"Personally I really like vallejo paints my custodes are silver and their steel metallic paints work beautifully."
·"White acrylic from Vallejo, I use them all the time."
·"I love mixing Vallejo turquoise with Vallejo escorpena green."
·"I like Vallejo. It’s a well spoken of paint I haven’t any complaints."
·"Vallejo's coal black is VERY good."
·"I use Vallejo exclusively. It’s the best paint I’ve used."
·"Any acrylic paint will do. I use either Vallejo or DecoArt"
·"Some good brands I know of are Citadel, Tamiya, Vallejo."
·"Currently its out of stock on the Warlord site, but you can use the description to find and buy the individual paints."
·"I have the $38 larger kit and it's great though if you're not planning on customizing a lot of figures one of the smaller kits would probably serve."