"I’d recommend starting with some simple rabbit ears."
·"Try rabbit ears and loop antenna (~$15)."
·"Most cost effective would likely be cheap rabbit ears and loop antenna."
·"You should be able to get a bunch of channels with just the cheapest set of rabbit ear style antennas."
·"Will just try some rabbit ears since I won't get many stations with a more expensive indoor antenna anyway."
·"As mentioned, the first thing to try is a cheap rabbit ears and loop antenna."
·"I’d go with rabbit ears first."
·"For your TVFool, buy a set of rabbit ears with the VHF rods & UHF loop."
·"Find a basic $10 rabbit ear style antenna from a local store like Walmart."
·"If you mean what's usually the best *indoor* antenna, that would be plain ol' rabbit ear rods+loop antenna."