"As much as I love a fully kitted Genesis and the SNES I think I'm going to have to go with the PS1."
·"PS1 for sure. Doom 1 and 2 on the same disc, definitely a different experience than PC Doom."
·"PS1. The music is different (not necessarily worse) bur easily runs the best out of all."
·"Getting a used PSP and hacking it might be a viable option."
·"If I stretch that to the post-vintage era, I'd go for the PS2 - you get almost everything from the PlayStation, but with more on top."
·"I'm changing that to Playstation 2. It's backwards compatible with PS1 so you get two consoles worth of games."
·"Even though SNES has some of my favorite games, I'd say PS1."
·"I am going to say PS1 even though my collection of SNES is much larger... PS1 games especially the RPGs were just so much better."
·"But since you said console, PS1. It has one of the biggest libraries and has a good variety of different genres."
·"Playstation 1. Its RPG game is top notch."