"Tete de moine rosettes! Trader Joe’s has them now!"
·"Trader Joes blue cheese crumbles are so good I have to stop myself from eating the whole container in one sitting!"
·"Carmelized onion cheddar PLSSSS."
·"Monterey Jack and sharp cheddar then add a half a block shredded caramelized onion cheddar from TJ’s."
·"Unexpected cheddar and fontina! Then something super melty like a sharp American."
·"I like the unexpected cheddar mixed with something like gruyere."
·"I second the recommendation for Trader Joe’s. Tons of interesting cheeses and the portions are not too big so you can get multiple types."
·"Don't discount Trader Joe's."
·"Trader Joe’s has good cheese for decent prices."
·"Trader Joe's carries/carried goat milk cheddar, although I don't know if they still have it."