Best jrpg on Reddit

768 reviews from r/JRPG, r/NintendoSwitch, r/SteamDeck and 14 more subreddits

768 reviews from
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Square Enix

"Dragon Quest 11"
"Final Fantasy 10"
"Octopath Traveler 2"
"Octopath 2 or Xenoblade Chronicles."
"If you don't want old titles, just go with Final Fantasy 7 Remake."
"Easily octopath 2."
"Gorgeous graphics, excellent combat, solid writing."
"Triangle Strategy was my best experience by far."
"Octopath traveler 1& 2, Fire emblem three houses, Triangle strategy."
"Dragon Quest 11 is the definitive jrpg experience."

Dragon Quest XI

"Dq11 these are all awesome games"
"Dragon Quest XI is a great modern JRPG that will instantly remind you of the classics."
"My recommendation for you would be Dragon Quest XI."
"Dragon Quest 11 or Persona 5 royal."
"Dragon Quest 11 is one of the comfiest games you could play imo."
"Dragon Quest 11."
"DQ 11, Octopath Traveler 2, Ni no Kuni 2, DQ 3 remake, Tales of Arise, Yakuza series"
"Dq11 has an almost 5 hour demo."
"Dragon Quest 11, Sea of Stars, Final Fantasy X."
"Dragon Quest 11's ten hour demo is free and AMAZING."

Chrono Trigger

"Go for Final Fantasy 5-10 / 12 , Chrono Trigger/Cross."
"Chrono Trigger or Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King. Both amazing games."
"Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy IV (Pixel Remaster), Sea of Stars, South Park: Stick of Truth."
"Definitely go with something like Chrono Trigger."
"Chrono Trigger, can't go wrong with a classic."
"Chrono Trigger. Might as well start with one of the best games of all time."
"Chrono Trigger is a classic and is highly ranked within the genre."
"Chrono Trigger. Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance. Final Fantasy VI, Child of Light, Bravely Default 2"
"Chrono trigger, as others suggested, is a classic."

Sea of Stars

"Sea of Stars"
"New faces like Sea Of Stars and Chained Echoes however are the perfect length."
"Sea of Stars is great and not too deep."
"Sea of Stars is the perfect entry point for turn based RPGs."
"Sea of Stars!"
"Sea of Stars or Dragon Quest XI are both fantastic on the deck."
"Try Sea of Stars. It’s very similar to Chrono Trigger and it’s also very beginner friendly."
"I just started Sea of Stars, having a blast so far."
"Sea of Stars (dont think its a JRPG, but definitely inspired by them)."
"I really enjoyed throughout this and last year."


"Persona 5"
"Persona 5, DQ 11, and Xenoblade seem to all cover the genre bases."
"This game rocks."
"Check out Metaphor! Persona 5 Royal would also be good."
"I highly recommend the Persona series or their latest game Metaphor: ReFantazio for a truly unique experience."
"P5 Royal is in my opinion the best one."
"I recommend p5r"
"You really can’t go wrong with Persona 5 Royal, it’s one of the best in the genre."
"One can't go wrong with Persona 5 Royal"
"Persona 5 Royal is one of the greatest jrpgs."

Chained Echoes

"If you want to go back in time to that period, but with much better quality of life features, Chained Echoes is what you're looking for."
"Chained Echoes. Thank me later."
"Chained Echoes. It's still the best JRPG I've played in more than 20 years."
"Chained echoes."
"Chained Echoes."
"The best jrpg style game is chained echoes bar none."
"Chained echoes for the old school SNES turn based vibes."
"I also can’t recommend Chained Echoes enough."
"I’ve been thoroughly enjoying Chained Echoes. Great on the deck."
"Chained Echoes "

Persona 5 Royal

"Persona 5r"
"Is a phenomenal JRPG, especially for newcomers!"
"Persona 5 Royal is probably my favorite out of the options you listed."
"I have heard it has had rave reviews and is loved by many rpg and non-rpg fans."
"Persona 5 Royal is probably one of the best JRPG you could ever play."
"Persona 5 Royal is a fantastic turn based JRPG with an amazing story and great cast of characters."
"Otherwise try P5R."
"Either Persona 5 Royal or Yakuza: Like a Dragon."
"Persona 5 Royal."
"Persona 5 Royal. Its a masterpiece."

