Best grinder on Reddit

585 reviews from r/espresso, r/pourover, r/JamesHoffmann and 25 more subreddits

585 reviews from
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"Baratza Encore ESP (2023's little darling); DF54 (2024's)."
"Baratza is great."
"Baratza Sette with the aeropress attachment. Consistent grind and dosing right into the aeropress."
"Encore ESP punches way above its weight!"
"Baratza Encore ESP."
"I am very happy with my Baratza ESP."
"Baratza Encore grinder"
"Go buy yourself a Baratza Encore esp and call it a day."
"Fantastic value-for-money as far as I know."
"It's an awesome product, gotta say."


"Thank you all ended up getting the k6 it’s so much better than my old grinder."
"KinGrinder K6."
"Kingrinder k6 is the best you'll get at 100 or lower."
"K4 significantly better as well."
"Kingrinder P2 has served me well."
"Kingrinder P2 has served me well."
"Love my K6"
"Chances are you're better off using a hand grinder like the Kingrinder K6."
"Amazing grinder for the price, been using it for the past week exclusively for the moka as my travel set-up over the holidays."
"I love mine, and while I don’t have the range of experience... I have no complaints on build or ux."


"I’ll second (or 3rd) the 078 assuming you like lighter roast and want flavor separation."
"Easily timemore 078"
"# TIMEMORE Chestnut C2"
"One of the best single dose grinders in the price range."
"Timemore c2 or if you can afford it go for mhw-3Bomber Blade R3"
"At those prices I'd go with the 064s. (I have an 078s and I love it!)."
"Love my Sculptor 064s. Clean work flow, quiet, nice aesthetic, and great grind."
"I have Timemore C2 and it is great for me."
"Timemore 64s."
"Getting a Timemore C2 is the best advice there is."


"I’d recommend the DF54/64 as a grinder, works wonders for espresso."
"Df 54 does French press, moka pot, and espresso for me."
"I just upgraded from the original encore and just ordered a df54."
"I can wholeheartedly recommend the DF54."
"I just ordered the DF54."
"Very silent, pretty and robust."
"DF54. It's great."
"I'm happy with my DF54 so I recommend it if you like single dosing."
"Df54 for best taste, encore esp or mignon silenzio for convenience."
"I recently got a DF54 and couldn't be happier."


"I’ve used the Eureka Specialita with the Aro dial."
"Eureka Mignon Facile"
"My eureka specialita is a tank."
"It's been flawless for years."
"I’m super happy with my specialita."
"Get a Eureka Specialita for the grinder."
"I can’t recommend it enough."
"The Atom 75 is the better choice for convenience."
"Eureka Mignon specialita. I run light roast beans through it without a problem."
"I would go to and get yourself a eureka mignon specialità grinder."


"As for grinders, I would definitely look at the Niche Zero, I have virtually no retention and no static"
"I use the Niche zero for this application. Workflow still can’t be beat."
"If you have the funds, a Niche or similar grinder is probably the best option."
"Niche if you like chocolate."
"It's also the quietest electric grinder I know of."
"You will be happy with it."
"I’m thoroughly happy with this grinder."
"Sounds like Niche Zero should fit your needs perfectly."
"I love my Niche Zero, and it's perfect for your use case."
"If you want conical, go for the niche zero."


"I have a few 1Zpressos that I love."
"I have had 3 of their hand grinders and they have all been great."
"I'd suggest looking at some of the 1zpresso ones."
"Outstanding Filter-performance for under $100."
"I have the JX Pro and love the heck out of it."
"I am a big fan of 1Zpresso. :)"
"I picked up a 1Zpresso Q2 with the Heptagonal burr... It's fantastic."
"+rep for 1zpresso q2."
"I like the 1zpresso JX PRO. I’ve used it for three years now and it still looks new."
"I like my jx pro a lot."


