Best schooling fish on Reddit

346 reviews from r/Aquariums, r/PlantedTank, r/bettafish and 9 more subreddits

346 reviews from
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"Beautiful copper color, really good shoaling, hardy, and 100% peaceful."
"Rummynose tetras form the tightest schools of any fish I’ve ever seen. They are all synced and move as a group."
"Tetras are the best schoolers, especially in large groups. Rummy nose tetras are very active and thrive in similar conditions as neons."
"Harlequin Rasboras love to school in my 10G, really cool fish and low maintenance."
"I really love having neon tetras in my tank!"
"Tetras. Bettas can’t catch ‘em."
"I have tetras with mine."
"Rummynose are probably one of the best options you have, they do stay together more and are also more active swimmers than most tetras and rasboras."
"I like some tetras."
"Neon tetras would be my choice in your place."

Harlequin Rasbora

"They’re hardy, school relatively well, and get vibrant neon peachy pink colors if you feed them a varied diet."
"Harlequin raspora"
"Harlequin Rasboras, Ember Tetras, Corydoras Catfish."
"Harlequin rasboras are hardy, fun, schooling fish."
"They form tight groups and are calm movers - much like tetras. They often don't look like much at the shop, but once they settle in they look amazing."
"They are a true schooling fish. In a 90 you could have a beautiful size school!"
"Harlequin Rasboras are quite nice, add a lot of movement to a tank."
"Love me some harlequin rasboras"
"Harlequin Rasboras are a lovely choice."
"I love harlequin rasboras. They school nicely."

Rummynose Tetra

"Rummynose are my personal favorite. Great colors, the platinum variety stands out from a distance, and a tight schooling behavior that looks great in larger tanks."
"Rummy-nose tetra are my favorite. Cool color, not too big, school well."
"Rummynose tetras are the best tetra for schooling . Get at least 6 they school around the tank all day."
"Rummy red nose tetra 100%."
"Two schools: Rummynose tetras and neon tetras."
"I love rummy nose tetras."
"Big vote here for Rummy Nose Tetras."
"Another vote for rummynose from me! They almost never stray from one another."
"Rummynose are the tightest schooling fish I’ve ever worked with."
"Some rummy nose tetras."

Ember Tetra

"I think from a 15g, ember tetras would be your best bet, could probably have a school around 15 to 20."
"They’re all doing fine together."
"Ember tetras"
"Ember Tetra or rainbow tetra for swimmers."
"Ember tetras."
"Embers! I've been struggling with schooling fish for a long time and these tiny little guys are an absolute godsend."
"Ember tetras"
"I'm biased for ember tetras cause i love their color."
"I've kept rainbows, ember tetras, guppies, hillstream loaches."
"Embers tetras , Kubotai rasboras, or cardinals?"

Neon Tetra

"Neon tetras, rummynose, and ember tetra."
"I love the classic neon tetra."
"Neon tetras (or cardinal tetras) all the way. They are so beautiful and colourful!"
"Neon tetras are a classic, but still memorizing to stare at"
"Neons would look really good in here. They stay smaller than cardinals too."
"Ummmm neon tetras.. cheap as sin an beautiful."
"You could have 8-10 neon tetras looks great!"
"If your 15g matches the standard 24"x13", then you can keep neon tetras in it."
"Neon Tetras would be great."

Cardinal Tetra

"A close second would be cardinal tetras for intense color."
"I've had such better luck with Cardinal Tetras. Brighter colors, school the same, and are ten times more healthy than neons."
"They school regularly and are fun to watch."
"Rummy nose or cardinal tetras."
"Embers tetras , Kubotai rasboras, or cardinals?"
"80 cardinal tetra."
"Cardinal tetras ( growing slightly bigger than neons)"
"If you lone the look of neons you can go for cardinals, they look similar but are healthier"
"Cardinal tetras or Colombian tetras."
"Simple cardinal tetra are glowing blue, accents nice green grass."

