Best rts game on Reddit

339 reviews from r/RealTimeStrategy, r/pcgaming, r/XboxSeriesX and 15 more subreddits

339 reviews from
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"Age of mythology, on retold now but would settle for the remake."
"Love all the following: Age of empires 2"
"Age of Empires IV."
"Age of Empires 4. Easy."
"I'd say there's no better RTS than AoM to get into the genre. It's very newcomer friendly"
"The campaign is a masterpiece."
"AOE4 is pretty damn good and it's what I'm going back to as my daily RTS."
"Best RTS game to come out since SC2."
"AoE 2 and Total War Series, especially Warhammer 2."

Beyond All Reason

"BAR is your game. Beyond All Reason. Check it out, best of all is it is open source and free."
"Beyond all Reason is pretty awesome."
"The best bang for your buck is probably Beyond All Reason, it’s completely free with no micro transactions, supreme commander style gameplay"
"If you liked Total Annihilation."
"Beyond All Reason, and it's free!"
"Not only that its the best but its also free."
"Beyond All Reason."
"It's free. Open source. Still in dev."
"Beyond All Reason got me insanely hooked with it's depth and ease of controls."
"If you like Total Annihilation / Supreme Commander type of games, I would say check Beyond All Reason."

Company of Heroes

"Company of heroes. Enough said!"
"Company of Heroes is made by the folks behind the original Dawn of War."
"Company of heroes 1 or 2 or Warhammer 40k dawn of war 1 and the extensions."
"Company if Heroes 1 & 2, men of war assault squad 2"
"Company of Heroes is your game for accessibility."
"Company of heroes 3 is a bit better now."
"Company of heroes 1,2,3 and age of empires 4."
"Insanely rich and balanced."
"I always recommend Company of Heroes 1, 2, or 3 to beginners."
"The company of heroes series is good."

StarCraft 2

"Age of Empires 4 or Starcraft 2 (free to play)."
"I would suggest you try Starcraft 2."
"Definitely StarCraft 2."
"Starcraft 2 its free."
"If you like sci-fi: StarCraft 2."
"Honestly starcraft 2."
"Civilization for turn based, starcraft 2 for rts."
"Play the Starcraft 2 campaign. Once you are done you can join the online coop."
"Starcraft 2 is free to play."
"Starcraft 2, Age of Empires 4, Homeworld series"

StarCraft II

"Starcraft 2. those are all very popular games in the genre."
"StarCraft 2 is solid and plays with more modern mechanics."
"Nothing beats starcraft in terms of competitive."
"It’s still StarCraft 2."
"Starcraft2 still retains the crown as 'best RTS game' overall."
"SC2 just still has that 11/10 feel to it."
"SC2 is still the best RTS around for polish and unit control"
"I reckon SC2 is the most polished."
"I'd recommend starting with Starcraft II's single player."

Age of Empires

"Age of Empires, Age of Mythology, Warhammer 40k Dawn of War."
"I think Age of Empires 2 is the best RTS game of all time"
"Some very easy recommends if you played the originals: Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition."
"I've been enjoying Age of Empires 2 a lot recently."
"AGe of empires 2 definitive edition on steam is great."
"AoE4 = historical re-enactment campaign"
"Age of empires."
"AoE 4 is very good IMO."
"Best recent RTS is undoubtedly AoE4."
"Personal favourite is AoE4, it's currently a bit of a shitshow regarding gamebreaking bugs."

Age of Empires IV

"Age of empires 4"
"AOE4 is the best modern choice of RTS, IMO."
"Age of Empires 4 and Stormgate so far."
"Age of Empires IV is also pretty fun and has 3D graphics."
"AOE 4."
"Age of Empires 4 is the best RTS game to have come out since sc2."
"Age of Empires 4 just recently released."
"AOE4 has very good tutorials & single-player campaigns."
"4 is decent."

Supreme Commander

"Supreme commander is obscenely good."
"Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance. GOATed RTS."
"Supreme commander forged alliance (hey 80% off)!"
"Supreme Commander Forged Alliance with the Forged Alliance Forever mod is highly active."
"Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance and Company of Heroes 2 are great games."
"If you get the chance, give Supreme Commander a try."
"Try supreme commander."
"Supreme commander"
"For a begginer i would go with supreme commander."

