"I love my Tech 7s! lasted me three years now."
·"Alpinestar tech 7s are the absolute best."
·"I have tech 2s that I have had for 10+ years now."
·"For me alpinestars is a perfect fit."
·"Any of the Mx boots will work, alpinestars, etc."
·"Tech 7’s are good. I’d say they run true to size."
·"I had an extra 1" sole added to my riding boots."
·"I like these. Good for small bikes either small shift clearance."
·"Try this https://www.fc-moto.de/epages/fcm.sf/?channable=02099169640033333439313436363635&ObjectPath=/Shops/10207048/Products/Alpinestars-Tech-3-Motorcycle-Boots/SubProducts/Alpinestars-Tech-3-Motorcycle-Boots-0078&Locale=en_IN&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAADj8CCzA5zKGkIeIqO3FO1izWndEx&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI49Gcoe3ehwMVUalmAh1P_y9qEAQYDyABEgKn3PD_BwE"
·"I took a pair of Alpinestars to a local shoe repair shop and had him add a 1" extra sole."