"Explorers of the Deep is incredibly easy to pilot and very strong out of the box!"
·"I replaced [[Szarekh]] with [[Ashnod, flesh mechanist]], a 1 mana commander that ramps and fills your graveyard for reanimation is super super fun."
·"Any precon is great for a new player that's what they are designed for."
·"I like the merfolk one it's pretty good out the box"
·"I personally like the red/green bloomburrow animated army."
·"I love the precons, the bloomburrow ones were especially awesome."
·"Generally any of the recent precons in the last few years are worth their price that WOTC charges."
·"I'd recommend something roughly from Warhammer 40k or later, since that's when the decks started ramping up a bit."
·"Cavalry Charge, Veloci-ramp-tor and Quick Draw are the "best out of the box" recent precons IMO."
·"In the Necron Dynasty precon, I swapped the Silent King for [[Anrakyr the Traveler]] and I been loving it."