Yakuza: Like a Dragon

"Yakuza: Like a Dragon (if you care more for traditional JRPG mechanics)"
"Yakuza/Like A Dragon/Judgment Games!"
"Yakuza: like a dragon."
"Yakuza Like a dragon(Yakuza 7) pretty much saved my life when I was at rock bottom and yes I am serious."
"Yakuza like a dragon."
"Take a look at Yakuza: Like a Dragon."
"The two games I'll always recommend are Dragon Quest XI and Yakuza 7: Like a Dragon."
"Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth (same series just rebranded so Japan and the west have the same titles) really good"
"Yakuza: like a dragon, followed by Like a dragon: infinite wealth."
"I really enjoyed it as a “real world” turn based JRPG."

Octopath Traveler

"Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 (pick 2 if you have a limited budget)"
"Octopath traveler. Love that game man."
"Octopath Traveller and Sea of Stars"
"Octopath Traveler is dope af."
"Nothing fills the Octopath Traveler void for me."
"Octopath 1 + 2"
"Octopath games or super Mario rpg."
"Octopath Traveller 1 and 2."
"Octopath Traveler."
"I really loved Octopath, can't really go wrong with your instinct there."

Monolith Soft

"Xenoblade Chronicles"
"Xenoblade Chronicles hands down."
"Xenoblade Chronicles 2."
"Xenoblade Chronicles."
"Xenoblade chronicals is good choice here."
"Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is my favorite JRPG."
"Personally I can recommend Xenoblade Chronicles 1, Octopath Traveler, Paper Mario TTYD, Super Mario RPG, Golden Sun 1+2 on the GBA app, Bug Fables, Dragon Quest Builders 2"
"The Xenoblade Chronicles Series. 3 masterpieces."
"Xenoblade Chronicles...all of them."
"Xenoblade 2 is imo the best."

Octopath Traveler II

"Octopath 2. DQXI. Chained Echoes."
"Based off the games you mention, I’d give Octopath Traveler 2 a try on Steam."
"Octopath Traveler 2 has a bit of this."
"Octopath traveler ll."
"Octopath traveller 2 is unbelievable on deck."
"Octopath Traveler 2 has been my favourite game this year."
"I can highly recommend Octopath Traveller II."
"Octopath traveler 2."
"Octopath Traveler 2. Runs buttery smooth on PS5."
"I think Octopath II is probably the better experience on a handheld between the two."

Tales of Vesperia

"Tales of Vesperia is really good."
"Tales of Vesperia was very fun."
"Tales of vesperia, peak tales."
"My personal favorite was Tales of Vesperia."
"Tales of vesperia is still super good."
"Tales of Vesperia."
"The best tales game in my opinion."
"Tales of Vesperia? I mean I like that game."
"Tales of Vesperia and Trials of Mana might be worth checking out."
"Tales of Vesperia, Tales of Arise."

Final Fantasy X

"Go for Final Fantasy 5-10 / 12 , Chrono Trigger/Cross."
"Classic jrpg most people likely recommends - FFX."
"Final fantasy 10. Has the easiest structure for new jrpg players."
"Final fantasy X."
"FFX is amazing. It has a good amount of cutscenes but the story is absolutely beautiful"
"FFX was my gateway drug and I've been chasing that high ever since."
"If you had to pick a game to give you a good general JRPG experience, Final Fantasy X is a good go-to."
"FFX is great, the combat is fun."
"Final Fantasy 10 is probably the best way to get into a proper turn-based JRPG."
"I usually recommend the Final Fantasy X remaster as a "baby's first JRPG"."

Shin Megami Tensei V

"SMT V is awesome."
"Personally I'd recommend SMT V then smt4 into 3"
"Shin Magami Tensei V vengeance is really good."
"Ok, so number 1, Shin Megami Tensei V."
"Ok, so number 1, Shin Megami Tensei V."
"Shin Megami Tensei V Vengeance"
"SMT5 Vengeance has some of the best turn based combat and character building gameplay of the modern era."
"Vengeance is a no-brainer if you like SMT."
"SMT Vengeance or Rune Factory 4S."
"Shin Megami Tensei V is stand alone, pretty approachable."

