Best jrpgs on Reddit

937 reviews from r/JRPG, r/SteamDeck, r/Switch and 12 more subreddits

937 reviews from
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Square Enix

"Has a fan translation"
"Chrono trigger"
"Final Fantasy X."
"Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross, you can find them in Steam or use emulators."
"Final fantasy 10 is great if you are new."
"Chrono trigger, persona 3 reload."
"Chrono Trigger."
"FFX for sure!! It was my gateway drug and I've been chasing that high ever since."
"My recommendation would probably be Chrono Trigger."
"Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, and Paper Mario 1 are the way to go."


"One of the best JRPGs"
"Play persona 4 golden. It was my first jrpg too."
"Persona 5 Royal, Dragon Quest XI, Nier Automata."
"Persona 3 Reloaded & Persona 5 Royal."
"Persona 3 Reloaded & Persona 5 Royal."
"Persona 5 Royal, Dragon quest 11S, Octopath 2"
"Persona 5 royal."
"Persona 5."
"Persona 3 Reload, Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 Royal"
"Persona 3 Reload, Persona 4 Golden, Persona 5 Royal"

Chrono Trigger

"Chrono trigger, golden sun 1 and 2, ffv, ffvi."
"Chrono Trigger."
"Chrono Trigger."
"Final Fantasy VI, IX. Chrono Trigger."
"Chrono Trigger."
"Chrono Trigger and Persona 4 are some of my all time faves."
"Chrono Trigger is my ATF game, full stop."
"Chrono Trigger is a must try."
"Chrono Trigger."
"Chrono Trigger / Chrono Cross"

Dragon Quest XI

"Dragon quest xi and iii."
"Dragon Quest 11"
"If you like turn based games then Dragon Quest 11."
"Don’t forget Dragon Quest XI ;)"
"Dragon Quest 11"
"Dragon Quest XI"
"If you really want the oldschool AAA JRPG treatment, play Dragon Quest 11."
"Dragon Quest 11 ahd 8 are two I don't see people throwing around Enough."
"It's a really classic jrpg, Doesn't do anything fancy but it does everything really well."
"Absolutely Dragon Quest XI, for me it’s the closest thing I’ve played to feeling like peak 90s JRPG."

Final Fantasy X

"Final Fantasy X is the best turn based combat system ever."
"I’ll always say FFX is the number 1 game in the series."
"FFX, FFIX, Dark Cloud 2, DQXI."
"Final Fantasy 10"
"Final Fantasy X, Persona 3/4/5."
"FFX is it."
"FFX is amazing ng."
"Is considered a classic."
"It's easily one of the best JRPGs of all time imo."
"Dragon Quest XI, Trails of Zero/Azure and Final Fantasy X are probably the best RPGs on the system."


"It's a triple tie for me: OG Grandia, Suikoden 2, and Xenoblade."
"The whole xenoblade franchise."
"Xenoblade series."
"Xenoblade games are all great and since they're first party Nintendo you won't get them on other platforms."
"Xenoblade 1-3 and Fire Emblem Three Houses are all really great Switch exclusives"
"Xenoblade and Fire Emblem"
"I agree about Nintendo games like Paper Mario and Xenoblade."
"Xenoblade Chronicles 1, 2, and 3"


"Check out Xenogears, it’s a ps1 jrpg and one of my all time favorites."
"I wholly agree with the Xenogears suggestions."
"Xenogears !"
"PSX - FFVII / Xenogears / FFIX"
"PS1 - Xenogears"
"Xenogears. Shit gameplay. But it's the #1 for me in terms of story."

Persona 5 Royal

"Persona 5 Royal"
"Persona 5 Royal or Persona 3 Reload is a good start."
"Easy one for me Persona 5 Royal."
"100000% persona 5 royal. The epitome of the evolution of the modern JRPG IMO."
"Persona 5 royal, yakuza like a dragon. That is all."
"Considered to be one of the best."
"Final Fantasy VII, Persona 3 Portable"
"Persona 5 Royal is amazing."
"PS4 - Persona 5 Royal or Yakuza: Like A Dragon"
"PS4: Persona 5 Royal"

Octopath Traveler

"Octopath Travelers are great, especially the 2nd game."
"Octopath Traveler 1 and 2 run well for me."
"Dude you forgot Octopath Traveller! Quality JRPG."
"Octopath Traveler is my favorite chill game."
"I really enjoyed Star Ocean, and now I'm playing Octopath Traveller."
"OCTOPATH Traveler ! Maybe Rebirth too."
"New & turn-based: Octopath Traveler 2, Chained Echoes, Yakuza LAD & Infinite Wealth."
"Both Octopath Traveler games let you tinker with jobs to custom craft your party!"
"Octopath traveler 2 (personal favorite)"
"That's the perfect mix of classic jrpg with modern games."

