"Russell’s Reserve 10 is 40$. And in my opinion the best for the money"
··"Russell’s Reserve Single Barrel"
Buffalo Trace, Sazerac Rye, 1792 FP/BIB, Bowman SmB, James E Pepper BP, Russell's Reserve 10, Wild Turkey Rare Breed, Four Roses SiB, Woodford Reserve Double Oaked, Old Forester 1910/1920, Heaven Hill 7, Henry McKenna 10, Elijah Craig BP, Jack Daniel's SBBP Bourbon/Rye, Michter's US1 Bourbon SmB, Michter's US1 American Whiskey, Old Grand Dad 114, Wild Turkey 101, Green River FP, Bardsto"
·"My recommendation for other bourbons in the similar price range are Bakers 7, McKenna SiB, Russell's SiB, Kentucky Spirit (CN-E or CN-F), Still Austin CS, New Riff SiB CS and Peerless SmB"
·"Under $50, Russell's Reserve 10, Four Roses Single Barrel."
·"Russells Reserve 10 is a good place to start."
·"WT Rare Breed, HH BiB, Bardstown BiB, Russel’s Single Barrel Larceny Barrel Proof"
·"I prefer the single barrel to the 10."
·"Russells 10 is no slouch and you would enjoy it."