Warcraft III

"Warcraft 3, Age of Empires and Stronghold"
"Warcraft 3. The one and only"
"Warcraft 3 is just so well rounded and so fun to play with the heroes"
"Warcraft 3, dawn of war and command and conquer generals"
"Warcraft3. StarCraft and Battle for middle earth 2."
"Warcraft 3 and Age of Empires 2."
"Warcraft 3, i dont like the main multiplayer but i LOVE to make custom maps"

Age of Mythology

"Age of Mythology Retold"
"Age of Mythology."
"AoM would be absolutely perfect to start with for several reasons."
"Age of mythology, a timeless Gem"
"Age of mythology, a timeless Gem."
"AoM was my first ever RTS and it is a great start."
"It's not the easiest game to get into but I feel like it's fine if you're genuinely interested."
"The most beginner friendly RTS game to exist is pikmen."


"I recommend Northgard and Against the storm."
"Northgard is very chill."
"Is second."
"Give Northgard a whir."
"Northgard. It's a slower paced RTS for the most part."
"Northgard and mindustry(kinda)."
"Northgard is also a pretty chill and simple RTS."
"Northgard is worth mentioning here."
"Check out Northgard. I've enjoyed what I have played so far, but that isn't much"

Company of Heroes 2

"Old or not, I have 2 recommendations: Company of Heroes 2 and Supreme Commander(Forged Alliance)"
"Company of Heroes 2, Dawn of War 3, Dawn of War 1"
"Company of heroes 2 has a good and long campaign for you."
"If you like WW2: Company of Heroes 2."
"Compay of Heroes 2 is one of the slower RTS."
"Company of Heroes 2 is 2014, still looks good and uses similar cover mechanics to Dawn of War (same development team)."
"Age of Empires 2, Company of Heroes 2, Frostpunk, Banished."
"There's also Company of heroes 2 which you should enjoy."

Relic Entertainment

"Company of heroes 2, played the absolute shit out of that."
"Love all the following: dawn of war1/2"
"Company of Heroes 2."
"Company of Heroes 3 🙌🏼"
"My favorite strategy games is Dawn of war."
"Dawn of War 2, Starcraft 2."

Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance

"Another vote for Supreme Commander Forged Alliance."
"Not 2015 but my favorite is still supcom forged alliance."
"Maybe if you want to experiment a bit try supreme Commander Forged Alliance."
"Old or not, I have 2 recommendations: Company of Heroes 2 and Supreme Commander(Forged Alliance)"
"Current; EAW (modded), Supcom FAF, SOASE, X4, Planetary Annihilation, Wargame."
"Probably Supreme Commander Forged Alliance even if I haven't played it for a little while"
"My friends group has been playing Supreme Commander Forged alliance and COH2 with Spearhead mod for years."


"The answer is always Zero-K."
"The best true RTS yet has probably been Zero-K."
"Biased, but I suspect many of us give biased answers, so: Zero-K"
"Free RTS on steam."
"Zero-k if you like 16v16 battles on the weekend"
"Zero-k, Mindustry and 0ad are all completely free rts games."
"Zero k is a scifi rts, its free on steam"

Halo Wars

"Halo Wars 1 and 2."
"Been having fun w halo wars, debating getting Iron Harvest."
"Both Halo Wars games"
"I've heard Halo Wars is a good RTS for beginners too."
"Halo Wars"
"Halo Wars is quite simple and fun to play."
"I’ve heard halo wars is good."

They Are Billions

"Excellent survival."
"They are Billions"
"They are billons is great."
"They are billions, Amazing game!"
"Give 'They are Billions' a try."
"They Are Billions can scratch that itch."

Empire at War

"Empire at War, I always go back to it."
"Empire at War is a banger."
"Empire at War or BFME with mods, both make the games even more fantastic."
"Empire at war is the only true commander sim"
"My vote is for Empire at War, mods have helped that one out as well."
"Empire at War is really good with mods."

Iron Harvest

"The only one that stuck with me."
"My friend, check out the game Iron Harvest, very good RTS."
"I’ve got my eye on a game called Iron Harvest."
"Iron Harvest is good."
"Iron Harvest has some issues ATM, but developers stay in contact with players."
"Iron Harvest if you like the old relic style games."
"If you like Company of Heroes, Iron Harvest is somewhat in that style."

