Best bible on Reddit

283 reviews from r/Bible, r/Christianity, r/TrueChristian and 17 more subreddits

283 reviews from
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"I love the ESV!!"
"ESV is the best of those."
"ESV is my “main” - great balance of readability and precision"
"I read ESV because it is contextually accurate, well researched and reviewed, but offers a simpler text so it is readable."
"I read ESV because I have read that it is one of the more accurate translations and because it is really readable for me."
"I would recommend an ESV bible. It's written in a way that is easy to understand for the common English speaking person."
"ESV is great."
"The ESV Study Bible is excellent."
"The ESV Study Bible is an excellent Bible."
"The ESV Study Bible is hands down the best out there, if you ask me."


"I recommend the NIV Life Application Study Bible."
"For an easy reading bible I recommend the NIV or the NLT."
"Definitely the NIV, it had a major revision in 2011 and is the original Hebrew and Greek translated into contemporary English."
"I use NIV."
"I don't like the NIV but the Faithlife Study Bible has some really good notes."
"The Story: The Bible as One Continuing Story of God and His People, NIV"
"The NIV would probably be good for you."
"NIV, NLT, and ESV are great translations."
"And honestly, whatever reads best for you. Maybe NIV."
"If you're a beginner you might want to use the NIV."


"If she likes to doodle, take notes, or journal, here's an option: NLT Inspire Catholic Coloring/Journaling Bible."
"For a beginner like you, I think the Life Application Study Bible in the New Living Translation (NLT) is a great choice."
"I recommend the NLT."
"NLT because it's a Life Application Study Bible."
"NLT is great."
"I use NLT."
"NLT slaps for me."
"I highly recommend either an NLT or NIV study bible."
"NLT is going to be a good starting point as it’s very easy to read."
"If you want one that’s just easy to read with no 'theological language', the NLT is probably your best choice."


"I would recommend the KJV for the Psalter."
"I recommend read KJV, and whichever verse is hard to understand, look up in ESV."
"I'd stick with KJV for not oversimplifying things."
"The KJV is also good but the old English can be challenging."
"I use KJV and then if I want a different translation, I’ll follow up with NASB."
"I personally love KJV, but it is not for everyone."
"KJV and the bible app to check different versions."
"James Earl Jones kjv."
"Get the KJV, its great."


"NRSV (or NRSVue) is top of the line when it comes to excellent translation."
"NRSV is the best translation available if you’re reading in English."
"1. NRSV"
"I highly recommend the NRSV."
"The New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) is generally considered a highly respected and accurate Bible translation."
"The New Revised Standard Version is still the preferred version."
"NRSV is the most common translation you’ll usually hear in Episcopal churches so I’d start there."
"I recommend the NRSV/NRSVue."
"A study Bible, preferably either NRSVue/NRSV, NASB, or CJB."


"Its the updated NRSV and its pretty accurate/used by a lot of churches"
"NSRVue is the best available bible on the markets."
"New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition (NRSVue) Because that is the most accurate study Bible."
"If you want something modern (and trusted by scholars), I recommend the NRSVue."
"The NRSVue is the most updated edition of the academic standard translation."
"NRSVue has the most up to date scholarly translations."
"If you want an accurate bible that your church uses, NRSVue is supposed to be top tier for translations."
"NRSVUE or the older NRSV are what's recommended by most scholars for general reading."


"God saved me through the NKJV. My go to version."
"I recommend you the New King James Version."
"New king James and English standard are the easiest to read."
"NKJV would be great."
"Nkj, niv are fine."
"My favourite is the NKJV."
"I've also been digging the NKJV."

YouVersion Bible App

"Hey! I love using YouVersion, and I think you will, too."
"I use the youversion Bible app which allows you to compare different versions."
"I’ve used The Holy Bible app by YouVersion for over a decade."
"Youversion Bible app is quite reliable"
"I have been using YouVersion Bible Application for about 5 years now."
"I'd recommend you download the Bible app and listen to the audiobook version."
"Youversion Bible app."

Great Adventure Bible

"You can’t go wrong with the Great Adventure Bible for a proper first time read through."
"The Great Adventure Bible is a fine place to start, actually."
"Great adventure bible is a fantastic bible tho, and I would always rec it to someone looking for a high quality bible."
"Great adventure Bible is a good choice."
"I’d go with the Great Adventure Bible if choosing between those two."
"The great adventure Bible is a great portable Bible."
"I have the Great Adventure Bible, and I love it."

Skeptic's Annotated Bible

"Get the Skeptics Annotated Bible. It's great as it has a lot of notes on the side of the page."
"You could always buy her a copy of the Skeptics Annotated Bible."
"Get her the Skeptics Annotated Bible."
"Skeptics annotated bible would be a good one."
"The Skeptic's Annotated Bible: The King James Version from a Skeptic's Point of View."
"Get her a copy of the Skeptics Annotated Bible. It's on Amazon."
"Buy the Skeptics Annotated Bible, there is an inprint version of it now."


