"If you can find an Old Town Discovery 174, that would work great for you."
·"I love my old town Penobscot 164."
·"Old Town Tripper or Campers are both good canoes for canoes camping."
·"Have you considered boats like the Old Town Tripper? It's a royalex boat that was 17'2" long."
·"I own a Royalex camper and my brother a Royalex Penobscot and I’ve gotta say the camper is much more stable."
·"If you can find an old town tripper, they are fantastic tripping boat especially for moving water!"
·"My buddies and I all use Old Town Guide 147 boats with Hala Butterknife paddles."
·"The OT Penobscot is a great boat for what you’re describing."
·"They are heavy, but are among the sturdiest canoes you can find anywhere."
·"They are heavy, but are among the sturdiest canoes you can find anywhere."