Best film stock on Reddit

246 reviews from r/AnalogCommunity, r/analog, r/filmphotography and 8 more subreddits

246 reviews from
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"Ektar for negative, Velvia for Slide."
"Ektar or Velvia"
"Ektar and Velvia."
"Ektar 100, and it's not even close to the two you mention."
"Portra 400 and convert to B&W in post if the subjects decide they want some photos in B&W."
"Portra 400 is great for weddings."
"I’d go with Portra 800, as it doesn’t need filters."
"Portra 800 for color."
"Color: Portra 400, Ilfocolor 400."
"Ektar and Vision 3 250D."


"Sounds like I need some velvia 50 ☺️"
"Velvia 50"
"The King…the Elvis of color…RVP50…"
"Provia is my fave."
"Fuji stocks are well known for rendering green beautifully."
"Velvia 50."
"If you are going 120, Fuji 400H Should produce some awesome skin tones."
"Fuji C200"
"Fujicolor 400 (35mm) but if not Kodak pro100 (35mm)"
"Provia 100F or Cinestill 800T"

Kodak Ektar

"Ektar is the best color negative film when shot during morning/evening golden hours"
"Ektar, Ektachrome, Provia for good saturation and fine grain."
"Ektar — in the winter everything is gray."
"I use ektar and pro400h."
"Kodak Ektar was my "go-to" but since I plan to stop shooting color negative film, probably Velvia 50 going forward."
"Ektar (120)"
"120: Ektar. 135: Proimage 100"
"Portra or Ektar"
"I would recommend Ektar due to its unique color vibrancy, sharpness, latitude, and ease to work with."
"I use Kodak Ektar when I need color landscapes."


"HP5+ for B&W."
"Tri-x 400 for b&w."
"Tri-X in 120 It's grain is pleasing."
"Gotta be HP5 for me."
"Tri-X Pretty infallible anywhere between ISO 12 and 3200."
"I’ve always really loved the timeless look of Tri-X."
"I love Ilford HP5, pushed to 800 or even 1600"
"Hp5 for everything."
"For b&w HP5 is a good choice."
"I like HP5, Fuji superia 400, Kodak gold."

Kodak Portra 800

"Portra 800 or Cinestill 800T"
"That’s what Portra 800 excels at."
"For color I guess you could go for Portra 800."
"Portra 800 will be really good."
"The Portra 800 will do great in the lower lit areas of the aquarium."
"Portra 800 pushed one stop shot wide open."

Kodak Ektar 100

"I'd go with Ektar 100."
"For beach shots I love Ektar 100."
"I would go with Ektar 100. It's less expensive and the extra color and contrast IMO will look great for night scenes."
"Where I live Ektar 100 is quite cheaper than any speed of Portra , and I adore it."


"Ektachrome + Tiffen 812 is my favorite combo, I think the colors look fantastic with this filter."
"Ektachrome, best color film ever made."
"Ektachrome takes the cake."
"Ektachrome or Provia."

Ilford HP5

"Ilford HP5, its so contrasty with coarser grain."
"I was recommended to use Ilford HP-5 for everything, as it's an excellent film."
"I've been bulkloading HP5 for the last couple of years."
"HP5 at 800 so I can close down to f8 f11 and do some street."
"Ilford hp5 400 pushed 1 stop"

Portra 400

"Yeah I think Portra 400/800 are your best choices."
"Portra 400 is like the gold standard of films."
"You’ll probably get a better exposure with Portra 400."
"Otherwise Portra 400 or if you’re cheap, Ultramax."
"Probably portra 400 as it is the most neutral."

Cinestill 800T

"Cinestill 800T or Portra 800 @ 1600 and then pushed a stop"
"Cinestill 800t or kodak gold 200"
"I would go with an 800T loaded and a 24exp roll of HP5 to run at 1600 just in case."
"Nobody is going to like or suggest this, but cinestill 800t will look cool af."
"Personally, I dont like Cinestill 800T at all, so for me it's not worth it."
"Not Cinestill800T."
"Legit any film stock EXCEPT Cinestill."