"Nasb is the end all be all, imo, for an easy to read accurate english translation."
"I particularly like the NASB for poetry."
"Seconded, especially for the Psalms."
"I think NASB is good too."
"NASB for accuracy. ESV for readability."
"I like to use the New American Standard version."
"NASB is likely going to be more of a struggle if this is your first Bible."


"As others have already said, the CSB is a nice middle of the road translation."
"The CSB is a solid, middle of the road translation."
"I'm reading the CSB for the first time now and so far it's a good version."
"I would go either CSB or NIV."
"Best to just sit down and read? You'll want one of the easier to read versions."
"Christian Standard Version is a great translation for dialogue and conceptual understanding."

ESV Study Bible

"I highly recommend the ESV Study Bible if you can afford it."
"I would highly recommend an ESV study bible."
"The ESV study Bible is an excellent Bible."
"I'd suggest ESV study. Make sure it's a study bible."
"I have been suggesting the ESV study bible."


"Get her the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and D’aulaires book of Greek Mythology."
"Get her a bible, a copy of the Koran and the satanic bible."
"Yes please get her a Bible. A Bible is the best defense against the poison of religion."
"I recommend you buy a full Bible (that is, both the Old Testament and the New Testament)."

Blue Letter Bible

"Blue Letter Bible has free audio. Completely free."
"That's what I use and have found to be the best I've tried so far."
"I like the Blue Letter Bible with its optional commentaries."
"The Blue Letter Bible (BLB)."

New Living Translation

"It was super easy to read and it gives you notes and illustrations on things you’re reading about."
"I found the New Living Translation to be the one for me."
"I read the NLT as my daily reader"
"New Living Translation is also accurate and easy as well."


"I would start with the YouVersion or Blue Letter Bible app."
"I recommend the 'you version bible app' it has most bible versions."
"Youversion or Bible gateway"

Ignatius Study Bible

"I would definitely recommend the Ignatius Study Bible."
"The upcoming Ignatius Study Bible is excellent."
"The Ignatius study Bible apparently now on back order is is especially good for notes and commentary."

The Message

"The Message is a highly paraphrased Bible that's very easy to understand."
"The message version, here to help if you have any questions."
"A more modern version/translation is The Message."

Didache Bible

"I'd recommend Bibles based on the RSV translation first, either the RSV-CE or the RSV-2CE. Specifically, I use the Didache Bible."
"If you’re planning to use it as kind of a “Catholicism 101,” the Didache Bible might be better."
"The Didache Bible includes commentary from the Catechism of the Church."

Ignatius Catholic Study Bible

"You might check out the Ignatius Catholic Study Bible."
"The Ignatius Catholic study Bible would be great."
"Ignatius Catholic Study Bible."

New Revised Standard Version

"I think the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV) is the best translation."
"Try the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). It's respected academically and reads smoothly."
"Suggest one of these translations: New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)/New Revised Standard Version, Updated Edition (NRSVue)..."

New King James Version

"The language is updated to modern day English."
"I use the NKJV and like it a lot"
"In english you can go with the New King’s James Version."

Jerusalem Bible

"The Jerusalem Bible is what I have been reading for the last 40 years."
"Jerusalem Bible."
"What you want is the original 1966 Jerusalem Bible."


"A behemoth of a Bible and rich with resources."
"I'd highly suggest you get yourself the new Ignatius Catholic Study Bible."

Action Bible

"I recommend the action bible also. It’s like a graphic novel."
"My daughter enjoyed the action bible. It’s a graphic novel version of the Bible - very approachable."

NIV Life Application Study Bible

"I recommend the NIV Life Application Study Bible. It's in modern English and has tons of notes."
"I would also recommend buying a study bible to help you along."

The Bible Project

"I would recommend checking out The Bible Project."
"I always recommend The Bible Project."

SBL Study Bible

"I highly recommend it."
"I want to echo the SBL Study Bible and Oxford Annotated."

Children's Bible

"I got my kids a children’s Bible, a book of creation stories."
"I say buy the Bible for your child, perhaps buy it in the kids version so the theology can be easily understood for them."

New Living Translation (NLT)

"Honestly speaking, NLT for me was the best bible to understand God's word."
"NLT is a little easier to read."

The Action Bible

"The Action Bible 100%."
"You could maybe try the action bible."

Bible app

"You can use the Bible app for free & switch btw different versions."
"You can download the Bible app or go to and have access to many different translations."

MacArthur Study Bible

"I commend the MacArthur Study Bible .. ESV, MacArthur Study Bible, 2nd Edition, Leathersoft, Brown: Unleashing God's Truth One Verse at a Time"
"Get a McArthur Study Bible and read it."

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

"The Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible is a great Bible."
"The Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible is a great Bible; I use it a lot."

Life Application Study Bible

"The Life Application study Bible is a more thorough one."
"Life application study bible."


"The amp version on the bible app and the message are very easy to read."

Skeptics Annotated Bible

"Get him the Skeptics Annotated Bible."
"The Skeptics Annotated Bible website."

Common English Bible

"Common English Bible Study Bible"
"It may be the most 'updated' scholarly version."


"A notetaking Bible from Ascension that was recently released."
"Recently released based off the Great Adventure series."

