Best sci-fi books on Reddit

516 reviews from r/scifi, r/printSF, r/booksuggestions and 9 more subreddits

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Andy Weir

"Project Hail Mary."
"The Martian."
"The Martian is great for adolescent boys."
"Project Hail Mary and Enders game."
"My 11yr old is currently reading the Martian and absolutely loves it."
"*The Martian* by Andy Weir."
"The Martian and project hail Mary."
"Project Hail Mary is a fun, engaging read."
"Project Hail Mary."
"_The Martian_ or _Project Hail Mary_ by Andy Weir both fit your guidelines."

Orson Scott Card

"Ender’s Game should still be mentioned despite all the other mentions of it."
"*Ender's Game* and *Enders Shadow*, by Orson Scott Card"
"And my all time personal favorite - Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card."
"Ender's Game."
"Enders Game by Orson Scott Card."
"Enders game."
"Enders Game"
"Good sci-fi for a 12-year-old boy? *Ender’s Game*"
"Enders Game, it’s a power fantasy for smart nerdy kids."
"Ender's Game! It was the book that introduced me to the sci-fi genre."

Frank Herbert

"Dune, definitely."
"Dune. Start with Dune."
"16 is the perfect age to read Dune..."
"Dune by Frank Herbert."
"Dune. I think it’s the only sci/fi of all time."
"I was 12 when I was reading Dune (which blew me away) & Foundation."
"Dune. I read this the first time at 13. It made much more sense when I read as an adult. Still recommend."
"Asimov’s robot and Foundation books, Heinlein, Dune, Clarke… maybe especially Clarke & Baxter’s *The Light of Other Days*."
"Dune - Herbert"

Arthur C. Clarke

"Rendezvous with Rama by Clarke."
"Clarke's Childhood's End."
"Rendezvous with Rama by Clarke"
"Childhood's End - Arthur C. Clarke."
"Childhoods End is a great book, which creates a mythic vision of the universe."
"Childhood’s End by Arthur C Clarke."
"Arthur C Clarke’s Childhood’s End."
"Childhood's End"
"I distinctly remember reading and loving Childhood’s End when I was 12."
"Rendezvous with Rama! That's how old I was when I read it and it began my life long love of sci Fi!"

Dan Simmons

"Everyone’s gonna say Hyperion. And they’re all correct :)"
"Hyperion series by Dan Simmons, Anathem by Neal Stephenson. Two of the most excellent books ever written."
"The Hyperion series."
"*Hyperion* by Dan Simmons is the first in the 4-book *Hyperion Cantos* series."
"Is probably my favorite book in general."
"Hyperion - it's a masterpiece."
"Hyperion Cantos by Simmons."
"The Hyperion Cantos books by Dan Simmons."

James S.A. Corey

"The Expanse series is mostly a high-adventure space opera."
"The Expanse by James S.A. Corey."
"The Expanse is phenomenal for what it is, the show itself is a great adaptation."
"* *The Expanse* series by James S.A. Corey."
"The expanse series."
"The Expanse novels."
"Is an epic 9 books totally worth the read."
"The expanse series by james Corey."
"I would like to suggest The Expanse series (which you didn’t list, it’s also a tv series?)."
"James SA Corey’s The Expanse - a 9 book series that has been finished."

Isaac Asimov

"I’d also suggest, Asimov’s Foundation."
"Sci-fi type Books I read at 16 with philosophical bent: Foundation."
"I fell in love with Foundation when I was about 9."
"Lots of short stories by Isaac Asimov (e.g. *I, Robot*)"
"Was what really hooked me into sci fi"
"Dune, all 7 books, is a must read."
"I, Robot is a good start to Asimov’s works on sci-fi."
"Asimov’s robot and Foundation books, Heinlein, Dune, Clarke… maybe especially Clarke & Baxter’s *The Light of Other Days*."
"Asimov’s robot and Foundation books, Heinlein, Dune, Clarke… maybe especially Clarke & Baxter’s *The Light of Other Days*."
"- I, Robot (or any of Asimov's other robot short story collections) (this one isn't a series but still)"

Douglas Adams

"I first read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and thoroughly enjoyed it."
"Douglas Adams - Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."
"It’s the perfect age to fall in love with the book."
"Douglas Adams A hitchhikers guide to the galaxy"
"A very fun book with an absurd humour on life."
"Hitchhikers guide."
"Hitchhiker's guide!"
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy is hilarious and generally PG until book 5, which is PG13."
"Hitchhiker's guide"
"Then hitchhikers guide."

