBTI in the wild 😱😱😱"
3 posts
Notably Fecal Shitpost of the Finest Quality
: "My interpretation of the green avatars."
3 posts
Cringey art (ISFP moment)
: "Open minded degen."
3 posts
Thinkerz are robots!!1!
: "What is bro doing learning MBTI at the age of 14 😭"
2 posts
Sensors are stoopid!!1
: "Only intuitives can write movie scripts"
2 posts
Serious shitty post found online
: "Yeah its over"
2 posts
Out-of-character (serious/off-topic post)
: "So not my type is trash"
2 posts
Fealer has no brain
: "Please stop treating ENFP as we are some kind of unicorn with rainbow farts >:("
2 posts
Deep INFx empathy
: "How do the middle holes get filled"
1 post
You're mistyped (based on your comment)
: "This dude in my fucking comments💀"
1 post

Member Growth in r/shittyMBTI

+26 members(0.1%)
+90 members(0.4%)
+1k members(6.5%)

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