"I'd recommend you check out this [~Quality Comfortable Full Face Helmet~], within your price range and personally tried and tested for comfort."
·"Go full face. Went in face first when I was in high school, broken teeth and rashed off my face enough... I ride motorcycles too and I’ve had a few wrecks that I was really glad I was sporting a full face helmet."
·"Do it. Picked up a full face for riding in the months leading up to my wedding, has become standard now every time I ride."
·"Take it from someone who was hit by a car whilst riding to work; if you can get away with riding a full face, do it whenever you can."
·"Noone is going to think you are weird for protecting yourself."
·"I always use it mainly on the downhills, it never hurts, besides it is aesthetically better!"
·"Full face for me every ride. Had too many close calls, even from stationary."
·"Do it all the time; I’m not going to go change into a half shell for a warm up run."
·"When I see someone with a full face, even on green trails, I don’t automatically assume they’re weird."
·"My honest two cents get full face its still cheaper than smashed jaw and broken teeth!"