Good News Bible

"I prefer the Good News Bible (Catholic edition) (yellow colored)."
"A good one for kids might be the Good News Bible."

Oxford Annotated Bible

"Get her the Oxford annotated bible. It's an academic reference Bible that I used in college."
"I recommend the Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha. It has a relatively objective scholarly approach to explaining translation issues, cultural issues influencing the theology, various exegetical interpretations, etc."

Good News Translation

"I enjoy the Good News Translation: Catholic Edition simply because it’s translated with words that the writers would have used TODAY."
"I enjoy the Good News Translation: Catholic Edition."


"I have the NABRE large text version I got no complaints about it."
"Both the NABRE and RNJB are good."

Holman Christian Standard Bible

"I prefer the Holman Christian Standard Bible as it is both the most easily understood."
"Holman Christian Standard Audio Bible (podcast, even!)"

Alexander Scourby

"Alexander Scourby."
"Alexander Scourby -- non-dramatic -- is what I use."


"I use logos personally, though that is not exactly affordable."
"It's always Logos."

Ignatius Bible

"In r/Catholicism the Ignatius bible is super recommended."
"Consider looking into the Ignatius Bible or Great Adventure Bible."

New Jerusalem

"I personally like the New Jerusalem."
"I think it's best to use the same Bible that is used for the liturgy."

Annotated Oxford Study Bible

"Get her an Annotated Oxford Study Bible."

Brick Testament

"Highly recommended! Unlike most "children's bibles," The Brick Testament tells and illustrates the stories using actual scripture."

Pocket Bible

"Thank me later:"

Teaching Bible

"I would suggest you give her an (academic) teaching bible."

Bible with Sources Revealed

"The Bible with Sources Revealed."


"CJB for a Jewish viewpoint."

TS2009 Scriptures

"The best which I use and all misinterpreted translations removed."

Orthodox Study Bible

"I love my Orthodox Study Bible."

Blue Letter Bible App

"Go download the blue letter Bible app."

Blessed Is She

"I really love the “blessed is she” edition."

Tyndale Illustrated Study Bible NLT

"For a physical starter copy that is super easy to read I can't recommend the Tyndale Illustrated Study Bible NLT enough."

Ignatius Catholic Bible

"I highly recommend the Ignatius Catholic Bible Old & New Testament."


"Zondervan has an awesome bible out that is single column, larger print."

The New Testament for Everyone

"I bought the audiobook of NT Wright's "The New Testament for Everyone"."

Douay–Rheims Bible

"Douay–Rheims Bible."


"Get her the bible, and a Quran, and the Tripitaka."

Brick Bible

"Get the Brick Bible. It makes it entertaining."

Children's Illustrated Bible

"I'd give her an illustrated children's bible on the condition that you read it together so you can talk it through."

Awkward Moments Children's Bible

"Get her a real Bible but pair it with the 'Awkward Moments Children's Bible' volumes 1-3."

Various Holy Books

"The other holy books of the world might also interest her. The Koran and Torah if you're keeping it simple."

NIV Application Study Bible

"The NIV Application Study Bible is a good start."

Anime Bible

"I saw an anime Bible. It doesn’t have every chapter and verse, but it picked out important things."

Ignatius Press Bible

"Ignatius press bible is really good. That's the one I personally use."

The Beginner's Bible

"Solid and basic intro to the Bible."

St Ignatius Catholic Study Bible

"I would personally recommend the new St Ignatius Catholic Study Bible Old and New Testament."

Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)

"Easy-to-Read Version (ERV) or English Version for the Deaf (EVD) or Contemporary English Version (CEV)."

Harper Collins Study Bible

"I'm very fond of the Harper Collins Study Bible."

New International Version (NIV)

"Given your situation, I’d suggest looking into translations like the New International Version (NIV)."

English Standard Version (ESV)

"The English Standard Version (ESV) has helped me understand well the Bible well."

James Moffatt Translation

"The Bible: James Moffatt Translation is my personal favorite translation."


"The LSB is a decent modern English version."

Study Bible

"A study Bible is good for someone who's not familiar with 'church jargon'."


"The only version of Catholic Bible that I know about is the NRSV-CE."

Word on Fire series

"I would strongly recommend The Word on Fire series."

The Great Adventure Catholic Bible

"I second the recommendation for the 'Word on Fire Bible', but maybe 'The Great Adventure Catholic Bible' will be better."

New Jerusalem Bible

"I really like the NJB but my copy is more emphasized as a devotional."

New American Bible

"If you are in the U.S.; I would recommend the New American Bible."

New King James

"I am very partial to the New King James Bible."

Ignatius RSV-2CE

"The Ignatius RSV-2CE Hardcover is a low cost option."

CSB Life Counsel Bible

"Take a look at the CSB Life Counsel Bible. Easy to read translation."

Celebrate Recovery Bibles

"One of the celebrate recovery bibles with plenty of testimonies could be helpful."

Word on Fire Bible series

"The word on fire Bible series is also really good."

Hebrew Bible translation

"As an ex-Jehovah's Witness, do not use the New World Translation."

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