Martha Wells

"The Murderbot diaries, Martha Wells."
"A lot of people speak highly of The Murderbot Diaries."
"*All Systems Red* is the first of the *Murderbot Diaries* series by Martha Wells."
"The Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells is also a great choice."
"Muderbot diaries by Martha Wells (also getting a adaptation on Apple TV)"
"On Reading your intrigued by list, murderbot diaries."
"The easiest 'must-read' series is probably Murderbot."
"All Systems Red (Murderbot series)(action)"
"Martha Wells Murderbot Diaries."
"Murderbot! A conflicted security android killing machine with low self-esteem that loves soap operas."

Iain M. Banks

"Iain M Banks Culture series."
"You should check out Iain M. Banks’ Culture novels."
"Iain M Banks is my benchmark for big ideas sci-fi."
"Is my favorite sci-fi series of all time"
"Iain Banks. Hyperion Cantos Altered Carbon Jack Campbell: Lost Fleet Peter Hamilton"
"More Ian Banks - he wrote many, your list has 3."
"Iain M Banks Culture novels."
"Iain M Banks Culture novels."
"Also check out Iain M. Banks. Specifically the Culture novels."
"Also check out Iain M. Banks."

Robert A. Heinlein

"*Starship Trooper* and *The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress* immediately come to mind."
"*Starship Trooper* and *The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress* immediately come to mind."
"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein."
"I would go with The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Starship Troopers."
"I would go with The Moon is a Harsh Mistress and Starship Troopers."
"Not having any Heinlein on your list is criminal. *The Moon is a Harsh Mistress*."
"Not having any Heinlein on your list is criminal. *Stranger in a Strange Land*."
"Not having any Heinlein on your list is criminal. *Starship Troopers*."
"I would say Moon is a Harsh Mistress might be closer."
"Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein."

Neal Stephenson

"Seveneves by Stephenson."
"Check out Anathem by Neal Stephenson."
"Hyperion series by Dan Simmons, Anathem by Neal Stephenson. Two of the most excellent books ever written."
"Snowcrash by Stephenson."
"Anathem! All of Western philosophy repackaged as an alternate (?) reality by Neal Stephenson."
"Seveneves by Neal Stephenson"
"Snow Crash by Neil Stephenson futuristic high speed pizza delivery at its finest."
"I will recommend a book that I sometimes hesitate to recommend because it verges on frenetic: "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson."
"Some fast moving (or just great) standalone books ive enjoyed"
"Seveneves - Neil Stephenson."

John Scalzi

"John Scalzi's Old Man's War series."
"Anything by John Scalzi. Old Man's War is probably his most popular."
"I really liked Redshirts."
"Old Man’s War by Scalzi helped get me back into reading sci-fi."
"Scalzi is one of my favorite SciFi authors."
"I think John Scalzi is the most ‘accessible’ sci-fi writer."
"Try a silly Scalzi like Red Shirts or Agent to the Stars"
"Old Man’s War - John Scalzi."
"Old Man's War - John Scalzi."
"Old Man's War by John Scalzi."

Pierce Brown

"The Red Rising books are so so good."
"Red Rising"
"Red rising - Pierce brown."
"I guarantee you will not regret this."
"Red Rising by Pierce Brown is what made Sci Fi more accessible to me personally."
"Red Rising series - Pierce Brown."
"The Red Rising series has ruined all other books for me. It is truly fantastic."
"Red Rising series by Pierce Brown"
"Red Rising series always struck me as being aimed at that age similar to Hunger Games, but is actually good."
"Red rising books. Good for youth , and just good in general."