Age of Empires 4

"Definitely age of empires 4."
"Suggest age of empires 4. One of the best made tutorial of an RTS to get into the mechanics."
"I think Age of Empires 4 is the best."
"I think Age 4 is a good one as well."
"AOE 4 and Halo wars."
"I have over 1000 hours on age of empire 4."

Dawn of War

"Dawn of War II And stay away from III"
"Dawn of War, if you want to get into the 40k aspect of warhammer."
"The original Dawn of War series was awesome."
"Dawn of war"
"Dawn of War 1 & 2, specifically a big fan of Dark Crusade."
"Dawn of War was also pretty sick imo."
"Dawn of War 3 is not great."

Electronic Arts

"Love all the following: c&c red alert"
"CnC Kane's Wrath, warcraft 3."
"Unpopular opinion: Red Alert 3."
"Command and Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath."
"Tempest Rising, Red alert 2."
"Look into the modding scene for command and conquer generals."


"No question."
"Warno, broken arrow, black and white 2"
"WARNO beats everything ive tried so far."
"Warno is pretty great."
"Warno, broken arrow, black and white 2."


"The SC2 campaigns (and coop) are still extremely good."
"StarCraft 1 and 2 because they are awesome and free."
"If you like microing units starcraft and warcraft are the go."
"Starcraft is still the most popular RTS."

Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition

"Aoe2 de and the ladder experience"
"Aoe2 definitive edition."
"Age of empires 2 definitive edition is still king and probably has a bigger player base than all the games named here combined."
"Aoe2 de."

Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition

"Go for AoE 2 definitive edition or 4."
"If you like the middle ages: Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition or AoE 4."
"Age of Empires 2 Definitive edition, its remastered of old games."
"Give Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition, Starcraft 1 Remastered and Command and Conquer Remastered a try."

Age of Empires II

"The second because it's an incredible game"
"AoE 2 is among the best rts of all time."
"Age of Empires 2."
"AoE2 nears third place"

Red Alert 2

"Easily my top favorite, used to spend days just playing skrimish over and over"
"Red Alert 2"
"I’m a red alert 2 guy myself but I hear you."
"Red alert 2 is relatively simple and pacing is fast."

Rusted Warfare

"Rusted warfare."
"For mobile games, check out Rusted Warfare."
"Rusted warfare!"
"Rusted warfare is an actual RTS and not a clash of clans ripoff/whale hunt."
"Rusted warfare."

Warcraft 3

"If you like fantasy: Warcraft 3."
"Warcraft 3 play the campaign then go play online."
"Warcraft 3. Reforged is shit though."
"Warcraft 3, Northgard, and Company of Heroes 2 are also pretty popular."

World in Conflict

"World in conflict has a very easy rock paper scissors mechanic."
"World in Conflict"
"World in Conflict (though technically this is real-time tactics)."
"Company of Heroes and World in Conflict."


"My favourite is Stronghold"
"Stronghold, Diplomacy is not an Option, Cossacks3, Lords of the Realm 2 (old but fun)."
"I would suggest Stronghold."

Grey Goo

"Grey Goo is good fun, reminds me of a Starcraft Supcom mix."
"Both great."
"Check out Grey Goo or the 8 Bit Armies/Hordes/Invader games."
"You could try Grey Goo or Act of Aggression."


"Homeworld series is a must if you are into campaign."
"Homeworld kicks rear if you like space style RTS games."

Total War

"I recommend Total War WH3 :)"
"Please try any of the total war games."
"Consider a toal war game if you just want to do the battles without building or reproduce management."


"Stellaris is pretty good."

Command and Conquer: Red Alert 2

"Red alert 2 comrade general"
"Start with CNC. They have the simplest economy to manage."
"Command and conquer red alert 2 or starcraft 2 super easy to learn."

0 A.D.

"Is free, good and pretty similar."
"0AD and Project Celeste (AoE Online fan remake) are the only AoE-likes not owned by Microsoft."
"Absolutely 0 A.D.: It is very similar in game mechanics, but it has many interesting features."

Halo Wars 2

"HaloWars2 is the best of the bunch."
"Halo wars 2 is the only game wish they would make 3"
"You can't go wrong with Halo Wars 2."

Supreme Commander 2

"Supreme commander 2 on sale now 3.8€"
"Supreme Commander 2 has a really solid campaign."
"Supreme Commander 2 is a great introduction to the RTS genre."

