Best fantasy novels on Reddit

294 reviews from r/Fantasy, r/suggestmeabook, r/booksuggestions and 5 more subreddits

294 reviews from
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Brandon Sanderson

"Vin is a great character and it has a nice romance subplot."
"I'd try some Brandon Sanderson."
"Have you tried the Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson?"
"If you're enjoying that you could also branch out to mistborn."
"Stormlight Archives or Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson."
"Mistborn or Stormlight Archive. Those book sagas are amazing in my opinion."
"Stormlight archive is not finished yet but there are four books."
"Specifically The Stoplight Archives."
"Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson."

Ursula K. Le Guin

"The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula LEguin."
"The Earthsea series by Ursula K. Le Guin."
"Is a series of short, easy to follow but fantastically written fantasy series in my opinion."
"The Earthsea books or the Annals of the Western Shore trilogy or the Dispossessed by Ursula Le Guin"
"The Left Hand of Darkness, by Ursula K Le Guin, is fairly akin to a fantasy novel."
"Anything by Ursula LeGuin. The {{earthsea quartet}} especially."
"It reminded me of when I read Beowulf in college and I finished it in a weekend."
"It's a lovely shorter fantasy book from the 60s, aimed at teens but i think it's a nice read for anyone."
"The wizard of earthsea by Ursula k le Guin series."
"It really is a unique and beautiful underrated masterpiece of a series that needs the extra attention."

Naomi Novik

"I liked the Scholomance trilogy and Spinning Silver a lot."
"I liked the Scholomance trilogy and Spinning Silver a lot."
"Folklore-based fantasy with a whimsical side and a strong FMC is my jam."
"Folklore-based fantasy with a whimsical side and a strong FMC is my jam."
"Scholomance trilogy by Naomi Novik is set in a world where monsters are drawn to young magic users."
"Uprooted and Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik."
"Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik."
"Noami Novik's Uprooted is one of the better YA fantasies I've read."
"Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik."

Patrick Rothfuss

"Two of my favorites."
"The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss."
"The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss."
"The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss."
"If he likes Stormlight Archive, he will probably enjoy The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss as well."
"The kingkiller chronicles, the storyline will make you weep and gasp and want more more more."
"Popular opinions: (1) The Hobbit, J.R.R. Tolkien. (2) The Kingkiller Chronicles, Patrick Rothfuss."
"Has some of my favorite magic."
"It is a great book to start your fantasy journey."

Joe Abercrombie

"Two of my favorites."
"If you like Game of Thrones, you’ll love First Law."
"If you want a series that’s similar to a song of ice and fire try Paul Kearney’s Monarchies of god."
"I would recommend the first law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie."
"Me and my GF just read through Joe Abercrombies work from start to finish."
"Joe Abercrombie's *First Law* books are great."
"Red Country by Joe Abercrombie it's pretty much exactly what you're asking for."
"Red Country by Joe Abercrombie it's pretty much exactly what you're asking for."
"Look up Joe Abercrombie. Start with "The Blade Itself"."

Sarah J. Maas

"Definitely check out anything by sarah J maas..she is awesome with plot twists."
"Throne Of Glass by Sarah J Mass."
"{{A Court of Thorns and Roses}} series by Sarah J Maas is a really good fantasy series."
"All are super fantasy and have what you are looking for!"
"All are super fantasy and have what you are looking for!"
"Throne of Glass."
"I did a Young Adult fantasy book display featuring: *Throne of Glass* by Sarah J. Maas."
"Throne of Glass by Sara J. Maas."

Ilona Andrews

"Amazing! The story and concept are original."
"Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews is a must read in my opinion."
"Ilona Andrews Innkeeper Chronicles."
"The Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews is fantastic."
"Takes the cake for me."
"Maybe try the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews."
"Or Inn Keeper series by Ilona Andrew's."
"Maybe try the Kate Daniels series by Ilona Andrews."

N.K. Jemisin

"The Traitor Baru Cormorant is one of the best written fantasy novels."
"The Fifth Season by N. K. Jemisin."
"Check out The Broken Earth trilogy by N. K. Jemisin."
"I haven't been reading a lot of medieval fantasy recently, but have a few ideas that might resonate."
"The Broken Earth Trilogy - Set in a pre/post-apocalyptic world."
"Nk jemsin the fifth season."

