"My favorite is on a charcoal grill set up with 2 zone (direct/indirect)."
·"He’s saying it’s tasteless because the pork industry made the decision to become the next chicken."
·"Butterfly it and pound it flat."
·"We like to season it with just salt and pepper and either grill it or cook it in the air fryer."
·"I just take a pair and basket weave bacon over the top then roast it."
·"S/P/garlic then grilled or roasted to barely 145°."
·"I marinate in equal parts HONEY, TAMIRI SAUCE, and DRY SHERRY."
·"I like smoked tenderloin.my local grocery store has a house brand cranberry something seasoning that is excellent with it."
·"Marinate for at least 6 hours in olive oil, fresh lemon juice, fresh rosemary."
·"Smoke with a nice, abundant bbq rub for 2 hours at 250F."