"Extensive customization options and numerous help articles available."
·"Now, the WordPress editor itself is a page builder."
·"Gutenberg is nice because you have the WordPress community to refer clients to. I use wordpress.com hosting and so they can just reach out to support if they have any questions after hand-off."
·"The block editor does not bloat up the DOM unlike Elementor and other page builders, resulting in better page speed."
·"Just pick a theme like understrap which is wordpress + boostrap and code it by hand. It WILL be faster."
·"Just use the WP editor (Gutenburg) with the right blocks/patterns and you don't need a page builder."
·"You should avoid all page builders but Gutenberg."
·"I just built my first Wordpress site and I had no idea these existed. It looks like I’ve just been using the Gutenberg built in editor. Worked great for me."
·"Elementor and Divi have become pretty fast, making caching easier to manage."
·"Powerful and flexible drag-and-drop interface with robust SEO plugins."