Kodak Portra

"Ektar, Portra"
"Personally I like the way Kodak Portra looks for this."
"Humans? Portra."
"Portra or Ektar"

Fujifilm Superia 400

"Fuji 400 will make your greens look beautiful on a wet day."
"I’d say Superia 400."
"Fujifilm products render neon light beautifully - try Superia 400."
"You'll love superia 400, and make sure to shoot at least one roll of fujifilm slide film, it's worth the price!"


"Cinestill 800. The halation from the ricotta tortellini is incredible"
"For color, cinestill 800T might be cool or potentially push some superia 400."
"Cinestill 800t is the typical choice for that environment."
"Cinestill 800T is a great choice for set photography if you’re shooting under artificial tungsten balanced lights."

Portra 800

"Yeah I think Portra 400/800 are your best choices."
"You don't have a lot of options when it comes to fast color films. Lomo 800 and Portra 800."
"That’s an Irish Wolfhound so you should use portra 800 actually"
"Portra 800 has very poor reciprocity characteristics."
"Portra 800 will be too restrictive midday."

Kodak Gold

"Personally I think Kodak gold matches beach vibes really well."
"Kodak Gold or Ultramax 400."
"I’d suggest adding Kodak gold to the mix."
"Personally im not into the overly golden colors of Kodak Gold."

Kentmere 400

"Kentmere 400 is cheap enough and of good enough quality."
"Kentmere 400 or Fomapan 400. Fast enough for handheld shots indoors."
"For flexibility, Kentmere 400 & Portra 800 would be my choices."
"Got a roll of kentmere 400 to get through."

Kodak Portra 400

"Portra 400 +tripod"
"His go-to is Portra 400 on a 6x17 camera."
"You can't go wrong with Kodak Portra 400 for color."

Fujifilm Provia

"Provia and ektar"
"Personally for color with neon and night, I would go for Provia."
"I think the ideal film for your situation would be Fuji Provia slide film."

Fuji C200

"Fuji C200: it's cheap, locally available with a film speed and latitude that makes it useful in a wide variety of cameras."
"Fuji c200"
"I like Fuji C200 for sunny, snowy days."

Fomapan 200

"Fomapan 200 is my daily driver."
"The best of fomapans."
"Fomapan 200."

Kodak Gold 200

"Kodak gold 200 is nice if you like saturated colours."
"On a stretch kodak gold 200 can make beautiful warm images."
"Ive had a lot of luck with Kodak Gold 200."


"You never go wrong with some HP5."
"Black & White, probably HP5."
"HP5 or TMax pushed to 1600."


"Kentmere 400 and Kodak Gold 200 especially in 120mm."
"Kentemere 400. Reason - cheap."
"Kentmere 400 @ 1600/3200 and pushed accordingly."

Portra 160

"Portra 160 Ektar 100 Pro image 100 Gold 200."
"The Portra 160 is a solid choice."
"Portra 160 or some 100 iso bw film like kentmere pan 100 would be my go to."

Kodak Tri-X

"On my latest trip I brought a bunch of Tri-X and shot it at 3200 with pretty good results."
"Tri X, Fuji 64T, imo Ektachrome looks good even in overcast light."
"Kodak Tri-x, 3 exposures with filters."


"I would suggest one of the portras as they have the best colour rendition."
"I'd say your main two contenders should be Portra or Ektar."
"Consider that portra gives you nice warm tones."

Slide Film

"Any slide film really. They are all better than any negative film."
"I would also go with slides."

Kodak Ektachrome

"1 Ektachrome 1 Ektar 1 Gold"
"If you want bluer tones you could also shoot Ektachrome or Provia."

Mono No Aware

"I second mono"
"Get to know Mono No Aware"

Fujifilm Velvia 50

"The low ISO will help you out a lot in that type of environment."
"Velvia 50 could be lovey for the red rock!"