Final Fantasy IX

"Final Fantasy lX"
"I also recommend Final Fantasy IX."
"It's the best JRPG ever made and accessible to newcomers."
"Final Fantasy IX is an absolute classic."
"Final Fantasy 9, but beware... anything after that will not scratch the itch."
"Final Fantasy 9 with the Moguri Mod."
"Not sure it gets much better in terms of JRPGs."
"I'm old but Final Fantasy 9 most likely, it's very very good."
"I love final fantasy 9 and persona 4 golden"
"I'd recommend some of the older FFs - IX, X, or XII depending on your taste."

Tales of Arise

"Tales of Arise has a really good story, I really loved it."
"Tales of Arise."
"Tales of Arise & Eiyuden Chronicles: Hundred Heroes are both on the Xbox Game Pass right now."
"Tales of Arise 1000%."
"Tales of Arise is great, Tales of Vesperia and Tales of Beseria too."
"Tales of arise is a great rpg with a really fun combat."
"I think Tales of Arise could be fine."
"Tales of Arise did a decent job at helping me through it."
"Tales of Arise was rather short imo."
"Tales of arise might work for you."

Live A Live

"Live a Live is another one"
"Don't sleep on Live A Live."
"Go for Live A Live."
"Live A Live is my personal favorite of the genre."
"Live-a-Live is a must-play; it's not too long and is incredibly well-done."
"Live A Live is frickin fantastic!"
"Try Live A Live. It's in HD-2D like Octopath Traveler."
"Live A Live"
"Live a live, each chapter is very different and takes place in different time eras."
"I enjoy the stagger system in Rebirth/Remake."

Dragon Quest XI S

"All great JRPGs."
"Dragon Quest 11S"
"Dragon Quest 11 S"
"It is the most essential JRPG on the Switch."
"DQ11s is the best for new comers."
"Dragon Quest XI is the quintessential JRPG experience."
"Dragon Quest 11S is a great choice though it is a long game between 50h to 80h, depending on your style of playing."
"Dragon Quest 11S is the best classical jrpg hands down on the system."
"Dragon quest 11s."

Crystal Project

"If you like exploration etc, there’s Crystal Project."
"My recommendation is Crystal Project which hits all of your criteria"
"Open-world JRPG with turn based combat and the Final Fantasy 5 job system."
"Crystal Project."
"Crystal Project is a criminally underrated JRPG."
"Try Crystal Project!"
"Crystal Project is a kickass open world job system game."
"Crystal Project."
"Crystal Project has everything you're asking for."

Persona 5

"Thanks a lot! I think I‘m going with Persona 5 if it goes on sale."
"I think persona 5 will be the easiest to sink many more hours into."
"Persona 5 and metaphor are great on deck."
"Persona 5. Everything about that game is fun to play, even the menus."
"I'd say Persona 5, it has a great cast, is generally well paced, and has a boppin sound track."
"Persona 5 is one of my all time favorites."
"Easily persona 3 4 or 5"
"In US, physical Persona 5 is on sale for $25 at Target."

Final Fantasy VI

"I would definitely play FF6 first."
"I think everyone should play FF6."
"Otherwise FF 6/7."
"Final fantasy 6"
"Imo one of the best jrpgs ever."
"My recommendations are always _Secret of Mana_ and _Final Fantasy VI_."
"This is the list FF4-6"
"Pixel art: I'd recommend you FF VI, for me it's a masterpiece."

Xenoblade Chronicles

"Xenoblade Chronicles, Unicorn Overlord, any Tales game, Baten Kaitos, Octopath Traveler 1 and 2"
"Xenoblade Chronicles!!!!!!!"
"Xenoblade obviously."
"Xenoblade Chronicles."
"Great story, great soundtrack, real time combat with strategy."
"Xenoblade Chronicles (all 4)"
"Try the Xenoblade chronicles series."
"Xenoblade does feel very 'fantasy that sells itself as sci fi'."

Dragon Quest

"I also like Dragon Quest a lot."
"Dragon Quest."
"Dragon Warrior (now Dragon Quest) is the first game to win me over."
"I'd highly recommend Dragon Quest and any of the Mario RPGs."
"The first dragon quest game. Or Super Mario RPG. Or Chrono Trigger which is on Steam."
"Dragon Quest."
"Dragon Quest, Tales, Ys, and Fire Emblem are the quintessential franchise."
"I can recommend the Dragon Quest series."