Rise of Nations

"Rise of Nations :P."
"There's an option to have the AI run your nation for you."
"Rise of Nations is the only RTS that my buddies will reinstall."

Call to Arms

"Warno and they are billions."
"Call to Arms: Gates of Hell is fantastic, as is WARNO."
"Couple games I would recommend are, call to arms and the dungeon series :) "


"Wargame Red Dragon."
"Wargame red dragon also got an update not too long ago."
"I'd recommend Wargame: Red Dragon if you haven't played that already."

Gas Powered Games

"Supreme Commander."
"Love all the following: supreme commander"

Gates of Hell

"Gates of Hell can have pretty large battles but also pretty small ones but is honestly one of the best RTTs out there."
"I think Gates of Hell is so incredibly good, a true successor of assault squad 2 but so much better"

Total Annihilation

"Nostalgia: Total Annihilation, AOE2, Starcraft"
"OG total annihilation"

Age of Empires I

"AoE2 and AoE1"
"The first for the nostalgia and outstanding setting vibe"


"Starcraft 2 and it is free."
"Starcraft 2. The first campaign is free."


"Cossacks 3 is my all time favourite."
"Cossacks 3"

Creative Assembly

"Total war warhammer, have played from 1 to 3."
"Love all the following: Rome total war"


"I highly recommend downloading Steam. That's probably the best all around way to play games on Mac."
"Download Steam if you haven't got it already."

Homeworld Remastered Collection

"Homeworld Remastered Collection for sure. So good."
"Homeworld Remastered Collection has a great story and a fantastic implementation of 3D gameplay."


"Spellforce 3 (one of the best campaigns of all time)."
"For story."


"If you like Supreme Commander, you should check out FAF."
"If you want to feel like you're not in a cupboard."


"Play Frostpunk and thank me later."
"Check out Frostpunk."

Brass Tactics

"I loved Brass Tactics!!"
"Brass tactics is another one."

Command and Conquer

"Command & Conquer franchise and, more specifically, Generals and Zero Hour."
"Any of the command and conquers( except that last one that one sucked )"

Machines at War 3

"Machines at War 3."
"Machines at war 3 is really good."

War Selection

"I really enjoy War Selection (and its a free on steam)"
"Give war selection a try."

Wargame: Red Dragon

"Wargame red dragon"
"Wargame: Red Dragon is also good."

Red Alert 3

"Red Alert 3, great bit of storytelling and fun campaign."
"Red Alert 3 and the uprising expansion is really fun."

Majesty 2

"Majesty 2"
"Majesty 2"

Mount & Blade

"For personal involvement in battles."
"I say try and play bannelord and total war warhammer 2."

Shiro Games

"I'm a fan of all the games you like, and I got many on my list! Northgard"
"Simple to learn but hard to master, multiplayer is quite popular with ranked and unranked modes."


"Halo Wars 2 gang rise up!"
"Halo Wars 2 and Red Alert 3 (backwards compatible) are probably the only decent ones."

Command & Conquer


Total War: Warhammer 3

"Today, TWW3 (does it count as fully RTS?)"
"Total war warhammer 3 is great."

Classic RTS

"Most of the best RTS games are going to be old."
"Most good RTS are old."

Original War

"Love all the following: original war."

Sins of a Solar Empire

"Sins of a solar empire 2"

Total War: Napoleon

"I'd recommend a slightly older Total War that has a theme you would enjoy. Personally, I loved Napoleon on Mac."


"It’s classic RTS like command and conquer and has co op against the computer and also has 2v2 pvp."

Total War: Warhammer II

"Total war warhammer 2"

Gates of Hell: Ostfront

"Gates of Hell : Ostfront, by a country mile (In my opinion)"

Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth 2

"The best RTS game I've ever played"

Firefly Studios

"Stronghold crusader."

Age of Mythology: Retold

"AoM Retold"

Command and Conquer 3

"For me: cnc 3 and age of empires 3."

Age of Empires I & III

"Aoe 1 & 3, Brood Wars, and Seven Kingdoms 2: Fryhtan Wars."

Crossfire: Legion

"Crossfire: Legion also made by Blackbird Interactive (Homeworld DOK)."

9 Bit Armies

"9 bit armies is fun, close to c&c."

Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour

"Try mo Generals / Zero Hour, another classic RTS."

Tiberium Sun

"* Tiberium Sun."

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