Aquarium Fish

"I have neon tetras and zebra danios. No problems."
"I like chili rasboras, I have them with cherry shrimp and there is no shortage in the shrimp population, and I think they’re great little schooling fish."
"Rummynose are active swimmers and tight schoolers, perfect for a 4 foot tank."
"Rummynose tetras are beautiful and peaceful fish, perfect for community tanks."
"I like neon tetras. They look like a flock of bluebirds."
"Harlequin rasboras are peaceful and look great in tanks."
"Neon Tetras are vibrant and colorful!"
"Both black and albino neon tetras are stunning and easy to care for."
"I loooove harlequin rasboras! They’ve been so entertaining and really add so much life to the tank!"
"Neons look great against green and red plants."

Chili Rasbora

"Cherry shrimp and chili rasboras is my vote."
"They are the most epic fresh water schooling fish"
"Chili rasboras! I love them in mine."
"Embers or chili rasbora."
"Chili Rasboras."
"Have you seen Chili Rasboras? You could get a ton of those guys in there."
"How about chili rasboras?"
"I loooooove them!"
"Chili Rasboras."
"Chili Rasboras, Celestial Pearl Danios, Ember Tetras."


"Harlequin rasboras school really well and look amazing"
"Or, as suggested, cories."
"Corydoras catfish! I have a 20 long stocked with guppies, platies and julii cories and I couldn’t be happier."
"I like Corydoras."
"Corydoras are amazing fish!"
"Corys hang together too, but of course, that's on the bottom."
"Coridoras for the bottom"
"Definitely cories, depending on the size of your tank."

Congo Tetra

"Congo tetras and cardinal neons make an awesome combo."
"Congo tetras?"
"Congo tetras, Colombian tetras, Emperor tetras."
"Congo tetra"
"Congo tetra, rummy nose tetra are some of my favorite schooling fish."
"Let's suggest African glass cats or Congo tetras as nice alternatives to barbs and Columbian blues."
"A small school of Congo tetra would be neat."
"Congo Tetras. I've had them with Rainbows with no issues."

Tiger Barb

"Tiger barbs and snakeskin barbs or gold barbs would look really cool."
"Tiger barbs!"
"I think some tiger barbs or fancy guppies would looks nice."
"Tiger barbs"
"Tiger barbs"
"Inexpensive, hardy, and fun to watch."
"Tiger barbs!"
"Tiger barbs!"

Rummy Nose Tetra

"Use to have a school of 30 rummy nose in my discs tank that schooled really well."
"I'd have to go with rummy nose tetras."
"Rummynose tetras are mostly white, but their bright red faces."
"If you want "true" schooling, then rummies."
"I have emporers, cardinals and rummy nose."
"I had rummys at 86 and they did not do well."

Celestial Pearl Danio

"Celestial pearl danios would do pretty well."
"Your best bet is probably more cpds."
"I love smaller fish so Celestial pearl Danios would look awesome!"
"Celestial pearl danios get my vote!"
"Celestial pearl danio are good, chilli rasboras are fine."
"Celestial pearl danios."
"Try Celestial Pearl Danios."

Pygmy Corydoras

"By far the most fun to watch are the cories."
"I love the way my pygmy cory cats school. They look like airplanes flying in formation."
"Go to Aqua and pick up a school of 10 of pygmy corydoras."
"I have pygmy corydora and my betta is perfectly fine with them !! Plus they’re small and adorable 🥰"
"Pgmy corydoras"
"My Pygmy cories and Cardinals get along well."

Black Skirt Tetra

"Some biggish tetra? Maybe black skirt tetra or something like that?"
"Black skirt tetras. Good size, hardy and interesting schooling fish."
"If you want to go for something really different, 6 skirt tetras would look really cool."
"Black skirt tetra meet all the criteria u mentioned."
"If you like tetras but don't want neons, you could go with Black or White Skirt Tetras, they're pretty bulletproof."
"Try something a little bigger maybe black skirts."

Zebra Danios

"I’m a ride or die for giant danios. They match the size of the fish you have so they aren’t gonna be bullied, extremely fast in the case they do get chased, and are absolutely beautiful."
"School of Whitecloud mountain minnows ...zebra danios are a couple of types to look at.."
"Zebra danios! No other fish will swim around your tank like those guys."
"Throwing more support behind some danios. They stay generally at the top/mid water level so they wouldn't bother your cories."
"Some say, zebra danios are fin nippers but mine are busy chasing each other."

