"Ilford HP5 is very forgiving and, in my opinion, the best beginners film there is."
·"I like having consistency to my photographs, and I develop them at home so it's convenient only having one or two types of film to process."
·"I like having consistency to my photographs, and I develop them at home so it's convenient only having one or two types of film to process."
·"B&w film is really nice for architecture, i personally recommend hp5+!"
·"I love Delta 100 for how it handles skin tones."
·"Ilford HP5+ or Kentmere 400 is a good price and reasonably easy to work with."
·"Excellent black and white film with fine grain."
·"Consider shooting B&W film to see if you like it (Ilford, Kentmere, Fomapan, Kodak Tri-X are all popular)."
·"Ilford Delta 3200 for B&W."
·"Especially HP4 or HP5 when starting out."