Nier: Automata

"Or if you want to dive right into a more modern JRPG - I suggest Nier: Automata."
"Nier Automata is a must play. Simply the best game ever made."
"Nier Automata."
"Nier Automata, my friend."
"Nier: Automata was my first JRPG. I highly recommend it."
"Nier Automata."
"Nier Automata but I don't know if the game port on Switch is good."
"Nier Automata + Nier Replicant"


"Fire Emblem: Three Houses"
"Maybe you should try Fire Emblem Three Houses."
"I'd go with either: Xenoblade Chronicles, Octopath Traveler, Fire Emblem Three Houses."
"It's one of the best games I've played on the Switch and one of my all time favorites."
"I always recommend the Mario RPGs due to its humor and its unique battle mechanics."
"* Super Mario RPG."
"Super Mario RPG is often a good recommendation for people who don’t like RPGs."
"The Mario ones at least should be guaranteed to fit that bill."

Golden Sun

"Widely beloved: Golden Sun, Lunar Silver Star Story."
"I've always held Golden Sun 1 and 2 close to my heart."
"Try mo din yung golden sun."
"I love Golden Sun's djinn and summons system."
"Golden Sun 1+2."
"Golden Sun and Chained Echoes are both great shouts."
"Try the Golden Sun games on GBA."
"Play golden sun on Nintendo switch online!"

Digital Devil Saga

"Since you played a lot of atlus, play Digital devil saga."
"Digital Devil Saga is an outstanding duology."
"Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga."
"Digital Devil Saga 1 and 2."
"For classic games from the PS2 era, maybe try out Shadowhearts or the Digital Devil Saga series."
"Digital devil saga, (Also partial to devil survivor but that series is more like an anthology rather than an actual duology)"
"Digital Devil Saga"
"You can get Digital Devil Saga I & II on the shop."

Persona 4 Golden

"Persona 4 golden or triangle strategy."
"Persona 4 Golden."
"Persona 4 Golden. Outside of Pokemon when I was younger, it was my first JRPG."
"It is one of the few games I know of where I still remember the names of all the characters."
"P4G on the Vita is great, especially with the 720p mod."
"Persona 4 Golden or persona 3 portable."
"Persona 4 Golden or Persona 5 Royal might be good."

Sabotage Studio

"Sea of Stars."
"Sea of Stars is also great."
"Sea of stars."
"Sea of Stars"
"Sea of Stars."
"Sea of stars is a must play…."
"For JRPGs, Skies of Arcadia I guess. Also Sea of Stars."

Trails in the Sky

"Trails in the sky maybe wait for the remake though"
"Trails in the Sky does a great job."
"Trails in the Sky as others have said."
"Trails in the Sky along with the Japanese voice patch"
"I went from JLPT N2 to passing the N1 by playing Trails in the Sky 1-3."
"Trails in the Sky!"
"I really think you should try the Trails in the Sky series."

Final Fantasy VII

"Here are the best I played and will always recommend."
"Final Fantasy VII. Original, not remake."
"Final Fantasy VII is one of the most important games in the history of gaming"
"My top recommendations would be: Final Fantasy IV & Chrono Trigger"
"Best is those classic ps1 jrpgs, play with emulator in PC."
"Final fantasy 7, either the remake or the older remaster."
"Persona 4 Golden and FF7 are my personal favorites but they are also super cliché."

Star Ocean: Second Story R

"Star Ocean 2SR"
"I would absolutely recommend star ocean second story r. Such an amazing game."
"I couldnt recommend Star ocean second story R enough its just too damn good."
"I'd recommend Star Ocean Second Story R for something that will be right in your comfort zone."
"This is one I'd recommend fairly highly"
"Star Ocean 2 remake. They got rid of the random encounter bs."
"Great characters and looks gorgeous on Steamdeck."

Xenoblade series

"Xenoblade series if you liked Xenogears."
"Xenoblade series, hands down."
"Xenoblade, all 3."
"Xenoblade series. Those 4 alone are like 400+ hours of content."
"Xenoblade series are great JRPGs."
"Xenoblade 1 is my fav ever."


"I highly recommend Chained Echoes."
"Chained echoes is a masterpiece,play it."
"Chained Echoes FTW! Masterpiece of a game."
"I would go with Chained Echoes. It's very classic like Chrono Trigger."
"Chained Echoes!"
"Try Chained Echoes.. I was truly impressed"


"Metaphor, Tales of Berseria, Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth, Ys VIII."
"Metaphor and Persona are both great places to start the genre."
"Metaphor would be a close second."
"It's now my favorite JRPG."
"Metaphor and infinite wealth are my top 2 games this year."
"Metaphor is king."