White Cloud Mountain Minnows

"I love my white cloud minnows. They school beautiful and you don't need a heater."
"White Cloud Mountain Minnows... I've always had an easier time keeping them alive vs the pet store neon tetras."
"Inexpensive, hardy, and gorgeous fish."
"Definitely White cloud minnows."

Green Neon Tetra

"Green neon tetra if your ph is low enough."
"They have some cool schooling behavior and are very pretty."
"Green neon tetras or ember tetras."
"Green neons? Somebody posted theirs recently and they looked like little lasers."


"Danios, tetras or rasboras."
"Danios are awesome."
"If you want a hardier schooling fish, then danios are a good option."
"Danios for the surface level, tetras for mid and corys and loaches for bottom."
"I have hard water. And my rasboras and tetras didn’t survive. :("


"I'm a big softie for neons!"
"Neon tetras are vibrant and lively."
"Neons, silvertips, rummynose."


"Pseudomugil! I’ve fallen in love with the little guys. Very unique and colorful"
"If you haven't tried out Pseudomugil species, I highly recommend them!"
"I would do some pseudomugil."

White Cloud Mountain Minnow

"Always loved my big group of white cloud mountain minnows"
"I've been planning for a 6x2x1.5 (lxbxh) tank, heavily planted and filled with only white could mountain minnows, cherry shrimp, pygmy corydoras and hillstream loaches."
"I need to know if WCMM are good for this tank."


"I also think you should look into chilli or galaxy rasboras."
"Rasboras are good too."
"Maybe a variety of rasbora? Espei or chili might look cool."

Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish

"I personally love dwarf neon rainbow fish."
"I got a shoal of dwarf neon rainbowfish and they quickly became one of my new favourite fishes."
"You could try a handful of dwarf neon rainbows."

Zebra Danio

"Danios are crazy and would fit well in a tank that size."
"Zebra danios. My fav schooling fish."
"I plan to add two more to the Cory cats."

Emperor Tetra

"Emperor tetras are cool."
"See of you can find emperor tetras."
"I’m a big fan of emperor tetras."


"I have mine with tetras and corys."

Endler's Livebearer

"Maybe endlers?"
"Endler's livebearers and guppies"
"Endlers, Chili Rasboras or Galaxy/Phoenix Rasboras should work well for a 10gal!"

Silver Dollar

"I would go with silver dollars then you won’t have to worry about aggression"
"Silver dollars, like 8 of them"
"Love my silver dollars just a shame they destroy and eat all the plants."


"82 would be fine for both rummy nose and discus."
"You can mix discus with angelfish, they can grow quite big as well"
"I know nothing about Discus."

Chili rasboras

"Chilli rasboras for sure"
"They add color and are great in a group."


"Neon tetras are vibrant and easy to care for!"
"Neon tetras are vibrant and add a beautiful touch to my aquarium."

Kuhli Loach

"The answer is always……kuhli loaches!"
"Khuli loaches!"

Cherry Barb

"Cherry barbs are adorable and sooo pretty!"
"Cherry barbs maybe? Lots of sites say 20 some say 30."

Kubotai Rasbora

"Embers tetras , Kubotai rasboras, or cardinals?"
"I love my kubotai rasboras behaviour."

White Cloud Minnow

"I LOVE them"
"White cloud minnows."

Harlequin Rasboras

"Harlequin Rasboras are vibrant and easy to care for!"
"We recently got six Harlequin, rasboras for our 20 gallon and they're pretty fun to watch."


"I love these guys. I’d recommend adding more as time goes on."
"I love danios but they are very fast and active and might out compete the gourami"


"I've kept rainbows, ember tetras, guppies, hillstream loaches."
"I like guppies with harlequin rasboras."


"I like rasboras."
"Rasboras! Very fun little fish."


"Several Mollys"
"Molly’s would look great in there"


"You can mix discus with angelfish, they can grow quite big as well"
"I know this may not be helpful or realistic, but more angelfish, or a small group of discus."

