Best bible translation on Reddit

408 reviews from r/Bible, r/TrueChristian, r/Christianity and 22 more subreddits

408 reviews from
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New Revised Standard Version

"NRSVUpdated is excellent."
"I just bought NRSVue."
"Anything based on the NRSVue would be good."
"The NRSVue is well recommended."
"The NRSVue is probably the most current and scholarly English translation."
"Most scriptural and theological scholars in the English-speaking world use the New Revised Standard Version."
"My personal favourite is the New Revised Standard Version (Update Edition)."
"I would not recommend NIV. I would recommend NRSV."
"NRSV and New Jerusalem Bible are my favorites since they are based on the older critical texts and are more accurate."


"The best of those. NIV and CSB not quite as accurate, but more readable."
"Great balance of readability and precision"
"Contextually accurate, well researched and reviewed, but offers a simpler text"
"One of the more accurate translations and because it is really readable for me."
"The most accurate translations are objectively the LSB and the ESV."
"1. ESV Study Bible as your primary Bible."
"I love the ESV!"
"I personally prefer translations that interact with the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"The English Standard Version (ESV) has helped me understand well the Bible well and still holds the integrity of the messages."
"ESV, CSB, NIV, or NLT. All of those are good."


"Reflects the most up-to-date scholarship on the text."
"Universally acknowledged as being the best of the translations by committee."
"Which finally got rid of the 'inn' that never existed in Bethlehem!"
"If you want something modern (and trusted by scholars), I recommend the NRSVue."
"Will probably be your best!!"
"NRSV is the best translation available if you’re reading in English"
"NRSV is the gold standard for most accurate translation."
"You may prefer the NRSV-A which contains the Catholic-only books as well as the Protestant canon."
"NRSV is generally a favored translation by many Biblical scholars."
"The NRSV is generally the choice of Biblical scholars, and is considered an extremely accurate and relatively non-biased version."

English Standard Version

"My favorite is ESV as it’s a literal translation."
"I think the ESV is great because it's close to the Greek while also still very readable."
"ESV! I’d get a study Bible."
"The ESV, which is very good and based on the latest research and ancient documents found."
"I also like the NASB and ESV, but I prefer more word-for-word translations."
"I like ESV in general."
"If you're wondering what versions are most common in church circles, it would be ESV, NIV, NASB, KJV, NKJV, and NLT."
"I primarily use the ESV and NLT."
"I’d go with either the ESV or NASB."
"I read the ESV version mostly. Good for study, easy to listen to."

New American Standard Bible

"I prefer the (95) NASB because it's a literal (word for word from original languages) translation."
"Nasb 1995 as it's considered the most accurate."
"I prefer the (95) NASB because it's a literal (word for word from original languages) translation."
"I've heard before that it is one of the most accurate translations."
"NASB it is the most accurate."
"I prefer the NASB because it's a literal (word for word from original languages) translation."
"I like the NASB. It is very accurate."
"I also like the NASB and ESV, but I prefer more word-for-word translations."
"I prefer the New American Standard Bibles."

New International Version

"I love NIV so much is good too"
"This NIV is a good all-around translation."
"The best Bible is the one you read."
"NIV or CSB they’re both easy to read and still very faithful to the original languages."
"What I typically recommend to people who are asking what translation to use is whatever their church uses."
"My first Bible was an NIV, and I recommend it as a balanced blend of word-for-word and thought-for-thought translation practices."
"Personally I use NIV for everyday and check the NKJV when I want a more literal idea."
"I use NIV for casual reading and ESV for studying."
"And I would suggest an NIV - unless you like reading - The Old English text - of the KJV."
"I use NIV for my Bible in a year program because NIV is good at giving a clear picture."

King James Version

"King James is best for beauty of language, and New American Standard is best for clarity."
"But in my humble opinion, good old KJV is unbeatable."
"KJV is the best."
"Yeah, Keep the King James, throw all the other ones out."
"The King James Version."
"We use the King James Version exclusively."
"The King James Version could be a fun choice since it is practically a literary work of art."
"Stick to word for word translations. KJV- NKJV- NASB-ESV-YLT-amplified."
"Get both KJV and an ESV."
"The KJV. It’s got 400+ history of getting English speakers saved."


