"If your budget is up to about $70 the Astro-Tech Paradigm or Agena Starguder Dual ED (they're the same) are phenomenal."
·"The astrotech 82 degree 28 is fantastic. Like looking through a portal into space."
·"This is a good one: Astro-Tech 28mm UWA 82° 2" Eyepiece."
·"The go-to choices for premium low power eyepieces for dobs are the 28mm 82° UWA... and the 30mm 70° Ultra Flat Field... both excellent quality."
·"The XWAs are fantastic. I have the 20mm and its my favorite eyepiece."
·"The 82° UWAs are awesome bang for buck options."
·"Which are a great value for $99."
·"The best ~$200 eyepiece around that focal length is the 82° 28mm Astro-Tech."
·"The Astro-Tech UWA's 82deg, are also very good, especially for their price."
·"Astrotech PF series, $55 and 60 degree view."