Xenoblade Chronicles

"Xenoblade chronicles games are amazing titles"
"Octopath Traveler, Dragon Quest 11S"
"The Xenoblade chronicles series is phenomenal."
"Whole Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy is absolutely perfect in my eyes."
"My favourite series is Xenoblade."
"I strongly recommend trying out the Xenoblade Chronicles trilogy."
"Wii: Xenoblade Chronicles"
"Wii - Xenoblade Chronicles"
"Wii - Xenoblade Chronicles 1"
"Wii- Xenoblade Chronicles"

Final Fantasy VII

"I'd say it is still one of the best and most important JRPGs ever made."
"Final Fantasy 7"
"You can’t go wrong with FF7, FFX or Chrono Trigger."
"Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy VII (OG or Remake)."
"Ff7 , dragonquest 9 or 11 , pokemom yellow , emerald , final fantasy 3 , budokai 3has rpg elements start there"
"PS1 - FF7"
"PS1 - FF7"
"PS1 ff7"
"PSX- Final Fantasy VII"

Final Fantasy

"Final fantasy IV and II."
"4-6 are still fantastic games that should be played by any enjoyer of RPGs."
"Basically the entire Final Fantasy main series is on Steam now"
"Final Fantasy (various platforms, and yes i know, totally obvious choices but i just wanted to put them out there)"
"The other Final Fantasy games."
"III, V, X-2, XI, Lightning Returns, XII Zodiac Age, XIV."
"Final fantasy 12, Final fantasy 7, 7-2, and lightnings return, Final fantasy 15"
"Highly recommend Final Fantasy. If you like more fantasy in your jrpg then play FF9 first."
"Try FFVI, FFVII, FFIX, FFX, FFXII, FF Tactics, etc."
"Play more final fantasy."

Chained Echoes

"Chained Echoes is an RPG based on classics like Xeno Gears and Final Fantasy 6."
"Chained Echoes is an RPG based on classics like Xeno Gears and Final Fantasy 6"
"Chained echoes."
"Chained Echoes"
"Chained Echoes, Persona5, Symphony of War"
"Play chained echoes, became my all time favorite recently after beating it."
"Chained Echoes"
"Chained Echoes let's you save anywhere."
"Chained Echoes"
"Chained Echoes is another good throwback RPG."

Final Fantasy IX

"FFX, FFIX, Dark Cloud 2, DQXI."
"Final Fantasy 9"
"Final Fantasy IX."
"I think FF9, FFX, DQ11, Xenogears, Grandia 2."
"Final Fantasy IX / dragon quest VIII / Persona 4"
"Install the moguri mod"
"PS1 - Final Fantasy IX"
"PS1 - FFIX"

The World Ends With You

"TWEWY is one of the best and most creative JRPGs ever made."
"Twewy is the best rpg on the ds that’s not pokemon imo."
"TWEWY Knights in the Nightmare."
"**The World Ends With You** has to be up there, if not the best."
"The World Ends With You."
"NDS - The World Ends with You"
"PSP-Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep."
"The World Ends With You, Knights in the Nightmare, Avalon Code, and Infinite Space."
"In my opinion it's the single best game on the DS."

Sea of Stars

"I really enjoyed Sea of Stars and would highly recommend it."
"I really enjoyed Sea of Stars and would highly recommend it."
"Easily, and by far, the best JRPG of the last few years."
"Sea of Stars"
"Sea of Stars is designed to be a new age snes jrpg. Fun and doesn’t overstay its welcome."
"I have really enjoyed that."
"Sea of Stars?"
"Sea of stars"
"Sea of Stars would do the job. Super pleasant audio/visual, combat is easy and turn based."

Octopath Traveler II

"Been playing the heck out of Octopath Traveller 2 lately."
"How come Octopath Traveler 2 not being mentioned? The game's incredible."
"Octopath traveller 2 and chained echoes"
"Octopath Traveler 2"
"Octopath II"
"Octopath Traveler 2"
"Just buy octopath traveler 2 Thanks me later. Its everything square did good in a single game."
"Octopath Traveler 2 all the way. Skip the original."
"*Definitely* check out Octopath Traveler II and Dragon Quest XI."
"Octopath Traveler II is fantastic"

Yakuza: Like a Dragon

"Yakuza Like a Dragon and Infinite Wealth"
"Yakuza Like a Dragon is unlike a lot of JRPGS I've played."
"Yakuza Like A Dragon and Persona 5 are my top choices for modern JRPGs."
"You’d probably enjoy Yakuza: Like a Dragon!"
"Simple and accessible. A lot of fun jobs that offer different roles."
"PS4: DQXI and Yakuza: Like A Dragon tied"
"Yakuza Like a Dragon for sure"
"I think you will really love Yakuza Like a Dragon (Y7)."
"Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth."

