"I recommend P1S (the one with sides and glass door for $549)"
·"If you can afford it, get him a P1S with AMS (also called "P1S Combo") If not, the P1S by itself is a solid printer."
·"P1S with the AMS (aka the multi-color filament attachment)"
·"First amazing gift thought! I’ve been in the hobby since 2015 and can say without a doubt either would be amazing."
·"Unless you really need the enclosure, i would say just go with the A1 combo, same build size, same speed, slightly cheaper price."
·"If he prints DnD stuff, get an A1 without an AMS (can add one later) and then use the cost savings to get him a cheap/used resin printer."
·"As everyone else is saying, P1S is better but you might also want to consider buying the A1 if you’re tight on budget."
·"If he doesn't care too much about multi colour, the P1-series is definitely the choice."