Adrian Tchaikovsky

"Children of Time, just because it's awesome."
"It's genuinely one of my favorite scifi novels of all time."
"Oh my god Children of Time!"
"Is excellent"
"Children of Time"
"100% check out Adrian Tchaikovsky. Children of Time put him on the map."
"I also just finished Children of Time which was really good."
"If you're into spiders being uplifted to sentience the you should read the children of time series."
"Children of Time and Project Hail Mary"
"Tchaikovsky: Children of Time (not if they're arachnophobes!)"

Joe Haldeman

"* "The Forever War" (1974) by Joe Haldeman"
"Forever War. Joe Haldeman."
"*The Forever War, The LaNague Federation* trilogy."
"The Forever War by Joe Haldeman (some mature themes iirc very cool Vietnam inspired story)."
"The Forever War by Joe Haldeman."
"The Forever War by Joe Haldeman."
"The Forever War by Joe Haldeman"
"Some fast moving (or just great) standalone books ive enjoyed"
"The Forever War by Joe Haldeman."
"The Forever War by Joe Haldeman."

Ursula K. Le Guin

"The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula K. Le Guin."
"* "The Lathe of Heaven" (1971) by Ursula K. Le Guin"
"On the Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin is absolutely outstanding."
"Great choice with Chiang. As always I recommend Ursula K Le Guin."
"Anything by Ursula K. Leguin."
"The left hand of darkness."
"The Left Hand of Darkness By: Ursula K. Le Guin."
"Ursula K Le Guin. Brilliant sci-fi with heart."
"The Left Hand of Darkness - Ursula K. LeGuin"
"The left hand of darkness - le guin."

Lois McMaster Bujold

"Try him on the Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold."
"Vorkosigan Saga (maybe?)"
"[The Vorkosigan Saga] by Lois McMaster Bujold"
"A lot the Vorkosigan saga by Lois McMaster Bujold was on Audible plus as I was reading it."
"Vorkosigan Saga - space opera"
"The Vorkosigan series of 10 books by Lois McMaster Bujold."
"The Vorkosigan Saga by Lois McMaster Bujold."
"The Vorkosigan saga books by Lois McMaster Bujold."
"I’m going to add the Vorkosigan books by Lois McMasters Bujold."

Vernor Vinge

"A Fire Upon the Deep by Vinge."
"A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge."
"A Fire Upon the Deeep - Vernor Vinge"
"A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge. Fantastic hardcore si fi."
"Vernor Vinge - A Fire upon the deep and A deepness in the sky."
"A Fire Upon the Deep by Vinge."
"It’s got sequels but i didn’t really bother with those since it all wrapped up so cleanly"
"A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernon Vinge."
"- A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge."

Ernest Cline

"Ready Player One by Ernest Cline."
"Ready Player One."
"Ready player one and two."
"Ready Player One"
"Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (highly highly highly recommend since you're into video games!)"
"Ready Player One"
"Maybe 'Ready Player One' by Ernest Cline."

Alastair Reynolds

"Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds (really, anything he’s written)."
"Revelation Space By: Alastair Reynolds."
"House of Suns by Alistair Reynolds."
"Revelation Space"
"Some fast moving (or just great) standalone books ive enjoyed"
"If you want more of a space opera feel then Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds."
"- House of Suns by Alastair Reynolds."

Blake Crouch

"You cannot go wrong with dark matter!"
"Dark Matter or any other Blake Crouch book. Also The Humans by Matt Haig."
"Dark Matter - Blake Crouch."
"Dark Matter by Blake Crouch"
"Dark Matter by Blake Crouch, both Sci Fi and Thriller"
"Dark Matter by Blake Crouch."

Larry Niven

"Ringworld by Niven."
"* "Ringworld" (1970) by Larry Niven"
"*Ringworld* by Larry Niven."
"[Tales of Known Space] by Larry Niven"
"Larry Niven short story collections, Tales of Known Space and Neutron Star."