Dragon Quest

"For a novice pick, Dragon Quest 11 is a great introductory to jrpg's. Fantastic cast of characters, a great adventure."
"Dragon quest"
"I would also include Dragon Quest V through VIII."
"Dragon Quest 3, 6, 7, 9, Octopath 1 and 2, Bravely Default 2"
"NES: Dragon Warrior"
"NES: Dragon Warrior/Quest"
"Dragon Quest games"
"It’s also worth checking out a Dragon Quest."
"Most 8bit jRPGs and a few 16bit ones too."
"Dragonquest original trilogy and super Mario RPG for SNES are good options for starters in the genre."

Fire Emblem: Three Houses

"Fire Emblem Three Houses"
"I would second Fire Emblem 3 houses."
"FE3H is the biggest must-play Switch exclusive imo, fantastic game."
"Fire Emblem Engage"
"If it’s fire emblem you’re looking at, three houses and engage are both pretty good."
"I got so invested in the characters/relationships."
"Fire Emblem Three Houses"
"Fire Emblem: Three House, Xenoblade Chronicles 3."
"Fire Emblem Three Houses (good story, excellent characters and lore)"

Final Fantasy Tactics

"My personal list goes something like: Final Fantasy Tactics, VII, and IX."
"Dragon Quest XI"
"This a JSRPG, it plays like a standard jrpg."
"FFT. Incase you somehow never played this incredible game."
"FFTactics is a given for replayability."
"Final Fantasy Tactics"
"Final Fantasy Tactics."
"FFT war of the lions"
"Not counting remakes or re-releases: PS1: Final Fantasy Tactics"

Final Fantasy VI

"FF4 and 6 are obvious choices."
"Maybe: FF6, FF7, Suikoden 2, Xenogears, Golden Sun 1 & 2."
"You can't go wrong with either."
"SNES - Final Fantasy VI"
"SNES - Final Fantasy VI"
"SNES - Final Fantasy VI"
"SNES: Final Fantasy VI"
"FF 6/3 depending on region"
"Secret of Mana Chrono Trigger Final Fantasy 6"
"FF6 (you'll probably need to grind to level up your characters in the 2nd part of the game) and Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition."

Trails in the Sky

"I'm going to jump on the trails in the sky bandwagon."
"But seriously, Trails in the Sky."
"Trails in the Sky 1-2-3 can run on a toaster."
"Great deep series and it's fantasy steampunk."
"Trails in the sky legend trilogy + evo mod is really good try it."
"Trails in the Sky trilogy. I played the whole thing on a 2013 laptop with no dedicated card."
"Trails in the Sky"
"I'll be the one that recommends Trails in the Sky."
"Trails in the sky."
"Trails in the Sky!"

Persona 4 Golden

"Persona 4 Golden"
"Persona 4 Golden"
"If you like the persona series you can always play persona 4 golden which is my personal favorite."
"If you haven't played Persona 4 Golden yet i would suggest you give it a try."
"Vita: Persona 4 Golden"
"Suikoden 5 Persona 4 Golden Suikoden 1 and 2 Collection"
"Lot more homie vibes with that one."
"Best (modern) JRPG on iOS in my book."
"Persona 4: Golden. The gameplay is very repetitive... but the story is arguably a 10/10."
"Persona 4 Golden. Absolutely some of the worst gameplay I have ever experienced... but the story is arguably a 10/10."


"Grandia was suggested by someone else, that's a really good option. Hits every criteria."
"Grandia (and grandia 2)"
"Grandia, Wild Arms, Suikoden 1&2, Breath of Fire 3&4"
"Grandia might be a good option."

Lost Odyssey

"Xbox 360 - lost odyssey"
"360 - Lost Odyssey"
"XBOX360 - Lost Odyessy"
"Xbox 360 - Lost Odyssey"
"360 Lost odyssey."
"Xbox 360: Lost Odyssey"
"Lost Odyssey."
"Lost Odyssey"
"XBOX 360: Lost Odyssey, that's about it."
"For JRPG I'd say Lost Odyssey (game play not the worst tho)"

Super Mario RPG

"Super Mario RPG"
"Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario series."
"Super Mario RPG would be very cute and chill."
"Super Mario RPG and Paper Mario are JRPGs as chill and easygoing as It gets, both are funny, charming, with great characters and turn based goodness"
"It's fantastic and the remake is lovely."
"SNES: Super Mario RPG"
"It's definitely one of those games that I just play all the time because it's so short."
"Very approachable (and good)."
"Though you collect a party of characters through the game."