"Just go for the Ode Gen 2."
"I'll toss in another rec for the Ode Gen 2."
"I went with the ode gen 2 and I’m very happy."
"I have an Ode 2 and I'm very happy with it."
"Funnily enough Fellow Ode 2 is a great option"
"Fellow Ode Generation 2. There's no question about it."
"It has practically zero retention - I did add a 3rd party bellows to the top of the hopper - but it gives me very uniform grinds"
"Very impressed with both especially the X-Ultra"
"Just get the Ode gen2 and be done with it."
"Love my Fellow Ode Gen 2 w/ SSP burrs. Clarity is wonderful, consistent grind, and next to no retention."


"I got the DF54 and I’m very happy with the espresso grind from it."
"For 500 can get DF54 and save the rest."
"Absolutely a DF64 with that budget - it's absolutely solid."
"DF54 is very versatile. Watch James Hoffmann's recent budget grinder review. It is pretty much the best value for money on the market right now."
"Df54 is just the best option by a long shot imo right now."
"DF54 would be a good route. Capable filter and espresso grinder with flat burrs which will be upgradable going forward."
"+1 for the DF54"
"Excellent grinder and the 64 is only worth it if you're definitely going to start swapping out the burrs."
"Literally nothing but amazing things to say about DF64e for daily use."
"I have df64 and love it."


"Id look at the K-Ultra manual. its $260, but it's a fantastic grinder."
"Mine is a 1zpresso K Ultra, I am lucky that Santa brought me such a lovely gift!!"
"Is fast (and a great pourover alrounder, the cup will be a lot better then your Hario Slim)"
"A nice factor of the 1Zpresso J-Ultra, beyond its obvious quality and output, is its 8-micron steps."
"The k ultra is damn close to the sculptor and I get some great cups out of it."
"1Zpresso K-Ultra"
"Kingrinder K4 or K6, or 1ZPresso J-Ultra, J-Max, or JX-Pro are all great hand grinders."
"Kingrinder K4 or K6, or 1ZPresso J-Ultra, J-Max, or JX-Pro are all great hand grinders."
"Opposed to manual? 1Zpresso K ultra is great for this."
"1zpresso K Ultra 😉"


"I’m using the Mazzer Philos for that use case and I love it."
"I’m using the Mazzer Philos for that use case and I love it."
"The Mazzer Philos is the best bet if long-term availability of parts matters to you."
"Go for a Mazzer Philos."
"My choice would be Mazzer Philos. But there are lots of other great options."
"Mazzer Philos for single dose."
"Personally, I feel the Philos is a steal at the current price."
"I’m waiting anxiously for the Mazzer Philos with the 200D burrs."
"Mazzer Philos."
"Check on Mazzer Philos or df83v."


"Hi! I use DF64V and I really like it."
"My DF64 blew my mind when I used it for the first time."
"Got a DF64 in that budget. Works super well."
"I would go with the DF64, you will have the option to change out the burrs for SSP burrs."
"DF64 is a great buy."
"For espresso, konti nlng DF64 na."
"DF64 Gen 2 because you can switch to SSP burrs."
"DF64 with SSPHU or DLC burrs."
"DF64 Gen 2. There's so many posts and YouTube videos about this topic."


"Try a hand grinder K6 is a great entry level for pour overs."
"You won't regret getting the K6, it's very popular on the pourover sub."
"I recommend you to look up K6 on AliExpress."
"Easy K6, C2 is good start."
"No matter how cheap you can find the C2, I think the K6 is a better choice."
"For the same price K6 is incomparable difference."
"Best one for pour over of this bunch."
"K6 definitely without question."
"K6 is the best if you don't mind hand grinding."
"It’s a bloody good grinder."

Niche Zero

"A used Niche Zero would be a good purchase."
"Honestly, if you’re brewing medium and dark roasts for espresso, it’s hard to beat the Niche Zero for UX."
"Niche Zero is the best for me but higher end price."
"If you have the space I’d get a used Niche Zero."
"Niche Zero is probably the most popular choice."
"Find it works super and I’m also a huge fan of the tactile switch."
"I just went from a Breville SGP to Niche Zero and really love it."
"I have a niche zero and I love it."
"DF64 or Niche Zero are both great options."
"I love my Niche Zero for traditional full bodied espresso."


