"The 10 year old needs Pokémon Fire Red for the GBA for sure."
·"Just load them up on Pokemon, and maybe some classic Mario."
·"My 8yo likes Zelda Minish cap"
·"My 5yo gravitates towards the Kirby and Pokemon pinball games. My 8yo is really into Pokemon, 2d Zeldas, and lately Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy."
·"Easy games for your younger one: - Kirby’s Dream Land (GB) - Super Mario Land 2 (GB) - Kirby’s Adventure (NES) - Kirby Super Star (SNES) - The Simpsons (Arcade - you can feed infinite quarters) - X-Men (Arcade)"
·"Games that are high quality and show off the full capabilities of the system: NES - Super Mario 3, Zelda, TMNT 2, Metroid."
·"**NES** - Super Mario Bros 3 - The Legend of Zelda - Contra - Castlevania - Gradius."
·"****SNES**** - FF6 - Super Metroid - Mario World - Secret of Mana - Zelda: A Link To The Past."
·"SNES: Chrono Trigger, Super Castlevania IV, Zelda a link to the past, Super metroid."
·"Might I recommend Golden Sun and Golden Sun: The Lost Age."