Best midi keyboard on Reddit

226 reviews from r/musicproduction, r/synthesizers, r/FL_Studio and 23 more subreddits

226 reviews from
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"Great keyboard, and if you register it on Arturia's site you'll also get a great software bundle."
"I ended up going with the mini lab 3 i did some more research and i found one form guitar center for $65."
"I use the arturia minilab mk3 and it's incredible."
"I recommend getting the one I linked since it has more keys which helps with playing."
"I just bought an Arturia Keylab Essential mk3 49 keys, very reasonable at a little over $200."
"Arturia Keylab 88 MkII"
"Arturia Minilab 3 for $99. It is solid, very expressive, and usb-c direct to your Mac."
"The Arturia MiniLab Mk2 is an excellent recommendation, anything like that will be fine."
"I recommend the Arturia MiniLab Mk2! You can find used ones on reverb for around 50-60"
"I have the keylab essential 61 and I love it honestly."


"It crushes all other boards in class and there really is no need to ever upgrade."
"Iam starting out and using novation flkey 37 and its preaty good."
"The FL Key series from novation is pre-programmed to many fl studio functions."
"I just got a Novation FL Key 37. I'm not new to FL Studio."
"I’m a big fan of the Novation LaunchKey series."
"I would suggest the novation launchkey 61"
"I suggest the new Novation launch key for all the features it has."
"One of the best controllers for the mpc is a novation launchkey."
"You can try novation. Check out their website."
"The novation slmk3 is pretty kick ass still."


"I got the Akai MPK mini plus because of the 37 keys with pitch and modulation wheels."
"The AKAI MPK Mini Plus 37-key MIDI keyboard sounds like a great choice for your needs!"
"I absolutely love my Akai Mini."
"Is incredible."
"I can recommend it. Works both in DAW and DAWless."
"[Akai MPK Mini MK3]("
"Is really good"
"I'm really pretty enthusiastic about the Akai."
"Akai MK3 mini is a good starting point if you're unsure how much you're going to invest going forward."
"Akai mpk3 mini, 75-100$ USD on average."


"I have the M-Audio Hammer 88 and I love it."
"I ended up going with the M audio oxygen pro 49."
"The oxygen pro probably has the most features for the price."
"I got an M-Audio 88 key keyboard and it’s perfect."
"It’s been a great midi controller for me and I highly recommend it."
"Is better than all of them for DAW Controls, Controller Features, and Keybed quality."
"Has knobs, faders and pads along with they keys, and they all feel solid."
"Oxygen Pro 61 (my personal pick in your scenario if you don't want/need hammer action)"
"And love it."
"I personally have one 88 keys ( arturia essential mkii) and one 25 keys( korg nanokey)."


"Another vote for Nektar."
"From my experience I would want to have longevity especially with Encoders. Nektar Panorama P series is absolutely Amazing."
"While it’s older, I would still recommend nektar panorama P4 or p6 if your main daw is reason."
"I have one its pretty good, works with Logic."
"Im really enjoying my Nektar, check em out"
"I think if I were buying now I'd go with something from Nektar."
"I went with the GX49 because it's got 49 full size keys with minimal bells and whistles and a small footprint."


"Roland weighted keybeds felt the most like my Baldwin grand piano."
"A roland sk-88 pro actually has a very high quality keybed IMO."
"It’s one of the best keybeds I have ever played on."
"I have a Fantom 08 and love it."
"Roland A49 has light keys, easy to press."
"Roland and Yamaha are great places to start."
"Look for a good condition Roland A49 or Novation Remote SL61 Mk1 on ebay."

Native Instruments

"Take a look at the Native Instruments M32."
"The little NI one is great. S32 I think?"
"I like the Native Instruments one a lot."
"It is a solid one."
"I like it a lot."
"I’d go for the native instruments m32, you get a lot of free software."
"I use the NI Kontrol MK2 works great easy to map with reason and runs really great when you use any NI VST auto maps with full control from the controller."


"Launchkey Mini. I still go back to this keyboard for the arpeggiator."
"Launchkey. Akai keys and pads are less sensitive and need to be slammed"
"If Ableton, consider a Launchkey Mini; if FL, the FLkey."
"Launchkey 25 is nice and small if you need something to match the size of the iPad."
"I use a novation launchkey."
"Launchkey 37 is one of the few keyboards with 37 full size keys, but it has pads, knobs, and buttons and is relatively big because of that."


"I have a Korg Microkey 37 which is a great, compact keyboard."
"Korg Keystage? It has polyphonic aftertouch."
"I wanted something wireless, however, so I debated getting its sister, though not quite so pretty."
"Korg Microkey - the keys feel nice and you can connect it via bluetooth."
"I really like the Korg nanokey studio."
"Depends, I personally cant stand too many controls in my keyboard controller, so something like the Korg Keystage is ideal for me."


"Sell both, buy a Yamaha CK61 since that has the Reface's EPs and organs on board :)"
"If you miss your DX7, take a look at the Reface DX."
"I have been fine driving my Yamaha PSR E373 keyboard with Ableton."
"I also really like my Reface DX as a midi keyboard."


"I have used Alesis V49 for about 8 years now and it's wonderful."
"The Alesis VI61 is pretty under budget for you."
"Find a used Alesis controller on FBM."
"The drum pads on the alesis are really good, touch sensitive and have the larger piano is super handy. Really cheap too I’d recommend."


"Why live with compromises when you already know the answer?"
"Ableton push, come on, its made by ableton for ableton…… well that is if you can afford it."


"Anything Kurzweil"
"Anything Kurzweil"

FL Key

"I got the 61 and the Mini to replace my Arturia Keylab Essential Mk2 and Akai MPK Mini Mk3."
"Is great. 37 is a nice medium, go 49 if you can play piano."

FL Key 61

"The easy recommendation is the FLkey 61. It's plug and play with the software."
"I wouldn't get smaller than that unless you already have a separate mixer."


"May it fit your needs."
"I love my StudioLogic SL88 Studio."


"I have heard great things about Kawai."
"I’d go for a model with 'ivory feel' keys, it just feels much better to my fingers than standard plastic."


"I have never used a controller better than my Linnstrument."

M-Audio Keystation 49 Mk3

"I got the Keystation 49 Mk3 for $130 CAD which is under $100 USD."

S Kontrol 49

"I’d look at the newest revision of the s kontrol, there’s a 49 key version."


"I have one of the original versions of this midi keyboard that has been through a lot and still works."


"Ni m32, bc of software and upgrades."


"Other wise if youre looking for a mobile keyboard controller I’d look into the xkey by CME Pro."

IK Multimedia

"Ik multimedia irig pro 37 is damn nice."

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