"My daughter loves the tommee tippee ultralight. I do too because they really do stay in her mouth better than any other kind we’ve tried!"
·"The round shape was recommended by my IBCLC as better for their latch."
·"My son loves Tommee Tippee kind dummies, the only ones he will take."
·"Bubs chose the Tommee Tippee ultra light."
·"The Tommee Tippee ultra light ones were the only ones my toddler would take."
·"Tommee Tippee bottles are great for newborns, they fit perfectly in their little hands."
·"The only one that my son would take was the Tommee Tippee closer to nature breast like soother."
·"Both kids used a pacifier and neither had an issue breastfeeding."
·"All the tomee tippee ones my EB baby has loved."
·"My baby LOVES the Tommee Tippee Ultralight ones that are designed to stay in. They never fall out!"