Susanna Clarke

"Piranesi and The Spear Cuts Through Water also definitely top of list."
"*Piranesi* by Susanna Clarke."
"Check out Piranesi."
"Piranesi by Susanna Clarke has cold, winter isolation vibes."
"A book that stands head and shoulders above many in the genre."
"It's a pretty short read, but it is quite affecting."
"Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell."

Neil Gaiman

"Try the following: {{ Neverwhere }} by Neil Gaiman"
"Stardust by Neil Gaiman! A truly enjoyable read."
"Neverwhere and Ocean at the End of the Lane by Gaiman are favorites of mine."
"{Stardust by Neil Gaiman} another fairy tale like story"

Nicholas Eames

"Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames."
"Have you read Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames?"
"I’d say it’s a pretty easy read. It’s a pretty fun read with bits of humor scattered throughout out, highly recommend!"
"Kings of the Wyld by Nicholas Eames"
"I think Kings of the Wyld and Senlin Ascends would fit."
"Is an easy light hearted read!"

Robert Jordan

"Is def a good pick."
"If you have not already read it."
"The writing has this bustling, sweeping, affectionate, intricate, patient style."
"It has great characters, a great world, and a great plot."
"The epitome of the fantasy genre right now is The Wheel of Time series."
"I would consider Wheel of Time to be pretty YA-friendly."

J.R.R. Tolkien

"Check out lord of the rings and the hobbit by j.r.r. Tolkien"
"For fantasy, The Hobbit."
"Easy to read, introductions to the genre: -The Hobbit - J.R.R. Tolkien."
"There's a book called 'The Hobbit' by J.R.R. Tolkien."
"The Hobbit is a quick read and really good on its own!"
"Is a quick read and really good on its own!"

Garth Nix

"And the sequels by Garth Nix."
"The Old Kingdom books by Garth Nix - starts with *Sabriel*."
"Katherine Kerr's Deverry Cycle"
"(and sequels) by Garth Nix"
"Incredibly unique and easy to mow through."

Robin Hobb

"Realm of the Elderlings by Robin Hobb! First book is Assassin’s Apprentice."
"So here's one vote for *Assassin's Apprentice*."
"Has got nothing but rave reviews from friends and family."
"Starting with farseer trilogy."
"I would also recommend Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings."
"I would also recommend Robin Hobb's Realm of the Elderlings."

Terry Pratchett

"If you're looking for winter fun, Hogfather is a good wintery/holiday read."
"The Wee Free Men (and subsequent Tiffany Aching Books)"
"You might like Discworld."
"I did a Young Adult fantasy book display featuring: *Wee Free Men* by Terry Pratchett."
"Discworld by Terry Pratchett"

Jim Butcher

"Codex Alera, also by Butcher."
"Jim Butcher Codex Alera series,"
"Dresden files might be good."
"The Dresden Files series by Jim Butcher has all the fantasy tropes."
"They are fantasy books but read more like mystery or detective novels."
"Have you looked at Codex Alera from Jim Butcher?"

Scott Lynch

"Just a wonderful book and a fast, fun read."
"The lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch."
"The Lies of Locke Lamora is one of my favorite books of all time."
"The Lies of Locke Lamora is one of my favorite books of all time."
"The Lies of Locke Lamorra would fit the bill very nicely."


"This book got me back into fantasy novels. Loved every bit of it."
"I really, really enjoyed this novel. It was one of the first books in years that to me was an absolute joy to read."
"As you may know Kings of the Wyld won Best Debut Novel here during the recent Stabby Awards."
"I loved that book! It shouldn't be humorous really but it so is."
"The only disapointing part of Kings of the Wyld was that there wasn't more to read after it was over."

T. Kingfisher

"A truly interesting and weird set-up."
"Folklore-based fantasy with a whimsical side and a strong FMC is my jam."
"Swordheart by T. Kingfisher! It's a dude enchanted into a sword getting into shenanigans."
"Swordheart by T Kingfisher was great!"
"Nettle & Bone by T Kingfisher maybe"

Deborah Harkness

"I love the All Souls trilogy by Deborah Harkness, starting with {{A Discovery of Witches}}."
"If you want something truly delightful and fluffy."
"All Souls trilogy by Deborah Harkness."
"A Discovery of Witches might work for you!"