"The 1ZPresso J Ultra is an excellent espresso-focused grinder."
"Great results and easy to clean and maintain."
"The well-regarded 1Zpresso J-Ultra reflects its price in its quality."
"1Zpresso j ultra is your best bet for hand grinders."
"1zpresso J ultra."
"I believe it’s the best value for capability."
"J Ultra is great, but you'll probably want to get an electric grinder eventually."
"It can have super fine adjustments and is very consistent."
"A jmax or J ultra will be good."
"The 1Zpresso J-Ultra hand-grinder is quite nice, with grind steps less than half that of the KinGrinders, but at twice the price."


"I was able to get a Comadante C40 for around $200 USD."
"It's more than capable of grinding so fine, that you pretty much choke most machines as it can grind fine enough to produce high quality ibrik coffee."
"Comandante C40 MK4."
"Ditto on the Comandante. I've had mine for 3 years and it hasn't let me down once."
"The commandante has been the best ive tried!"
"Comandante C40 with red clix axle."
"Currently using a friend’s Comandante C40 which is more premium and is excellent"
"If 300 is the max, I’d still look closely at the Comandante C40 MK4 or 1Zpresso K-Ultra."


"I love my Varia VS6."
"The Varia VS6 is excellent in my experience."
"I’m a big fan of my Varia Vs3 grinder."
"Varia VS3 is probably the best under $300."
"In your price range you should check out the Varia VS6."
"Varia vs6 is 850, lots of burr options too."
"Probably the Varia VS3; it swappable burrs, which make it great for experimenting."
"Varia vs3 might be for you."


"Check Fiorenzato AllGround Sense GbW. It's awesome."
"I have admired the Fiorenzato AllGround Sense from afar ;) , and only have read positive comments here about it."
"Fiorenzato All Ground Sense or Eureka Atom 65/75 are both good GBW options."
"The Fiorenzato AllGround Sense, with its grind-to-weight functionality, always has seemed to me as a sweet machine"
"You should add Fiorenzato AllGround Sense to your short list."
"Do take a look at the Fiorenzato AllGround Sense--just over your budget, but looking so very promising."
"Boy, the Fiorenzato AllGround Sense seems like such a nice machine."
"The Fiorenzato AllGround Sense is a beauty."


"Lagom Casa is very good at both filter and espresso."
"Lagom Casa would be my recommendation. I’ve tried built in brevilles grinders, wilfa uniform and a df64 gen 2. The Casa is my favourite so far."
"The Lagom Casa with 48mm burrs are pretty nice!"
"The P64 I would certainly consider."
"Lagom Casa with 65CL burrs is underrated."
"Lagom casa €550."
"Lagom P64."
"I just got a lagom casa for espresso and it's been working well."


"Option-O Casa."
"The standout, for me for espresso, was the Option O Casa."
"I have been making exceptional espresso ever since."
"Have been using option-o lagom mini for a few years now for espresso and occasional filter."
"Also consider the Option-O Casa."
"Slightly cheaper: Option-O Casa."
"Option-O Lagom Mini or maybe the Casa with the smaller burrset."

DF 54

"DF54 is much better and absolutely worth it."
"Use the money on a decent grinder like the df54 or df64."
"DF54! Great for any roast and milk drinks."
"Sd40 or df54 grinder for home use."
"Get the DF54 for the grinder and Gemilai CRM3605 yes the grinder is more expensive but that should always be the case dapat"
"DF54 / 64 and with a little more Niche Zero."
"The df54 will do well."


"Another vote for the Philos."
"I think there is nothing in that range in EU which is better."
"Honestly I love my Philos w/ 189s."
"Spend a bit more and get a Philos, would be my recommendation."
"Get a Philos and don’t look back."
"I think you're not going to go wrong with the Philos, and agree with others about owning a superbly engineered and built machine that will last for life."