Fire Emblem

"If you have the online expansion then the GBA Fire Emblem game is on there."
"You should try Fire Emblem, Triangle Strategy, Sea of Stars, Xenoblade series, Dragon Quest XI, Trails of Cold Steel."
"GBA - Fire Emblem"
"Switch: Fire Emblem: Three Houses"
"Three Houses tends to be preferred most places due to it's stronger story and characters."
"Fire Emblem three houses"
"Can’t go wrong with fire emblem for the JSRPG genre."
"Fire Emblem."
"Fire Emblem is relatively accessible."

Persona 5

"My only other suggestion would be Persona 5."
"My favs, Persona 5, Persona 3, FF Tactics, XENOGEARS, FF7, FF9, Chrono Trigger, Arc the lad twilight of spirits!"
"You can also play persona 5."
"PS4 - Persona 5"
"PS3 - Persona V"
"Ps4- Persona 5"
"Persona 5 (Tactica or Royal)"
"Persona 5 would be your best option."
"**Persona 5** probably wont overwhelm a newcomer and the Royal version is rather easy difficulty-wise."

Octopath Traveler 2

"Radiant Historia Perfect Chronology, Octopath Traveller 2, shadows over loathing."
"Octopath traveler 2"
"Octopath 2 puts part 1 to shame (& I loved part 1)"
"Octopath Traveler 2 is significantly, significantly better than the first one for what it’s worth."
"It’s easily my favorite game of 2023!"
"Octopath traveler 2, almost all the 'Tales of' games."
"Octopath traveler 2."
"This one i am not sure on but Octopath traveler 2."

Final Fantasy XII

"Final Fantasy through 12 (except 11 of course) are available and all of them play really well on the Switch."
"PS2 - Final Fantasy XII"
"Final Fantasy XII"
"Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy IV, and Chrono Trigger"
"FF12.. Loved the game even with it's flaws."
"FF 12 has a really fun system with its jobs."

Triangle Strategy

"If you want a nintendo switch exclusive to scratch the SRPG itch, you need to try Triangle Strategy. It's fantastic."
"Triangle Strategy was a fun one for me."
"Triangle Strategy if strategy games counts too."
"Triangle Strategy."
"Triangle strategy if you like turn-based games."
"Triangle Strategy was a very good game."
"Anyone played Triangle strategy?"
"From the games in the picture? Triangle Strategy."
"Are some of the greatest JRPGs I've ever played."


"If Persona and Final Fantasy are what stick out to you, play those."
"Persona games, basically any JRPG with spanish language I guess."
"Persona is great and I'd consider Star Rails Story really great to even if it is a gacha"
"Persona series, can't really go wrong with any of them."
"If you want something more modern then those new Persona games are great too."
"Persona 3-5 are on switch, and if you like SMT you'll probably like them as well."
"All the Persona games."
"I would mention the Persona series and SMT4 but those aren't really overlooked."
"You can take your pick from Tales, Dragon Quest, Like a Dragon, Persona, SMT."

Ni no Kuni

"Ni no Kuni 2"
"Ni No Kuni is basically what you would expect if Studio Ghibli films were a video game."
"Ni No Kuni is a really great story about dealing with loss."
"I am having a blast with ni no kuni."
"Nino kuni 1 and 2 is pretty good imo."
"Both Nino Kuni Games too are a great choice."
"PS3-Ni No Kuni? Idk terrible gen for JRPGs"

Suikoden II

"I'd say Suikoden 2, Xenogears and Persona 4."
"My all time favs are mostly on the PS1. Suikoden II and FF Tactics."
"Suikoden 2, Valkyrie profile and Final Fantasy IX."
"Suikoden 2"
"Is a classic, highly recommend."
"PS1 - Suikoden 2 or Final Fantasy IX"
"Also Suikoden II as a close 2nd"
"Final Fantasy Tactics, Persona 4 Golden, Suikoden II."

Dragon Quest VIII

"Consider Dragon Quest 8 PS2 and Persona 5 Royal."
"Dragon Quest VIII (for 3DS with orchestrated music patch)."
"Persona 5, DQ 8, DQ 11, FF10."
"FFVII, Xenogears and………..DQ VIII."
"Are some of the greatest JRPGs I've ever played."
"Games I loved playing on mobile."