"It's the most accurate for me, and I've lived it."
"If you're a beginner you might want to use the NIV."
"I recommend the NIV or the NLT, they are easy reading versions."
"I think the NIV is a good choice for people whose first language isn't English."
"I’d suggest looking into translations like the New International Version (NIV) or the Contemporary English Version (CEV)."
"I personally like NIV, it seems pretty simple without all the 'Thou's' and 'Thou art's'."
"ESV, NKJV, CSB, NASB and NIV are all modern translation that are good."
"There's no best translation, it's all preference. I like the NIV."
"I think the NIV would be a great place to start."
"I would recommend. Get more than one: An NIV or KJV And get an NLT or ESV"


"If you want one that’s just easy to read with no 'theological language', the NLT is probably your best choice."
"Because it's a Life Application Study Bible"
"It’s so simple and clear it’s my daily reader."
"NLT is a little easier to read."
"I also like to read from the New Living Translation."
"I use the NLT for casual reading."
"You want an easy reader? NLT (New Living Translation)."
"NLT for readability."
"Try reading the NLT first, and after you feel ready to level up, try reading the NKJV."
"Personally, I prefer the NLT and a good thought for thought translation."


"My favorite is the KJV, it's just the version that I grew up on."
"1611 KJV with apocrypha is the best overall."
"I use KJV and then if I want a different translation, I’ll follow up with NASB."
"If you want punch in English, you go KJV."
"KJV because it is translated from Masoretic and Textus Receptus."
"Personally I like the KJV and NASB."
"It's best if you stick with the kjv because it is translated from reliable source texts."
"I prefer the KJV and the ESV, in no particular order."
"I switch between KJV and NIV."
"The KJV is always preferred."


"My main version I use is the NJKV as that was the first Bible I had."
"Personally I like the NKJV."
"I use the NKJV because it is based on the Received Text with other manuscripts considered."
"NKJV and NLT are my personal faves."
"My personal favorite is the nkjv."
"NKJV here."
"I recommend NKJV"
"It's the one I read as a child and understood."
"If there's a bit of trouble with it I highly recommend NKJV"

The Message

"I would suggest a few options. The message, or the amplified Bible, or the CEB."
"The Message gets a lot of hate but I’ve gotten a lot out of reading it side by side with ESV."
"The Message - Jesus' words were more like everyday speech."
"The Message is pretty good, doesn't have any nasty 'clobber passages' in it."
"For the yearly read through I’m currently doing I chose the message."
"I find Eugene Peterson’s The Message really helpful."
"The Message is the most widely read bible by teenagers."
"I like the Message translation"
"I like the Message translation"
"The Message to annoy everyone else."

New Living Translation

"I think based on everything I've been told so far, the NLT is the correct choice for me!"
"The best one I’ve found to read out loud is the NLT."
"I can easily read it and understand everything it says."
"NLT is easy to read."
"I like the NLT for casual daily reading because it is easy to understand."
"I am reading NLT currently and I like it."
"NLT for reading CSB and ESV for studying."
"If you're looking for something easy to read, I enjoy the New Living Translation (NLT)."


"I think NASB is good too."
"If you're looking for the best word-for-word translation NASB is good."
"Other scholars prefer the NASB because it's highly accurate."
"I enjoy the NASB and NKJV."
"NASB 2020."
"I prefer the NASB because it's a literal (word for word from original languages) translation."
"Sure, there are literal versions of the bible that use the 'critical' text, such as the NASB and RSV."
"My parents got me the NASB when I was 11 and I've had it ever since."

New King James Version

"I usually read from the NKJV. It's one of the more literal translations and is easy to follow."
"NKJV is fine. If you're still finding it tough, you might try CSB or NLT."
"I've seen people recommend NKJV or NIV as the most accurate translations overall."
"NKJV is the solution to that."
"I really enjoy the NKJV: the translation of the lords prayer sold me."
"I like the NKJV. It retains the poetic sound of the KJV but with updated English."
"I highly prefer either the NKJV or the NIV."
"NKJ usually, however 'The Message' is often used."

Young's Literal Translation

"Young Literal Translation is very good and literal."
"Literal translations give you a totally different view of the scriptures."
"Young's Literal Translation or The Holy Bible in Modern English by Ferrar Fenton."
"Young's Literal Translation is a good one, if a bit hard to read."
"You might try Young's Literal Translation. Though it's not annotated, Biblegateway describes it as: an extremely literal translation."
"Young's Literal Translation. Not the easiest to read but definitely useful."


"I would go either CSB or NIV"
"I like the CSB, ESV and NASB."
"I am using the CSB for the first time this year for my Bible reading plan, and man I love it so far."
"I found it to be the best all-round."
"I’m using a CSB study Bible and it’s good."
"CSB. The accuracy of the ESV with the emotion and umph of the KJV."
"IMO NLT is easiest to understand out of the rest."

