Best aquarium on Reddit

120 reviews from r/Aquariums, r/PlantedTank, r/aquarium and 7 more subreddits

120 reviews from
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"Live plants improve water quality and are safe for bettas."
"The guppy tank allows kids to be hands-on and watch the babies grow."
"A 20 gallon long tank has a great footprint, and can accommodate some cool species."
"You'll be much happier with your 55 if you start with a 10 or 20."
"Starting with a 10-gallon tank makes it easier to prepare and learn."
"Great advice on setting up a fish tank and choosing the right fish!"
"A standard 10 gallon kit would be good to start, make a cute little guide for it maybe."
"All the shrimp and snails survived after the move."
"My African Dwarf Frogs have also been another one of my favorites."
"I love that Betta! A school of Corys and a pretty male Betta could be a fun mix and pretty easy too."

Aquarium Supplies

"Good plant cover will make fish feel more comfortable."
"A freshwater testing kit is essential for monitoring water parameters."
"55 gallons is a great size to start with, as bigger tanks make it harder for things to fall out of order."
"Choosing the right substrate is important for the fish and plants."
"A siphon is necessary for doing water changes."
"A net is useful for catching fish if needed."
"Proper lighting is important for plant growth and fish comfort."
"A heater may be needed depending on the fish species."
"Choosing the right filter is crucial for maintaining water quality."

Aquarium Plants

"Adding plants to your aquarium is essential for fish health and reduces the need for water changes."
"Fast growing plants are ultra cheap and help prevent ammonia problems."
"Java moss is one of the easiest plants to grow."
"Java ferns thrive in various conditions."
"Hornwort grows quickly and provides cover."
"Duckweed is easy to maintain and grows fast."
"Anubias is a hardy plant for beginners."
"Good beginner plants for a community tank."


"Great place to find info about bettas. Get a water testing kit so you can check that its safe before adding any fish."
"Essential for keeping water parameters in check."
"Worth the money. After cycle you really won’t test ammonia or nitrite."
"Test strips are crucial for ensuring water quality."
"It's a good balance of affordable and accurate."
"You really should get a liquid test kit. Ideally you’d see nitrates before adding fish."
"API is good enough and probably better than any strip you’ll find."
"The API is really cheap per use, cheaper than any strips or other kits."


"Corydoras Catfish are adorable zoomy bottom dwellers that love to get up to shenanigans."
"I have really enjoyed my corys."
"I recently decided to add a Betta. I have to say, I get the hype now."
"A couple African Dwarf Frogs and a school of neons could also be another fun combination."
"Rainbow Shark is beautiful to look at and tough as nails."
"Gold Barbs are good in a big group and are less likely to chew on plants."
"Electric Blue Acara are tough fish with lovely blue scales."
"Buenos Aires Tetras are very active fish and handle cooler waters well."

Aquarium Fish

"Betta fish are the easiest to keep."
"My students loved them."
"Pygmy corys would be a great addition."
"Honey gourami would enhance the tank's activity."
"Would recommend a schooling fish like CPDs."
"Kuhli loaches are a great addition to any tank."
"Corydoras are a favorite for many aquarists."
"Bristlenose plecos are easy to care for."


"A thermometer is essential for monitoring the temperature for Bettas."
"Silk plants are recommended over plastic as they are safer for Bettas."
"Searchem Prime is highly recommended for dechlorinating tap water."
"Betta logs provide a great resting place for Bettas."
"Betta leaf hammocks are perfect for Bettas to sleep near the surface."
"The API testing kit is crucial for maintaining a healthy nitrogen cycle."


"Bettas really like it heavily planted, nice and dense!"
"More plants and decor would be great, they like having lots of things to swim around and hide in."
"Would recommend some more plants for the cycle and for hiding/chilling spots."
"You could buy some plants that would fit into your current set up like anubias and java fern."
"The easiest plants by far to keep are Java ferns & anubias."


"I think it's perfect for your volume"
"I've used it before and it works great for 6 gallons and under."
"Middle road, Chihiros"


"PetSmart has the best sales in Kingston."
"Petsmart's promotions on their own brand tanks are worth checking out."
"Petsmart has decent sales but we had have fin addicts on gardiners that specializes in aquatic species and reptiles."


"Hygger lights are great! I have one for a 10 gal and love it."
"I say this 14W one from Hygger, I just got it for my 5gallon shrimp tank."

Fin Addicts

"Definitely go chat with folks at Fin Addicts - very knowledgeable and friendly."
"Also recommend finaddicts. They have new and used tanks at good prices, plus everything else you'd need."


"AQAdvisor provides excellent guidance on stocking levels and compatibility of fish species."
"It's a good way to get an idea of what size tank you need for which fish."

Aquarium Co-Op

"Aquarium Co-Op is extremely reputable and their products are great quality."
"Aquarium Co-Op offers great products and practical advice for average fishkeepers."

"A great resource for stocking your aquarium."
"It's very helpful until you have enough experience to make those decisions on your own."

Aquarium Co-op

"Nerite snails are a great addition to the tank, helping with algae control."
"Neon tetras are beautiful but can be less healthy than other options."


"Neocardina shrimp are super hardy and fun to watch!"

Seachem Algae Scraper

"Seachem Algae Scraper. It has a metal razor blade, the handle has a good angle to easily put pressure on..."

Super Shrimp

"Once the tank is established they need no care at all."


"Ive exclusively bought fishes from him for over 20 years."

MasterTest Kit

"Get the mastertest kid. all the things i tested are accurate."


"I can’t speak highly enough of..."


"I'd go for a large group of pseudomugil rainbow fish..."


"Eden 501"

Week Aqua

"Fellow aussie here, week aqua all the way!!!! got 3 so far..."

Cherry Barbs

"My cherry barbs are hardy, very active, brightly colored..."


"They're active, playful and even munch on algae."

Mystery Snail

"I'd say a mystery snail cuz they're very goofy..."

Yoyo Loaches

"You might consider 1 or 2 yoyo loaches... they're my kids' favorite part."

Chilli Rasbora

"I love Chilli Rasbora and Harlequin Rasboras."

Aquarium Coop

"Go to the aquarium coop website - they have great videos that explain all the things."


"Money no object? Kessil."

Panda Corydoras

"I personally love panda Corydoras they have so much personality"

15-20 Gallon Tank

"Like a 15-20 gallon tank with a small school of beginner fish like danios could be quite low maintenance."

Eco Substrate

"Lots of plants! And enough light for them. And an eco substrate already inoculated with the beneficial bacterial."

Live Plants

"Go live plants over fake as fake a lot of work cleaning, bleaching etc."

Norman's Lampeye

"Norman's lampeye are pretty neat."

Heater and Air Pump

"A heater and air pump/stone is necessary if you’d like him to be as healthy as possible."

Big Al's

"Big Al’s is better if you travel out of town often."


"I use between Fluval and Twinstar but I heard good things as well about Chihiros, Hygger, and Finnex."


"Anubias is the go to beginner aquatic plant."

Pro Hobby Aqua Dwarka

"Pro hobby aqua dwarka is good"

Test Strips

"Buy whatever is available to you, and cost effective."


"Those goldfish are going to get huge and will need at least a 100 gallon."

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