Gold Barb

"Gold barbs or cherry barbs, they are peaceful compared with other barb types."
"Gold Barbs🐡🐡🐡🐡🐡"

Lampeye Killifish

"Lampeye killifish are good"
"Lampeye Killifish! I just discovered them."

Espei Rasbora

"Espei rasbora."
"Check out espei rasboras."


"Hatchetfish are pretty cool"
"If you want something different you could always go with hatchet fish."

Penguin Tetra

"Penguin tetra cant beat em."
"If you want a good schooling fish, check out Penguin Tetras."

Silver Tip Tetra

"Silver tip tetra."
"Silver tip tetras. Not exactly colorful but theyre super fun."


"A bunch of chromis/damsels, or cardinals."
"Best experiment for open water swimmers would be chromis."


"I've got 10 pristella tetras, and 8 Platies."
"Platys (they don’t really school, but add a nice pop of colour) and Pygmy corys"

Vietnamese Cardinal Minnows

"Vietnamese cardinal minnows school really nice."

Mosquito Rasbora

"Mosquito Rasboras are extra small, but bright red."

Pristella Tetra

"I've got 10 pristella tetras."

Green Tiger Barb

"Green tiger barbs. If you get enough they won't touch your rainbows."

Giant Danio

"I have become a big fan of danios."

Rosy Loach

"I've kept rainbows, ember tetras, guppies, hillstream loaches."

Hillstream Loach

"I've kept rainbows, ember tetras, guppies, hillstream loaches."

Corydoras Pygmaeus

"They are Corydoras pygmaeus."

Australian Rainbow Fish

"Look into Australian rainbow fish and US shiner species."

Pepper Corydoras

"Both are social schooling fish, and the harlequins are pretty little pops of red."


"Perhaps you can do Boraras (any species) or some of the small tetra species like green neon, ruby, or Tucano."

Rummy Nose

"Tightest schooling fish I've had are rummy nose."

Leopard Danio

"They’re pretty resistant to sickness as well and they never swim alone either"


"Hyphessobrycon sweglesi are awesome. One of the best schooling fish I've had that aren't shy at all."

Corydoras habrosus

"* 6-8 Corydoras habrosus * one other schooling fish"

Madagascar Rainbowfish

"I have an awesome school of Madagascar rainbows."

Brilliant Rasbora

"Brilliant Rasboras, neon dwarf Praecox Rainbowfish."

Blind Cave Tetra


Golden White Cloud Minnow

"Golden White Cloud Minnows"

Springeri Damsels

"Springeri damsels are what you’re looking for."

Buenos Aires Tetra

"I have Buenos Aires tetras with my Acara."


"Go with some shrimp too!"

German Blue Ram

"A pair of German blue rams"

Checkerboard Barb

"My top choices would be: checkerboard (ugly when small, but great as they settle in and color up)"

Daisy's Rice Fish

"I have a mix of daisy rice fish, emerald eye rasboras and pepper tetras."

Yellow Phantom Tetra

"Huge fan of yellow phantom tetras."


"If you want to try something different try barbs or something."

Spotted Danio

"They’re really pretty imo, but they can occasionally be a little rude"

Honey Gourami

"Honey gouramis are fine for a 20 gallon"

Emerald Eye Rasbora

"Emerald eye rasbora are one of the best schooling fish."

Albino Corydoras

"Albino corydoras go along with almost everything."

Diamond Tetra

"Diamond tetras maybe? I had 8 in a 20g high and they seemed pretty chill."

Japanese Rice Fish

"I’m a fan of Japanese Rice fish or Medaka, there’s a few colors of them but the platinum ones look great in my nano."

Norman's Lampeye

"Norman's lampeyes are cool. mine still school at times after a year of keeping them."


"Nannostomus pencilfish are super underrated imo"


"A really popular one is the bristle nose plec."

Scissor Tail Rasbora

"I just got a group of scissor tail rasboras. Swim nice together."

Threadfin Rainbowfish

"Threadfin or blue eye rainbowfish."

Galaxy Pearl Danio

"Galaxy pearl danios are a really cool small fish."


"I'd say a pack of anthias, a bunch of chromis/damsels, or cardinals."

Balloon Molly

"Best fish would be another balloon molly in ratio 1M to 3F."

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