"The Revopoint POP 3 Plus has an optical zoom that makes it almost as good as the Mini for small objects."
·"The Miraco Pro Plus adds Photogrammetry and Metrology capabilities, making it ideal for reverse engineering car parts."
·"It can scan small and large objects."
·"Does a good job on head scans and models. Use it on sets for grabbing models just fine."
·"The Revopoint Miraco is very portable because it is self-contained with two sets of scanners, a 48 megapixel texture camera, a 2-hour battery, and an Android user interface."
·"Most of my scanners are revopoints and they do great."
·"Dynamic Accuracy, very interested in playing with that."
·"Being able to scan both large and small things with great accuracy seems like an incredibly useful thing to have as an engineer."
·"That level of versatility is valuable. Add in that it is standalone and you have a unique device Id love to try out!"
·"This printer would be perfect."