Common English Bible

"I would recommend the Common English Bible here."
"I normally use NRSV with high school and CEB with middle school."
"The Common English Bible CEB is really good as is the New Living Translation NLT."
"I'd recommend the Common English Bible with the Apocrypha."
"I've read bits and pieces of the Common English Bible. Not sure how it does with the clobber verses, but the language style is very readable."
"The Common English Bible is pretty decent, and very readable."

Orthodox Study Bible

"The Orthodox Study Bible, of course."
"Orthodox Study Bible is probably best."
"I found this pdf and this amazon link as well."
"The Orthodox Study Bible is fine."
"I like the Orthodox Study Bible edited by Nelson."
"For better reference I got myself the Orthodox Study Bible."


"Douay-Rhimes is the best English translation."
"I read the Douay-Rheims only."
"If you like the older English style you may like the Douay-Rheims translation."
"Douay Rheims is the better KJV, it came out 2 years before."
"I like Douay-Rheims for formal equivalence."

Christian Standard Bible

"What do y’all think of CSB?"
"I do my daily reading in the CSB."
"I second the suggestion for csb or NIV."
"The CSB is good."
"For a newbie I'd recommend either CSB or NLT."

David Bentley Hart

"David Bentley Hart's is the only one I can fully recommend."
"David Bentley Hart's translation of the New Testament is available and I'd recommend it."
"David Bentley Hart has a translation of the New Testament."
"For studying purposes I recommend David Bently Hart's translation of the NT."
"David Bentley Hart did a translation of the New Testament that aimed to preserve *how* the Greek reads in English."

Good News Translation

"It is also an approved translation of the Bible by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops."
"It’s translated with words that the writers would have used TODAY."
"It is as good a simple, readable translation as there is."
"Good News Translation because God directed me to it after speaking "Good News"."

Revised Standard Version

"It is the translation of choice of many apologists and biblical scholars."
"Thomas Hopko's recommendation was RSV."
"Fr. Thomas Hopko recommended RSV a lot but make sure it’s RSV and not NRSV."
"RSV-2CE seems to be the pretty standard translation among Catholic circles on Reddit."

New Living Translation Life Application Study Bible

"The NLT Life Application Study Bible was a tremendous help for me."
"The NLT life application study Bible is very good."
"I read the ESV and the NLT life application study bible."

New World Translation

"Absolutely not going to find a better one than the New World Translation."
"I have found the NWT to be the most accurate."
"I like the NWT, for several reasons."
"You should avoid the JW “New World Translation” like the plague."

Contemporary English Version

"I would highly recommend: The Contemporary English Version (CEV) Bible."
"I started using the CEV, Contemporary English Version. It read like a story book."
"My favorite translation is CEV due to its ease of understanding."

Jerusalem Bible

"I really like the Jerusalem Bible, and I highly recommend it."
"The original 1966 Jerusalem Bible."
"Jerusalem bible"

Bible Gateway

"I love because it keeps them all right there for you."
"Which ever one you can read without a need for interpretation. below is a like to bible gateway."
"Over 150 translations are available here for ease of comparison."

Good News Bible

"A nice translation."
"The easiest translation for a first time Bible reader is going to be something like the GNB or the NLT."
"I also like the Good News translation and the Amplified Bible"


"I also like to read from the Amplified (both the Classic and updated version)."
"I'm quite liking it because of the context it adds."
"I use amplified to study and NLT for my spirit to vibrate."

Bible Hub

"Bible hub is good because there are lots of versions (exept the best the NWT Lol 🤣)and lots of cross ref ."
"Bible hub is a pretty good app, it has many translations."
"For study I prefer a multi-translation source that also has the original text. Personally that is biblehub."

Holman Christian Standard Bible

"If I had to take one with me to a desert island it would be the HCSB or the NET."
"I know some bible profs who really like HCSB."
"I know some bible profs who really like HCSB."


"The one that helps you understand scripture the most is the best translation."
"The best translation is the one you can understand."
"I wouldn’t recommend a translation that tr."

New Oxford Annotated Bible

"I also recommend the New Oxford Annotated, as others have sugges"
"The New Oxford Annotated Bible with Apocrypha is a huge undertaking."


"I'm particular to the Knox version."
"I've heard a lot of recs for the Knox translation."