Cosmic Star Heroine

"Cosmic Star Heroine, Chained Echoes."
"Cosmic Star Heroine"
"I always like to reccomend Cosmic Star Heroine."
"Maybe check out Cosmic Star Heroine, or SaGa Frontier Remaster."
"Cosmic Star Heroine"
"Another for Cosmic Star Heroine."
"Cosmic Star Heroine."

Metaphor ReFantazio

"Metaphor ReFantazio."
"Try Metaphor: ReFantazio!"
"For example, Metaphor Refantazio, Persona 5, Trails series, and Yakuza: Like a Dragon are all modern incarnation of turn-based."
"I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this yet: Metaphor Re:Fantazio."
"Bro get the new atlus game metaphorically re fanzero come out in 2 days"
"Metaphor ReFantazio runs really well!"


"Xenoblade, SaGa, Shin Megami Tensei"
"The Xenoblade series definitely, especially 3."
"If you have a switch check out Xenoblade"
"If you have a switch check out Xenoblade."

Radiant Historia

"You should definitely check out Radiant Historia!"
"Radiant Historia (DS/3DS) and Chrono Trigger (Various systems)."
"Radiant Historia"
"DS - can't go past Radiant Historia."
"Radiant Historia is both unique to the 3DS and an absolutely amazing RPG."
"Radiant Historia just came up recently, definitely a game worth playing."

Fuga: Melodies of Steel

"My favorite JRPG and favorite Videogame in general is 'Fuga Melodies of Steel'."
"Fuga melodies of steel"
"Fuga: Melodies of Steel (and naturally its sequel afterwards)."
"Then I be so free to recommend my favorite Videogame: "Fuga Melodies of Steel"."
"Then I be so free and recommend my favorite Videogame: "Fuga Melodies of Steel"."
"Give Fuga: Melodies of Steel a shot."
"I recommend 'Fuga Melodies of Steel'."

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

"Ys 8"
"Ys VIII Lacrimosa of Dana"
"Awesome cast of characters, stranded on a deserted island."
"I enjoyed the crap out of Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana."
"Ys VIII. Grandia I/II."
"Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana."


"The Persona games are great. If you want older, Grandia is on sale."
"I strongly suggest the Grandia series."
"Grandia is one of the best and BoF 3 is ace"
"Grandia 1/2."

Ni no Kuni

"Ni No Kuni (both are great)."
"Ni No Kuni!"
"Ni No Kuni 1 or 2. I like the first one best! Dragon Quest XI. Persona 5."
"Ni no Kuni 1 is the JRPG that saved the PS3"
"Honestly Ni No Kuni I & II are fun and not as deep as some JRPGs timewise."
"Ni No Kuni, Ni No Kuni 2."

Final Fantasy

"I personally recommend the original 7 through 12 to start."
"Final Fantasy (have a gander and pick your posion)"
"Every game included in the Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster is an excellent game."
"Anything Final Fantasy with the exception of Final Fantasy 13."
"Turn-Based RPGs: 1. Fire Emblem Three Houses (switch exclusive) 2. Divinity Original Sin 2"
"Persona, final fantasy, chorno trigger, dragon quest."


"I would highly recommend due to just how much side content you can do in the series."
"Yakuza. Start with 0 and the journey begins."
"Have you tried Yakuza like a dragon and its sequel infinite wealth?"
"I've found Yakuza Like a Dragon to be a pretty easy start."
"Yakuza 7/Like a Dragon."
"Definitely Yakuza series!! Can start from Yakuza 0."

Baten Kaitos

"Baten Kaitos!"
"Baten Kaitos."
"How about the Baton Kaitos games? They have a very interesting battle system."
"Baten kaitos remasters on steam or switch."
"I was gonna nominate Baten Kaitos as well."
"Baten Kaitos."

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

"Fire Emblem Three Houses"
"Fire Emblem Three Houses."
"I loved Fire emblem Three houses as well."
"Highly recommend, although it's a pretty long game."
"Highly recommend Fire Emblem: 3 Houses. The soundtracks are phenomenal."