Crystal Project

"Amazing JRPG, unlike anything I’ve ever played in terms of gameplay and exploring."
"Crystal Project and Etrian Odsessey (If you actually want good dungeons)"
"Crystal Project is highly recommended for its battle and job system."
"Is great if you want something using the FFT / FF5 job system."
"Minecraft-esque world with FF5 job system, virtually no cutscenes and you just explore the open world."
"No big story or cutscenes to get lost in, just pure gameplay for the most part."
"Crystal Project is a great indie game that’s clearly fashioned after Final Fantasy V."
"I also strongly recommend Crystal Project."

Tales of Symphonia

"Tales of Symphonia"
"It's one of my childhood games."
"Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss and Tales of Vesperia."
"GC - Tales of Symphonia"
"GameCube-Tales of Symphonia"
"Mostly Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Berseria."

Radiant Historia

"That or **Radiant Historia** but you should probably play the 3DS remaster/remake."
"Radiant Historia to me is the best JRPG on the DS and one of my favorites in general."
"Radiant historia"
"+1 for Radiant Historia."
"An opportunity to recommend Radiant Historia!"
"Pickup an R4 cart. And play Radiant Historia."
"Radiant Historia."
"Radiant Historia."

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana

"Ys lacrimosa of dana"
"Ys VIII."
"Ys 8."
"Y’s VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana is an excellent."
"10/10 story. Graphics on the lower end."
"Ys 8 - Lacrimosa of Dana is such an underrated action JRPG."
"If you want modern 3d one."
"The gameplay is great and the story is fantastic."

Final Fantasy V

"Has one of the best implementations of a job system."
"Also FF3. Also FFX-2's dress-sphere system."
"Octopath traveler kinda, Fire emblem three houses, Xenoblade 3."
"I very much enjoyed FFV and FFXII."
"Play FF5, its really overlooked."
"FFV, Crystal Project and OT2."
"I'm also quite partial to FFV."
"SNES - Final Fantasy V"

Final Fantasy VII Remake

"Good god does Final Fantasy VII Remake look good on Deck."
"Ff7 remake"
"FF7 Remake (not traditional but still great on Deck)"
"FF7 remake is great, as is Dragon Quest 11."
"FF7 Remake is amazing."
"As for my personal recs: * Final Fantasy VII Remake * Final Fantasy VII * Nier Automata * Final Fantasy XIII * Final Fantasy VIII * Chrono Trigger * Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth * Star Ocean Second Story."
"PS4: Final Fantasy VII Remake, Yakuza: Like A Dragon, NieR Automata, and Elden Ring."

Final Fantasy VIII

"PS1: Final Fantasy VIII and Legend of Dragoon."
"PS1: Final Fantasy VIII"
"FF8 for Triple Triad."
"Persona 5 Royal, Final Fantasy VIII and Chrono Cross"
"Final Fantasy 8"

Chrono Cross

"Chrono Cross and Chained Echoes."
"1. Chrono Cross, obvious sequel recommendation."
"PS1 - Chrono Cross/Lunar SSSC"
"Chrono Cross - Soundtrack and character roster alone."
"Persona 5 Royal, Final Fantasy VIII and Chrono Cross"
"Cmon... No love for: 1. Radiant Historia - Perfect Chronology 2. Xenosaga Episode III 3. Lost odyssey 4. Vagrant Story 5. Xenogears 6. Chrono Cross ( f the haters) 7. Suikoden 2 8. SUIKODEN 5"


"Earthbound & Mother 3 both rock."
"SNES: Earthbound. It's a very unique experience, and the gameplay and graphics have aged amazingly."
"Snes- Earthbound"
"Snes- Earthbound"
"SNES: Earthbound (with Final Fantasy VI being a close second)"
"Earthbound for the nostalgia."
"EarthBound and Mother 3."

Dragon Quest III

"Dragon quest 3 remake."
"You just wait for Dragon Quest III."
"VI, VII and IX."
"NES - Dragon Warrior III"
"DQ3 - While the story will stay the same you can make loads of different character combinations and power level your whole party."
"The newly remade Dragon Quest III is pretty grind heavy on higher difficulty."
"Dragon Warrior III, Xenoblade Chronicles 2."

Final Fantasy IV

"FF4 and 6 are obvious choices."
"Final Fantasy IV. Don't you skip over the first best final fantasy!!"
"Was actually my favorite of the older ones."
"SNES- Final Fantasy IV"
"Final Fantasy XII, Final Fantasy IV, and Chrono Trigger"
"The 3d remake of FF4 was a surprisingly good challenge."
"Final fantasy IV. (sorry jobs are pre-defined."