Kate Elliott

"One of the greats that too few people have heard about."
"One of my all time favourites"
"Crown of Stars by Kate Elliott."
"Kate Elliott writes some good stuff. *King's Dragon*, the first in the *Crown of Stars* series, is very good."
"Kate Elliott writes some good stuff."

Lois McMaster Bujold

"Lois McMaster Bujold’s Curse of Chalion and its sequels."
"Curse of Chalion is great."
"Vorkosigan saga"
"There's a reason those books got nominated for Hugo and Nebula awards."

Lloyd Alexander

"A five-volume fantasy series that begins with The Book of Three."
"The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander is a five-volume fantasy series."
"{{The Chronicles of Prydain}} by Lloyd Alexander is a five-volume fantasy series that begins with {{The Book of Three}}."
"{{The Chronicles of Prydain}} by Lloyd Alexander is a five-volume fantasy series."

George R.R. Martin

"A Song of Ice and Fire."
"The core of the books is more about family, war, love, revenge."
"Game of thrones!"
"A song of ice and fire"

Katherine Arden

"Folklore-based fantasy with a whimsical side and a strong FMC is my jam."
"I absolutely loved it."
"The bear and the Nightingale through Katherine Arden."
"The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden."

Guy Gavriel Kay

"Writes a lot of great ‘discussion books’ imo."
"Anything by Guy Gavriel Kay. One of my absolute favourites!"
"Is an incredible standalone fantasy novel."
"Have you read any of Guy Kay's works? The following are all fantasy versions of real historical events."

Peter S. Beagle

"The Last Unicorn by Peter S. Beagle is one of the warmest walks I’ve ever taken."
"{{The Last Unicorn}} by Peter S Beagle."
"{The Last Unicorn by Peter Beagle} lovely stand-alone fantasy story"
"Some novels that I think would work great for a book club."

Philip Pullman

"His dark materials by philip pullman."
"Have you read the new Phillip Pullman trilogy? The Book of Dust one."
"Philip Pullman's *His Dark Materials* trilogy is always my top recommendation."
"If you liked His Dark Materials, a "sequel" came out! It's called The Book of Dust."


"Personal favourites: • Malazan - a mixture of melee and munitions too."
"Malazan. It's about as 'adult' as I've read."
"Malazan is pretty apocalyptic."

China Miéville

"My book club has had a lot of fun talking about."
"Perdido Street Station."
"Try China Mieville. Perdido Street Station and The Scar (read either first, they stand alone)"

Erin Morgenstern

"**The Night Circus** by Erin Morgenstern gives me winter cottage vibes."
"{Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern} a book that’s more about the imagery than the plot."

Michael J. Sullivan

"Riyria Revelations series by Michael J Sullivan."
"They are great books with strong characters."
"Riyria is less dark but also stars adults."

Leigh Bardugo

"Try the {{Six of Crows}} Duology by Leigh Bardugo."
"YA is my jam. These are mostly very recent series that are pretty popular:"
"{{Six of Crows}} has clever world building, is part of a duology, and lots of morally ambiguous characters."

Tamsyn Muir

"Lesbian necromancers in space."
"Is a fantastic read!"
"Very dark and something totally different."

Pierce Brown

"I'm reading red rising right now and I love it"
"I had to recommend a sci fi trilogy called red rising that is so catchy."
"Red Rosing by Pierce Brown: I will admit the first book feels very YA."

Mark Lawrence

"Everything you want is in there."
"Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence was first one to come into my mind."
"You might like Prince of Thorns by Mark Lawrence."

V.E. Schwab

"Fits this pretty well"
"The {{A Darker Shade of Magic}} trilogy by VE Schwab is pretty great too."
"A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab could be a good series for you."

Kings of the Wyld

"I think **Kings of the Wyld** and **Senlin Ascends** would fit."
"I'd say maybe **Kings of the Wyld**, **The Dresden Files**, **The Iron Druid Chronicles**, or **Pax Arcana** for some lighter reading."
"Kings of the Wyld."

Katherine Addison

"The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison - besides the characters being Goblins... this is a very good political intrigue/character study type story."
"A good novel that has been called 'cozy', 'warm', and 'understated'."
"Possibly The Goblin Emperor, especially if you loved Curse of Chalion."

Fonda Lee

"You won’t regret it!"
"Recently completed urban fantasy trilogy."

