"Love the 4.0 for most my m12 tools. Is light enough that it doesn't have much effect on handling and lasts a long time."
·"Best bang for the buck in power to weight/size and run time."
·"The best M12 batteries are the High Output packs, CP2.5 and XC5.0. These have the highest performance under load for their respective sizes."
·"The 5.0HO battery is the best M12 battery. Everyone with M12 tools should have at least 1."
·"M12 5.0XC go on sale pretty regularly."
·"The 4.0XC is also a good choice, tied with the 2.5HO."
·"The 2.5HO is tied for the next best option after the 5.0HO."
·"The 2.0CP is the last preference."
·"The CP3.0 battery performs poorly under load and is best suited for low-power tools that require long runtime but need to remain compact."
·"The XC6.0 is unreliable and should be avoided."