Skies of Arcadia

"Skies of Arcadia."
"Skies of Arcadia"
"Dreamcast - Skies of Arcadia"
"Dreamcast - Skies of Arcadia"
"Dreamcast - Skies of Arcadia"
"My personal favorite is Skies of Arcadia."
"My favorite JRPG ever is Skies of Arcadia (preferably the GameCube version) but it's old and it definitely shows."

Phantasy Star IV

"I'll always recommend Phantasy Star IV."
"Genesis- Phantasy Star 4"
"Genesis - Phantasy Star IV"
"Genesis- Phantasy Star IV"
"Phantasy Star IV."
"I'd suggest giving the original Phantasy Star tetralogy a whirl."
"Phantasy Star IV. Tales of Destiny, Tales of Vesperia."

Dragon Quest IX

"DS: Dragon Quest IX"
"Are some of the greatest JRPGs I've ever played."
"I'd recommend Dragon Quest 9."
"Dragon Quest IX"
"DQ IX has skill points you can Syphon from other classes."
"DQ IX."
"Dragon Quest 9."


"Trails has no competition in terms of world building and characters."
"Obligatory Trails recommendation. Oh, and Undertale."
"The Trails series. There's 13 games, all with a connected plot."
"Probably the best time to get into the Trails series."
"Any Trails series."
"The trails series are a mix of fantasy and sci-fi elements."
"Trails series has a pretty good story and a nice turn based jrpg playstyle"


"CrossCode and Astlibra are must play lengthy action rpgs you can play."
"Definitely crosscode !!!"
"CrossCode for action RPGs."
"Crosscode is great for its story. Though the combat is good too."
"Cross Code."
"It's not *really* a JRPG, but the vibe is so similar."

13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim

"If you're there for story check out 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim."
"13 Sentinels Aegis Rim. And their upcoming Unicorn Overlord."
"Found it being sold on eBay for $5, blew me away with story and characters. Highly recommend!!"
"If your a story guy than 13 Sentinels is a must. It’ll be one of your favorite games ever."
"If your a story guy than 13 Sentinels is a must."
"Incredible story, the sort of thing people wish they could experience for the first time all over again."

Bravely Default

"I find Bravely Default (3DS) and Bravely Default 2 (Switch) very fun to grind."
"Bravely default!!"
"Bravely Default and FFV are the best."
"Bravely Default, Bravely Second, Bravely Default 2."
"3DS: Bravely Default"
"Second is better since there's a spot that starts everyone with max bp."

Persona 3 Reload

"Persona 3 Reload."
"Persona 3 Reload recently came out, since you liked 4 and 5, you are probably going to enjoy Reload."
"Persona 3 Reload."
"Persona 3 Reload."
"New one."


"Suikoden 1 and 2 are pretty great."
"Suikoden series, especially 2!!"
"Suikoden 1, 2, 3, 5."
"I'm not seeing anyone mentioning the Suikoden series here."
"Suikoden 1, FF12 and... Shining force 2."

Paper Mario

"Paper Mario is a ton of fun."
"N64-Paper Mario"
"N64 - Paper Mario"
"N64 - Paper Mario"
"N64: Paper Mario"

Star Ocean

"Star Ocean 2R is always my first recommendation and personal favorite."
"I suggest giving a try to both SO2's remake and SO6, as they are the most recent entries and some of the best the series has to offer."
"Various Star Ocean games"
"Probably the Star Ocean games (Last Hope and Divine Force)."
"Sci fi = Star Ocean, Neir Automata."
"Are on Steam."

Unicorn Overlord

"It's a tactics jrpg. A spiritual successor to Ogre Battle 64."
"Unicorn Overlord runs beautifully and its probably my favorite RPG since... Persona 5 maybe?"
"Unicorn overlord just came out."
"Unicorn Overlord, just from the demo i am addicted."
"Unicorn Overlord."
"New one."


"Is my favorite to play."
"Disgaea series which is an over the top tongue in cheek mockery of anime tropes"
"Has an awesome class system."
"Currently playing disgaea 1, it is nice :D"
"Disgaea sounds up your alley."

Nihon Falcom

"Well you're immediately missing the Trails series, phenomenal games there."
"Trails Series. No contest."
"The Trails series and not only is there a lot of them for you to enjoy."
"Sea of Stars and any of the Legend of heroes: Trails games are great."
"Try the Trails franchise."
"Don't sleep on the Sky chapters of the Trails series."

Shin Megami Tensei V

"Combat is probably the best for a turn based jrpg."
"Best (modern) JRPG on iOS in my book."
"Shin megami tensei V, although I would wait for the SMT V: vengeance release."
"As well as SMT V vengeance being released soon"
"Are some of the greatest JRPGs I've ever played."


