"Arm and Hammer. Scent free- look for absence of the word Fragrance."
·"I like Arm and Hammer free and clear and include Lysol laundry sanitizer."
·"Arm and Hammer Free and Clear for sensitive skin."
·"This is fragrance free, essential oil free, and no methychloroisothiazolinone / methylisothiazolinone."
·"Omg I will buy some from you! We use these because I break out with other detergent."
·"I have been using these for about a year, and they work really well and take up little space."
·"You just saved yourself $168. Awesome! Great product!"
·"Very nice! We found a gallon of arm and hammer detergent Monday in the Aldi dumpster and I was EXCITED!"
·"I Second Arm & Hammer Free and Clear."
·"I use a little Oxiclean in all my laundry, with arm and hammer detergent."