Kodak Vision3

"If you want a cinematic look, they make kodak vision3 cine films in 120 format."
"Might want to consider color Vision3 and turning it B&W in post."

Ektachrome E100

"Kodak 50D would be great, or if you want to project it and have the money for it Ektachrome E100 would be even better."
"If you like E100, just buy a used Tiffen 812 filter."

Ilford PAN F

"Pan F turned out to be my favorite, but FP4 was more doable with an orange filter."
"Ilford pan-f with Rodinal."

Pro Image 100

"Pro image 100 is my go to, usually like $25 for 5 rolls and i love the colors."
"A cheaper alternative could be pro image 100 which has slightly more muted colours."

Kodak Vision3 250D

"Kodak Vision3 250D. Best color film there is."
"Kodak Vision 250D 5207, 500T 5219, Ilford HP5."

Ilford XP2



"As with most other days Foma 400 but more carefully measured."

Kodak 500T

"Kodak xx and kodak 500t both in 400 rolls."
"Whenever I’m moving around without tripod, it’s generally Kodak 500T."

Ilford HP5 Plus

"Ilford HP5 or any other 400 speed film, chances are the light levels will be low."
"I keep HP5+ and Delta 100 on tap."

Kodak XX

"Kodak XX."
"I'd go with your preferred 400 speed bw. If it were me I'd load Kodak XX."


"Fomapan 200, Fp4+ and Hp5+ cover all bases for me."
"Fomapan is my bread and fomapan is my butter."

Ilford Delta 3200

"Ilford delta 3200 shoot at 800."
"I like Ilford delta 3200 for night shooting in B&W."

Delta 100

"Delta 100 is my bulk film of choice."
"I like delta 100 and 400 but those are just my personal choices."

Fomapan 400

"Kentmere 400 or Fomapan 400. Fast enough for handheld shots indoors."
"Fomapan 400 red filter on :)"


"I love FP4, but really liking Kentmere 400."
"Something black and white with high contrast. I like FP4."

Fujifilm Superia

"I'd still with one of the 400 speed color films like Superia."
"Superia is quite good with greens."


"Any aerocolor rebrand, such as santacolor, washi x or flicfilm elektra"
"I love aerocolor in all its forms, but it seems like natural colors are gonna be important for that kind of shoot."

Kentmere 100

"Kentmere 100 pushed to 400 is fun, cheap, and contrasty!"
"Kentmere 100 is way better than it has a right to be."

Black and White Film

"All BNW pushed 800-3200"
"Black and white 400 speed to 3200"

Velvia 50

"Velvia 50. Get some extra pop in your colors."
"Velvia 50."

Colorplus 200

"Just so you now, never underestimate colorplus 200."
"I’ve shot a ton of colorplus 200."


"Ektar looks gorgeous in the desert."
"Ektar is known for its unnatural and very saturated red colors."


"I strongly recommend to take a B/W film that you like also in that same speed."
"There's just a handful of color films available and infinite number of scenes. Any film can work on any subject."

Reputable Manufacturer

"Most ISO 200 print film would have the best combination of grain, sharpness, contrast, exposure latitude and color these days."

Whimsi Chrome 200

"Gives forest fairies that 'bloomy and possibly doctored image' look"

Kinkade Pan 420

"Kinkade-pan 420"


"Candido 800 is basically the same as Cinestill 800T, just a clone"

Transparency Film

"I would recommend choosing a."

Fujifilm Pro 400H

"If you want a color negative film for deep blues and greens, Fuji Pro400h is a good choice."

Fujifilm Industrial 100

"If you can get hold of Fuji Industrial 100 I would recommend that too."


"It's said to be the most fine grained film. Haven't tried it myself, but only heard good things about it."

Foma Fomapan 200

"I bring Fomapan 200 everywhere I go."

Ilford PAN F 50

"If B&W I love Ilford PANF50 - super fine grain and really beautiful contrast/tonality."

CineStill 400D

"CineStill 400D with your camera set to ISO 1600."


"I am testing rollei 80s right now."

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