Peter F. Hamilton

"Pandora's Star By: Peter F. Hamilton."
"Something by Peter F Hamilton has to be there! Pandora's Star/Judas Unchained at least."
"Pandora's Star by Peter F Hamilton"
"Pandora's Star and Judas Unchained by Peter F. Hamilton. Just wow."
"You missed Hamilton - pandoras star or Void etc."

Daniel Keyes

"Flowers for Algernon, Daniel Keyes."
"Flowers for Algernon of course 🤦"
"Flowers for Algernon. Daniel Keyes."
"For sci-fi, consider Flowers for Algernon."

Ray Bradbury

"Good sci-fi for a 12-year-old boy? *Fahrenheit 451*"
"Ray Bradbury: Fahrenheit 451"
"My comfort SF is Bradbury."
"Which is gentler with young minds."
"Fahrenheit 451 is also great."

Tamsyn Muir

"Gideon the Ninth - space sci fi but make it necromancy."
"I just finished Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir and absolutely loved it."
"The Locked Tomb by Tamsyn Muir, first book is Gideon the Ninth!"
"Is a fantasy/sci fi blend that has a wild setting."

Mary Doria Russell

"The Sparrow and its sequel by Maria Doris Russell."
"You might like Mary Doria Russell's book, The Sparrow."
"The Sparrow - Mary Doria Russell"
"The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell."

Robert Heinlein

"I loved reading it in high school. I’m in my fifties and still love reading it."
"Some of Robert Heinlein juvenile books: * Space cadet"
"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Heinlein."
"The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein."

William Gibson

"Neuromancer is the first ever cyberpunk book, and it's pretty good!"
"The Hyperion Cantos, Neuromancer, Snow Crash."
"Neuromancer by William Gibson. It’s superb."
"William Gibson's Neuromancer is fast paced. And, great."

Becky Chambers

"Becky chambers. The long way to a sma, angry planet is wonderful."
"To Be Taught if Fortunate by Becky Chambers"
"A while ago I read 'The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet' and it had plenty of moments that are suited for Starforged."
"To Be Taught if Fortunate by Becky Chambers."

Samuel R. Delany

"Samuel Delany's Babel-17 (1966). which I highly recommend."
"Babel-17 was outstanding."
"Babel-17 by Samuel R. Delany."
"Top-of-my -head picks for stretching a young mind interested in virtuality, difference and adjacent ideas would be Babel 17."

Craig Alanson

"Expeditionary Force."
"The Expeditionary Force series by Craig Alanson."
"Expeditionary force."
"Expeditionary Force by Craig Allanson."

Cixin Liu

"Three Three Body Problem by Cixin Liu."
"If you like the science-y part of Project Hail Mary --> I'd recommend The three body problem by Cixin Liu."

Greg Egan

"*Permutation City* by Greg Egan is very trippy in a different way."
"I’d suggest 'permutation city' by Greg Egan."
"Permutation City might be a good option for him."

James P. Hogan

"Inherit the Stars by James P. Hogan"
"Inherit the Stars by James P. Hogan is great."
"My all time favorite book series is by James P Hogan. It starts with 'Inherit the Stars'."

Anne McCaffrey

"Anne McCaffrey! Anything written by her, though her most popular series is The Dragonriders of Pern."
"Another of my favorite authors is Anne McCaffrey."
"Blends sci-fi and fantasy."

Brandon Sanderson

"Skyward series by Brandon Sanderson; Murderbot series by Martha Wells."
"Really great and looking forward to the 4th installation."
"Sanderson’s Skyward series."

Frederik Pohl

"Gateway. Frederik Pohl."
"Frederik Pohl's 'Gateway'."
"Gateway by Frederik Pohl, though"

Arkady Martine

"Excited to start A Desolation Called Peace after finishing Golden Son."
"And its sequel, A Desolation Called Peace."
"A sequel to 'A memory called empire.' Definitely read these in order."

Kim Stanley Robinson

"Red Mars By: Kim Stanley Robinson."
"Red Mars is awesome."
"Red Mars - Kim Stanley Robinson"

John Christopher

"Great books."
"Classic post-invasion rebellion story."
"Also the tripods trilogy."