"Can do espresso fine no problem and the level of clarity on brighter notes is pretty much unmatched"
"Best flavor for me."
"The Pietro will crush just about everything else out there."
"Pietro with Pro Brewing Burrs hands down for best clarity."
"The pietro with pro brew burrs is top notch."
"I get pretty juicy cups on Pietro with the all purpose burrs."


"LEM is solid."
"I have a LEM and love it."
"LEM, get the 3/4 HP at least. Been using the same one 15 years."
"Get on the LEM email list, they have 25% off sales."
"1/2 hp or more. Pick one that you can attach a mixer to later."
"I recommend LEM."


"Or you can get the Ode Gen 2 + DF64 Gen 2."
"Ode or a hand grinder."
"As others said, get the Ode and don’t look back."
"Ode user here. No complaints."
"Ode Gen 2 if you’re willing to go up about $45."
"Ode will work but its a home grinder, not designed to run continuously."


"I recommend this. I think it travels well and is a cool conversation starter."
"I also recommend the Weber Key II."
"I bought a Weber MK-2 this summer and love it."
"My recommendation has nothing to do with this."


"I would almost certainly go with the Zerno Z1."
"Get a Zerno and never look back."
"The Zerno is more than $500 but much less than $2500."
"Zerno Z1 with burrs that match the profile you're looking for."
"Just go slightly more and get a Zerno Z1."


"Shut your eyes, stump up the extra, and buy a ZP6 (you'll not regret it...)"
"ZP6 for ultimate clarity or K Ultra would be my picks."
"Why not get an electric and a hand grinder? ZP6 + DF83V for example"
"ZP6 is great for high ratio turbos."


"I have a P64 and had a loan Philos."
"I use a P64 and a Zerno Z1 with my Micra."


"Although an espresso grinder, It makes good and flavorful body. It is also very fast as a pour over grinder."
"My favorite is the Kinu for dark and medium roasts."
"I like the Kinu, I think it’s pretty good for both."


"A recent, helpful comparison and discussion here of the KinGrinder manual grinder models, going down to ~US$30."
"Kingrinder, Timemore, 1zpresso etc are all good brands."
"Checkout the KinGrinder."


"I’m extremely satisfied with its performance."
"Mahlkonig x54"
"I've seen some cafes use the Mahlkonig x54 for decaf or single origin."


"Incredible grinders!"
"Been around forever. Cash only,"
"Actually big y is pretty underrated for grinders just sayin"


"I’ve used the Oxo grinder daily for over a year."
"My OXO conical burr grinder is still kicking it after 8 years."
"Found the OXO grinder with integrated scale for a steal."


"I’m happy with my Wilfa Svart."
"Wilfa Svart is pretty good, and James Hoffman recommended it in an older video."
"I believe Wilfa Svart could be one"

Commercial Grinder

"Buy a commercial one(all stainless steel) if you can."
"I’d highly recommend buying a used commercial od grinder."

1Zpresso J-Ultra

"If a hand grinder is a possibility for you, the 1Zpresso J-Ultra is US$200."
"I think I’ll go with the J-ultra!"


"The df83v would be cheaper too than either niche."
"Df83 bar none"


"This is probably the best."
"Have you tried the vitamix but with the dry grinding pitcher?"

Pepper Cannon

"I've had mine for years now and it's totally worth it if you can afford to spend $200 on a pepper grinder."
"Only negative is the price but it really is worth it."

Pasta Fresca & Piadina

"The bread is amazing and the ingredients are fresh and delicious."
"Has some pretty great grinders"

Baratza Encore ESP

"Baratza Encore ESP Is fantastic :) I am so happy with this purchase recently."
"Baratza Encore ESP is good for espresso and is $200."

Franklin Giant Grinder

"Franklin giant grinder franklin ave hartford. annoying bit $$ but so worth it"
"On Franklin Ave in Hartford"


"I would suggest you go even further and consider a K4 - even cheaper than K6."
"I have a k4 and it works very well."

G. M. Thompson & Sons

"It's a store for farm feed & grain with a non assuming deli tucked in the back."
"Huge grinders with quality ingredients."

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