R.F. Kuang

"Dark fantasy based on Chinese history/mythology."
"The Poppy War R. F. Kuang!"

Scott Hawkins

"Is one of those stories that isn't like anything else."
"Stunning world building and legit good prose."

Christopher Buehlman

"Is what you want here."
"It’s set around the plague and has a pretty dark tone."


"Amazing series."
"Nothing more bingeable than Cradle."

Stephen King

"When I got into fantasy books about 5-years ago some of the first books that I read were Stephen King - The Dark Tower."

Raymond E. Feist

"Most classic epics (Belgariad, Shannara, Riftwar, Earthsea) would work!"

Tamora Pierce

"Everything by Tamora Pierce."
"Definitely jump on anything by Tamora Pierce."

Maggie Stiefvater

"YA is my jam. These are mostly very recent series that are pretty popular:"
"Also, more contemporary amazing authors: Maggie Stiefvater, Patrick Ness, Will Hill, Tom Pollock, China Miéville (Railsea, UnLunDun), Frances Hardinge..."

Diana Wynne Jones

"Anything by Diana Wynne Jones, best to start with *Howl's Moving Castle*."
"Howl’s moving Castle."

Charlie Jane Anders

"All of the Birds inside the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders."
"Charlie Jane Anders' All the Birds in the Sky as well."

John Flanagan

"The Flanagan Rangers Apprentice Series is wildly popular as well as anything by Rick Riordan."
"Katherine Kerr's Deverry Cycle"

Neal Schusterman

"YA is my jam. These are mostly very recent series that are pretty popular:"
"Kristin Cashore’s Graceling Series is amazing and anything by Neal Schusterman is a must buy."

Katherine Kerr

"Katherine Kerr’s Deverry series is basically about a couple of romances that play out over many reincarnations."
"Katherine Kerr's Deverry Cycle"

Terry Brooks

"Shannara series by Terry Brooks."
"Most classic epics (Belgariad, Shannara, Riftwar, Earthsea) would work!"

Derek Landy

"Oh god it’s got to be Skulduggery Pleasant if you’re looking for humour."
"On a much darker note, Skulduggery Pleasant."

Clive Barker

"{{ The Thief of Always }} by Clive Barker - A fantasy book written with some"
"I loved the Thief of Always by Clive Barker."

Laini Taylor

"It's got angels, monsters, and the beautiful city of Prague."
"Laini Taylor's *Daughter of Smoke and Bone* trilogy was great as well."

Rachel Hartman

"Seraphina by Rachel Hartman- my absolute favorite dragon book of all time."
"I did a Young Adult fantasy book display featuring: *Seraphina*."

Jo Walton

"Amongst Others through Jo Walton."

Joe Abercrombie - The First Law

"I second the recommendation for "The First Law""
"The First Law - Joe Abercrombie"

TJ Klune

"The House in the Cerulean Sea is a super cute found family fantasy book."
"The House in the Cerulean Sea"

Robert Jackson Bennett

"Is up there."

Will Wight

"The series is full of great fights and interesting magic paths."

Victoria Aveyard

"YA is my jam. These are mostly very recent series that are pretty popular:"
"Red Queen series is a really good one"

Martha Wells

"I highly recommend reading the books of the Raksura, starting with {The Cloud Roads by Martha Wells"
"Martha Wells - The Cloud Roads series."

David Eddings

"Most classic epics (Belgariad, Shannara, Riftwar, Earthsea) would work!"
"Is a high fantasy, fun read."

Orson Scott Card

"All are super fantasy and have what you are looking for!"
"It's quite different from {{Ender's Game}}, also rad."

Paul Kearney

"If You want a series that’s similar to a song of ice and fire try Paul Kearney’s Monarchies of god."
"Try Paul Kearney’s Monarchies of god its a five book series."

S.A. Chakraborty

"{{City of Brass by S. A. Chakraborty}} (and presumably the sequels but I haven't read them yet); likewise for {{The Bear and the Nightingale by Katherine Arden}}."

Glen Cook

"Go for The Chronicles of the Black Company by Glen Cook."
"The Black Company has tons of awesome magic and wizards."

Gotrek and Felix

"The Gotrek and Felix books are good fun."
"The Gotrek and Felix series does offer 'epic battles by outnumbered heroes standing alone against evil villains'."

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