"Olympus BH2, Nikon Optiphot, Zeiss Axioskop."
·"The 160 MM Nikon 20X PLANAPO produces the sharpest and most accurate color rendition of any lens I have ever encountered."
·"Any of the big four manufacturers should be fine- Nikon, Olympus, Leica, & Zeiss."
·"A fluorescence scope, used units often come with pretty high end objectives."
·"You could get a Nikon Labophot (entry level lab grade) or Alphaphot (educational grade) on eBay for $500."
·"Using a 2.5 Nikon PLI relay lens with a Nikon phototube worked best for photography."
·"Microscopes are simple for beginners and a good Nikon DSLR with the right adapter can enhance photography."
·"The MA-200 has great ergonomics and is highly recommended for metallography."
·"Nikon is the best choice for a dedicated inverted metallographic scope."