"Yakuza like a dragon, infinite wealth aswell but start with like a dragon"
"I also want to have a Yakuza game on the list. Since I like Ichiban, I go with Yakuza Like a Dragon."
"Yakuza 7 like a dragon is a very fun and easy to grasp jrpg."
"Yakuza Like a Dragon and it's sequel, Infinite Wealth."
"Yakuza LaD, Chrono Trigger, Persona 5R, DQXI, Chained Echoes, Octopath Traveller."
"Yakuza like a dragon"


"Ys! You have the more modern ones (8,9 and soon 10)..."
"I like Ys X. But it is often recommended to start with Ys VIII, which is considered to be the best one."
"Ys games starting at 7."
"Ys Chronicles 1 and 2, Romancing SaGa, Doom&Destiny."
"Ys 8 are great entry points into those franchises imo."
"You can run some of the Ys games probably."

Dragon Quest XI S

"Dragon Quest XI S"
"Dragon Quest XI S fits the bill."
"Super Mario RPG, Final Fantasy VII Remake, and DRAGON QUEST XI S: Echos of an Elusive Age."
"There’s a ~15hour demo of DQ11S on the Nintendo eshop."
"Dragon Quest XI S pulled me in and Persona 5 Royal and Final Fantasy VII just made me fall in love with the genre even more."

Golden Sun

"On switch i recomend Golden sun and Golden sun the lost age."
"Golden Sun 1 and 2 is such an excellent choice for JRPG starters"
"Check out the Golden Sun games (GS, Lost Age, Dark Dawn). Great story, fun battle system, amazing soundtrack."
"GBA: Golden Sun"
"GBA - Golden Sun"

Trails series

"The trails series games should be able to run on your pc."
"Check the Legend of Heroes: Trails series."
"Trails series"
"I legit cried when I saw OG chars in later installment."
"Try looking into the Trails series. If you can play on a PC (they're not demanding games), start with Trails in the Sky."

Various JRPGs

"Try Chrono Cross, Chrono Trigger, Grandia, Lunar legends, Wild Arms, Skies of Arcadia."
"Chrono Trigger, Trails Sky 1-3 (just count this as one ;) ), Dragon Quest V, Final Fantasy IV/V/VI."
"Just a random bunch of greats at the top of my head: Grandia 1-3; Legend of Dragon; Dark Chronicle; FFIX/FFX; Jeanne d'Arc; Lunar 1&2; Skies of Arcadia; Kingdom Hearts 1-3; Golden Sun 1&2; Tales of Graces f/Tales of Destiny DC/Tales of the Abyss/Tales of Symphonia; Wild Arms 1-5; Xenoblade Chronicles 1&3; Suikoden 1&2&5; Atelier Iris 1&2; Trails from Zero&Trails to Azure; DQXI; Ocotpath Traveler"
"1. Baten Kaitos Collection 2. Collection of Mana 3. Trials of Mana 4. Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of Dana 5. Valkyria Chronicles 1 & 4 6. SaGa Scarlett Grace 7. Fuga: Melodies of Steel 1 & 2 8. Rhapsody: Mark Kingdom Chronicles 9. Grim Grimoire: Once More 10. Fire Emblem: Three Houses"
"1. Grandia HD collection 2. Rune Factory 4 special 3. Octopath Traveler I and II 4. Prinny Presents NIS collections vol 1-3 5. The Trails of series 6. Super Mario Rpg 7. Ara Fell 8. Xenoblade Chronicles 1-3 9. Persona 4 Golden 10. Final Fantasy pixel remaster 1-6 11. Final Fantasy 7-10 and 12 12. Star Ocean Second Story and First Departure 13. Etrian Odyssey Collection 14. Labrinth of refrain"

Dragon Quest V

"**Dragon Quest V**"
"Dragon Quest V is the answer."
"DS - Dragon Quest V"
"The other ones I can think are DQ V."
"Dragon Quest V"


"Tales of games (sadly most are not on steam but can be easily emulated)"
"Of Phantasia, Tales of Destiny, Tales of Symphonia, Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Vesperia."
"I would also highly recommend checking out the Tales and Ys series."
"Tales and YS games are great if you want an action combat."
"Tales of the Abyss, Tales of Graces, Octopath 2 stories are great but tiny."
"You can take your pick from Tales, Dragon Quest, Like a Dragon, Persona, SMT."