Chrono Cross

"Higly recommend chrono cross."
"Go for Final Fantasy 5-10 / 12 , Chrono Trigger/Cross."
"Chrono Cross, best jrpg of all time."
"Chrono cross"
"Chrono Cross (but go into without any Chrono Trigger expectations)"

Trails series

"Trails series."
"Trails and tales both good series."
"I have always enjoy the turn base system of the trails games."
"I’ll always recommend the Trails series."
"Trails, and Ys are pretty fun series."

Persona 3 Reload

"Persona 3 Reload that others have referenced"
"Persona 3 Reload"
"Persona 3 Reload"
"I’m currently eyeing up Persona 3 Reload as my first endeavour."
"You've played them already, but Persona 3 Reload and Persona 5 Royal."

Shin Megami Tensei

"Not a single SMT recommendation so far."
"Stuff like Digimon Cyber Sleuth, Fossil Fighters, Monster Crown, Cassette Beasts, Monster Hunter Stories, Shin Megami Tensei, Persona, Monster Rancher, and Yokai Watch."
"Someone already said it but shin megami tensei is great."
"Play Shin Megami Tensei. It's literally Pokémon but with demons."
"Most mainline SMT games. Games like Nocturne use atmosphere instead of excessive dialogue"

Final Fantasy XII

"Go for Final Fantasy 5-10 / 12 , Chrono Trigger/Cross."
"You get the entire game on the cart and it’s open world with no random encounters."
"Final Fantasy 12 is so much better than XV."
"Final Fantasy 12 is an over the shoulder perspective real time with pause style RPG."
"FF12 Gambit system."

Bandai Namco

"Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3, Tales of Symphonia & Vesperia, Dragon Quest XI."
"Tales of Symphonia!"
"I really, really enjoyed it."
"My personal recommendations would be Symphonia or Abyss as a good starting point."
"Definitely Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Vesperia."

Persona 2

"Persona 2 innocent sin and persona 2 eternal punishment"
"Persona 2 Digital Devil Saga"
"Persona 2 IS and EP"
"Persona 2"
"Persona 2, theres no contest"

Nier Automata

"Nier Automata."
"Nier Automata"
"NieR Automata could scratch that itch."

Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door

"It's fun, it's silly, it has Luigi."
"I want to suggest Paper Mario 64 and TTYD based in your liking of Mario RPG."
"Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door is coming later this month!"

Final Fantasy Tactics

"Final Fantasy Tactics is one of the best strategy-RPGs ever made."
"FF tactics"
"Some classics worth a look: Final Fantasy Tactics, Vanguard Bandits, Azure Dreams, Thousand Arms"
"Final fantasy tactics, war of the lions."

13 Sentinels

"13 Sentinels is absolutely fantastic."
"13 Sentinels Aegis Rim"
"13 Sentinels!"

Xenoblade Chronicles 3

"Xenoblade 3"
"Xenoblade Chronicles 3 hands down."
"Xenoblade 3."
"Xenoblade 3, nothing comes close."

Final Fantasy IV

"This is the list FF4-6"
"My top recommendations would be: Final Fantasy IV & Chrono Trigger"
"Final Fantasy 4 is the one I started with."
"I recommend downloading some Romhacks of your favorite Final Fantasy games, the kinds that change the narrative."

Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne

"SMT VV or III Nocturne. Also Omori"
"Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne. Dark Souls, Bloodborne."
"If you want Persona with less dialogue, like a LOT less dialogue, you need to play Shin Megami Tensei."
"If you don't mind difficulty, try out Shin Megami Tensei 3: Nocturne."


"I recommend Persona, Final Fantasy, and Mother, personally"
"You never fo wrong with Persona."
"Such a fun way to make you think in a battle."
"Any persona game!"

Scarlet Nexus

"Scarlet Nexus."
"Scarlet nexus is awesome because you only play as one character, but you can use the powers of other friends to empower your own abilities."
"Legit one of the best sci-fi JRPGs out there."
"Scarlet Nexus might be something to check out."


"I play ys 8, final fantasy X,X-2, tales of vesperia, persona 5 royal, nier automata."
"Ys VIII and Yakuza like a dragon are some of my favourite jrpgs of all time."
"Definitely play Ys VIII."
"Fun ARPG with great story and banger music."

