·"1. Castlevania Symphony of the Night
2. Metal Gear Solid: Solid Snake
3. Resident Evil 2
4. Resident Evil 3
5. Final Fantasy VII
6. Final Fantasy VIII"
·"Tomb Raider, Metal Gear Solid, Final Fantasy VII-IX, Resident Evil, Kula World, Medievil, Oddworld, Tenchu, Crash and Spyro."
··"Silent Hill. Tomb Raider"
·"Some good platformers too like crash and spyro.
i personally recommend final fantasy’s, resident evils, mega man legends, vandal hearts, parasite eve, ape escape."
·"Ape Escape, Crash series, Future Cop LAPD"
·"Every iteration of Final Fantasy that was available. Brave Fencer Musashi, super Puzzle Fighter 2 Turbo."
·"Twisted Metal 2, Vigilante 8, Destruction Derby Raw and Spyro."
·"I've got the Spyro, Crash, and Rayman games, FF7, Castlevania SotN, Metal Gear Solid, Oddworld."