Romancing SaGa 2

"Romancing SaGa 2 Remake + rest of SaGa franchise."
"I'm playing Romancing SaGa 2 on a worse computer than yours and it's running really well."
"Romancing SaGa 2"
"SNES - Romancing SaGa 2. A masterpiece that would probably be talked about more if it had been localized."
"Romancing SaGa 2 is on the ps4 though it's a bit older than some of the games mentioned!"

Shin Megami Tensei

"Shin Megami Tensei !"
"Shin megami tensei on the switch."
"Just every Shin megami tensei games tbh"
"Just every Shin megami tensei games tbh"
"You can take your pick from Tales, Dragon Quest, Like a Dragon, Persona, SMT."

Tales of the Abyss

"Tales of the Abyss is one of the best in the series."
"Tales of the Abyss"
"Tales of the Abyss"
"Tales of the Abyss for sure."
"Tales of the Abyss, Star Ocean: Till the end of time and Persona 3: Portable."

Vagrant Story

"Final Fantasy 12, Tactics Ogre Reborn, Final Fantasy Tactics"
"Stealth submission: Vagrant Story"
"Vagrant Story."
"My recommendation if you can find it is Vagrant Story. Great gameplay (it's more action-orientated but pretty unique) and the story is pretty mature."
"Vagrant Story depending on how you vibe with the battle system."


"This JRPG ruined the entire genre for me."
"I ended up describing it as a Platonic ideal of jRPGs."
"Both Lunar games. They are pretty simple, but the story and characters are very lovable."
"Lunar and Phantasy Star 4"

Etrian Odyssey

"There's no bad Etrian Odyssey really."
"They're excellent gridders with very little exposition."
"Not an ARPG, but Etrian Odyssey."
"Etrian odyssey, fun game with extreme freedom in character builds."
"Most dungeon crawlers, like Etrian Odyssey."

Live a Live

"Live A Live."
"Live a live, short, easy, pretty and awesome."
"Live A Live, any version will do."
"Live a live - a 90's RPG but with updated graphics."
"Short, sweet, and simple."

Tales of Arise

"I just finished playing Tales of Arise and I recommend it so much!"
"All of the tales games I’ve played on steam are great, but I recommend Tales of Arise."
"Tales of Arise, Nier replicant, Scarlet Nexus are all solid."
"Just tales of arise for me."

Wild Arms

"Wild Arms"
"Wildarms etc"
"Wild Arms"
"Is quality but dated."

Legend of Legaia

"Legend of legaia Chrono Trigger Breath of Fire 3"
"Legend of Legaia; you can beat the game with character levels about mid 40s"
"Legend of legaia"
"Legend of Legaia and Suikoden 2."

Rogue Galaxy

"Personally I've just started my 3rd run of Rogue Galaxy and it's one of my all time favs."
"Rogue Galaxy."
"Rogue Galaxy."
"Rogue Galaxy"
"Rogue Galaxy."

NieR: Automata

"Nier: Automata needs a mention, as well."
"It is not a slow pace one if focusing on story only"
"PS4: Nier: Automata"


"Suikoden 2, Xenogears, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy IX, Breath of Fire IV."
"Suikoden 2, Xenogears, Grandia, Valkyrie Profile and Golden Sun are true classics."
"After you get past Earthbound, FF6, and FF7, and Suikoden 2."
"Playstation 1 suikoden 2"

Valkyria Chronicles

"Valkyrie chronicles 1 & 4 are 5 bucks on PS store."
"PS3 - Valkyria Chronicles"
"Though they are turn based tactics/strategy...still worth a mention"

Star Ocean 2

"Star Ocean 2 is very good."
"One of the best PS1 RPGs, arguably the best Star Ocean game, and the remake just came out."
"Star Ocean 2 remake came out not that long ago and is phenomenal."
"The Star Ocean 2 remake."

Tactics Ogre: Reborn

"I loved both the story and the gameplay of Tactics Ogre Reborn."
"Tactics Ogre Reborn"
"Tactics Ogre: Reborn"
"Tactics ogre reborn."


"It's a total modification by fans to make a perfect Pokemon game."
"GB: Pokemon (it was extremely influential)"
"\- Pokemon Reborn. If you thought Pokemon was too easy this is for you."
"Pokemon, duh."

Parasite Eve

"Parasite Eve (a classic) and Cosmic Star Heroine (a more recent game) are both a lot of fun in my opinion."
"*Parasite Eve* Series - basically 'What if *Resident Evil* was an RPG?'"
"Parasite Eve"
"Parasite Eve"

Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters

"Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters (all of them are amazing)"
"I also like the FF Pixel Remasters."
"I'm working my way through the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters."
"Are all on iOS."

Legend of Dragoon

"Legend of Dragoon."
"Legend of Dragoon."
"Legend of dragoon"

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