Magandang Balita Biblia

"Seconding Magandang Balita Biblia."
"*Magandang Balita Bibliya* is the most common filipino translated Bible I know of."


"I highly recommend using a parallel Bible."
"YouVersion is an app that has pretty much every common translation of the Bible."

New English Bible

"I’d suggest the New English Bible (*not* the same as the NEV), which is both lovely to read and an accurate translation."
"I’d suggest the New English Bible (*not* the same as the NEV), which is both lovely to read and an accurate translation."

NASB 1995

"The NASB 1995 is great!"
"I like the nasb 1995 version"

The Inclusive Bible

"The inclusive Bible might be what you're looking for."
"I'd recommend The Inclusive Bible if you're looking for something to read rather than study."


"Maybe the RSVCE?"
"I would do the RSVCE."

New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition

"NRSVUE is the most up to date afaiu."

Knox Bible

"Choice #1 is always Douay Rheims Chandler. If that is too difficult, try the Knox Bible or the RSVCE."
"The Knox Bible is similar to Douay Rheims, except it's in a slightly modern translation."

Concordant Literal Version

"I enjoy the concordant literal version -"
"I enjoy the concordant literal version -"

Passion Translation

"I also like to read from the Passion translation."
"Passion translation."

Stepping Stones International

"Understanding which translations are useful for what - and explaining the different categories of translations"
"You will likely want to look for a thought for thought translation, maybe it will help you choosing one"


"I think BasisBibel is a good call. I just had a look at it and it seems quite contemporary."
"Another one I found is called "BasisBibel", that is labeled as a bible for young people."


"Are great."
"I use a [RSV]( translation as well."

Literal Standard Version

"There's a few I use: LSV, LIT, AFV, YLT"
"Have you checked on Amazon for the Literal Standard version?"

Word on Fire Bible

"It's truly amazing."

Reina Valera

"Reina Valera 1960 (RVR) is the most widely used and respected Bible translation in Spanish."

The Word on the Street

"The Word on the Street, because it's positively hilarious."

New English Translation

"It's free. It's full of translation notes."

New English Translation Bible

"The NET Bible is a new translation published in 2001."

Jewish Publication Society Tanakh

"For the Old Testament I highly recommend the Torah translation made by the Jewish Publication Society."

Ferrar Fenton

"Ferrar Fenton."

"An easy way to explore for yourself is ''."

Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible

"I think the Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible is helpful for a newcomer"


"AMPC is very underrated, it has brackets that explains what something meant."


"The easiest read is the New International Reader's Version (NIRV)."


"For NT look into 'EOB: The Eastern Greek Orthodox New Testament'."

Aionian Bible

"I plan on getting the Aionian Bible one day."


"The Confraternity update to the D-R is good."

The Passion Translation

"Oh and the PASSION."

RSV Catholic Edition

"For study and daily reading purposes, you probably can't go wrong with the RSV Catholic Edition."

New Jerusalem Bible

"I use the RSVCE, the New Jerusalem, and--online--the Douay Rheims."


"I was raised on CEV (Contemporary English Version) The English is pretty easy to read."

Extreme Teen Bible

"Try 'The Extreme Teen Bible.' It is easy to understand and contains discussions about issues relevant to teens."

New American Bible

"New American Bible."

New Catholic Bible

"I really like the new catholic bible."

The Catholic Study Bible

"For a Bible with commentary I recommend *The Catholic Study Bible* edited by Donald Senior."

US Catholic Catechism for Adults

"I'd recommend the US Catholic Catechism for Adults as more accessible."

Oxford Annotated New Revised Standard Version

"I recommend it but it's not an evangelical translation like NIV."

New International Version Study Bible

"I prefer the NIV Study Bible."

American Standard Version

"ASV, NKJV are both solid picks."

Gute Nachricht Bibel

"It was a good modern version."

Hoffnung für Alle

""Hoffnung für Alle" seems to be a pretty good candidate since it describes itself as being suitable for children."

Blue Letter Bible

"Always use an interlinear translation, e.g. Blue Letter Bible."


"I use this a lot when I want to study the original greek."

Ethiopian version

"Apparently the Ethiopian version is the one to get."

James Tabor

"James Tabor made an extremely literal translation."

Eastern Orthodox Bible

"The Orthodox would recommend the following, taken side-by-side if you are able: Eastern Orthodox Bible (EOB) - This is the only translation of the Bible that is made entirely within an Orthodox context."


"Just choose one that says "Einheitsübersetzung"."

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