"For more 'standard' blues, I like Pilot Blue and Pelikan 4001 royal-blue."
·"USE FOUNTAIN PEN INKS! Pilot makes them.. Parker, Diamine, Waterman, Pelikan, etc all make safe inks for fountain pens as well.."
·"I've had success with Pilot/Iroshizuku, Diamine, Sailor, and Birmingham inks."
·"Pilot, Waterman, Rohrer & Klinger, Montblanc are the safest blue inks around."
·"Pilot iroshizuku ink (one of the best ones), costs 15 USD including delivery."
·"Giant bottles of Pilot? A little more expensive upfront but super cheap by volume."
·"Pilot Iroshizuku inks are all fenomenal, wet and performs well."
·"Pilot Iroshizuku (just pick your favorite) flows like an undammed river."
·"I mostly use Pilot Iroshizuku inks, with all nib sizes including bold and stub nibs, with no issues at all."
·"You can get the 350ml Pilot bottles on AliEx."