Nnedi Okorafor

"Nnedi Okorafor's Binti is maybe a little mature for 12."
"Binti by Nnedi Okorafor"
"Binti by Nnedi Okorafor."

Madeleine L'Engle

"*A Wrinkle in Time*, by Madeleine L'Engle"
"A wonderful series that I loved as a child."
"A Wrinkle in Time scratches some of those itches."

Ann Leckie

"Ancillary Justice / Sword / Mercy if you'd enjoy insight into a very alien sort of mind."
"I’d also suggest, Ann Lecki’s Ancilliary Justice."
"Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie."

John Steakley

"I absolutely loved John Steakley's Armor."
"Armour by John Steakley."

Greg Bear

"Blood Music By: Greg Bear."
"Blood Music - Greg Bear."
"This is a pretty weird one, but I really liked it in the end"

H.G. Wells

"H. G. Wells. The Time Machine, the Invisible Man, Island of Dr. Moreau, War of the Worlds."
"*Earth Abides,* soon to be mini-series so possibly timely."
"The Time Machine by HG Wells."

D. Hollis Anderson

"Genesis echo by d. Hollis Anderson"
"Genesis echo by d. Hollis anderson."
"Great into sci fi, explains a lot of basics like time distortion, etc."

Michael Crichton

"It’s more so horror than science fiction but Jurassic Park is a really good read."
"If you like dinosaurs, try Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton."
"Michael Crighton - Andromeda Strain, Congo, Jurassic Park - all super entertaining reads with non stop action"

Jeff VanderMeer

"Annihilation by Jeff Vandermeer."
"Annihilation by VandeerMeer. So much better than the movie."

Kurt Vonnegut

"One of my favorites, and it's a quick, easy read - very creative."
"The Sirens of Titan if you want to understand life."

Kevin J. Anderson

"Fun series by well-known sci-fi author Kevin J. Anderson."
"The Saga of Seven sun's by Kevin J Anderson."

Liu Cixin

"And The Three Body Problem."
"Nothing compares with Three body problems."

Robert Charles Wilson

"Spin by Robert Charles Wilson. It is fabulous."
"I feel like Spin by Robert Charles Wilson in 2005 is an obvious omission."

Vernon Vinge

"A Fire Upon the Deep by Vernor Vinge."
"A Fire Upon the Deep - Vernon Vinge"

LP Magnus

"The Human Entanglement by LP Magnus."
"A newer stand alone one: The Human Entanglement by LP Magnus."

Harry Harrison

"The Stainless Steel Rat by Harry Harrison"
"Harry Harrison - The Stainless Steel Rat"

Philip K. Dick

"It's hard to suggest "books like Valis" other than more PKD such as *A Scanner Darkly*."
"Phillip K. Dick A scanner darkly"

The Expanse

"The Expanse. It’s amazing."
"And perhaps you’ve heard of the television adaptation?"

Dennis E. Taylor

"A good Sci Fi series would be “We are Legion, We are Bob” it’s very cool."
"We Are Legion, We Are Bob, by Dennis E Taylor has a very simple style and AI."

Alexei Panshin

"A classic coming of age story by Alexi Panshin aboard a generation ship"
"Comes immediately to mind."

Emily St. John Mandel

"Sea of Tranquility by Emily St John Mandel"
"While it's not directly a sequel, there are some overlapping characters."

John Wyndham

"The Chrysalids by John Wyndham. I loved this when I was a kid."
"The Chrysalids by John Wyndham."

N.K. Jemisin

"Recently was totally blown away by the Broken Earth Trilogy by NK Jemisin."
"Jemisin’s Broken Earth triology - dark and epic enough."

Sarah Pinsker

"We Are Satellites by Sarah Pinsker."
"The author Sarah Pinsker has a similar writing style to Blake Crouch."

Joel Shepherd

"The Spiral Wars series is still in progress and does have a pleasing mix of worlds/space battles/alien characters."
"The Spiral Wars by Joel Shepherd."

Warhammer 40k

"You might like the Warhammer 40k books."
"The Warhammer 40k books are mostly explosions."

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