Final Fantasy XVI

"Check out Final Fantasy 16 too."
"Final fantasy xvi."
"FF16, Persona 5, Nier Automata"
"Play not in a particular order: * FF16 * Tales of Arise * Chained Echoes."

Unicorn Overlord

"I recommend unicorn overlord."
"Unicorn Overlord"
"I’d strongly recommend it."
"Unicorn overlord."

Shin Megami Tensei V: Vengeance

"SMT 5 Vengeance or Xenoblade!"
"Smt V Vengeance"
"For $25, now is a REALLY good time to try SMTV Vengeance."
"SMTV Vengeance."

Bravely Default II

"Bravely Default 2"
"Bravely Default 2"
"Going to toss out this one **BRAVELY DEFAULT II**."
"One of my favorites."

Kingdom Hearts

"Grab the collection for >200 hours of fun."
"Can’t recommend them enough."
"If you enjoy real time combat you could try Kingdom Hearts."
"Kingdom Hearts."

Trials of Mana

"Trials of Mana (3D remake) is, IMO, the best you're gonna get."
"Trials of mana runs at 90 fps on steam deck and is easy and great."
"Visions of Mana or Trials of Mana, because it's not as complicated as the other popular jrpgs."
"Trials of Mana is on Steam."

Legend of Dragoon

"My personal favorite is Legend Of Dragoon."
"I really would like a modern JRPG to take Legend of Dragoon's addition system."
"Legend of dragoon."
"Legend of the Dragoon."

Nihon Falcom

"Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana"
"If you want a action jrpg I'd have to recommend YS 8 Lacrimosa of Dana"
"Ys 8 Lacrimosa of Dana is the game you are looking for!"
"Ys Lacrimosa of Dana, and if you like it start from the first one."


"It's one of my favorite JRPGs in recent times."
"If you love rune factory 4, maybe harvestella?"
"Harvestella - don’t let reviews impact your enjoyment."
"Harvestella is excellent."

Dragon Quest III

"Dragon Quest 3"
"Dragon quest 3 remake comes out in 8 days"
"Dragon quest 3"
"The game starts off with you (Hero) creating your party members."

Persona 4

"Easily persona 3 4 or 5"
"Persona 4."
"Persona 4."
"Persona 4."

Star Ocean

"Either Star Ocean remake, Lost Sphere, xenoblade series, smtv."
"The Star Ocean games are also pretty good."
"Star Ocean is a good blend of both Sci fi and fantasy."
"Star Ocean."

Shadows of Adam

"I really enjoyed Shadows of Adam, Rise of the Third Power."
"I really enjoyed Shadows of Adam, Rise of the Third Power, and Cthulu Saves the World."
"Have you looked at Shadows of Adam?"
"Shadows of Adam have all brought me joy."

I Am Setsuna

"I Am Setsuna! Romancing Saga..."
"I am setsuna"
"I am setsuna."
"I found I Am Setsuna super chilled and it's also relatively short."

Tales of Berseria

"I also recommend Tales of Berseria."
"Tales of Bersaria is good."
"Tales of Berseria."
"Tales of Berseria."

Visions of Mana

"I just played visions of mana for a similar reason."
"Visions of Mana"
"I think it hits everything on your list."

Yakuza 0

"Yakuza 0 (if you're evaluating purely on story)"
"Yakuza 0"
"Yakuza 0. Just give it a shot, it’s so fun."

Dark Cloud

"Dark Cloud"
"Dark Cloud 1&2!!!"
"Believe it or not , I put Dark Cloud on this list."


"Xenogears first and foremost (best written story if you can get by the graphics)"
"Highly recommended."

Romancing SaGa 2 Remake

"Romancing SaGa 2 Remake is my personal GOTM."
"Romancing Saga 2 remake."
"Im liking Romancing Saga 2 Remake its really good."

Final Fantasy VII Remake

"I also recommend FF 7 Remake."
"For something more modern, FF7 Remake is a good option."
"FFVII Remake and Rebirth. I love the combat in general."

Star Ocean: Second Story

"Star Ocean second story!"
"Star Ocean 2 remake would be my choice if you are on PC."
"Star Ocean 2."

Super Mario RPG

"Super Mario RPG remake is very relaxing."
"Super Mario RPG or maybe Sea of Stars."
"Mario RPG. Avoid Sea of Stars, game drags like crazy."

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