Best sci-fi recommendations on Reddit

150 reviews from r/Fantasy, r/printSF, r/audiobooks and 7 more subreddits

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Adrian Tchaikovsky

"I'm gonna second Children of Time (Adrian Tchaikovsky). A nifty novel if you like a sociological story."
"Are you familiar with our lord and savior **Adrian Tchaikovsky**?"
"Children of Time+Ruin by Adrian Tchaikovsky"
"For something modern try Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky."
"Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky is one of the most popular sci fi titles that isn't too difficult to follow."
"It’s a species/world development novel."
"Definitely an epic series."
"Children of Time may be Tchaikovsky's best work."
"I ADORED Adrian Tchaikovsky’s Children of Time and Children of Ruin."
"The sequel in particular (Children of Ruin), while not as strong overall, does have a far darker atmosphere."

Andy Weir

"The Martian"
"Andy Weir also wrote the book “The Martian” which is also a sci-fi but I think “Project Hail Mary” is better."
"“Project Hail Mary” by Andy Weir is a must."
"The Martian, Andy Weir."
"Project Hail Mary is the perfect entry book."
"Amazing buddy story of an astronaut stranded and lost in the cosmos."
"I suggest *The Martian* by Andy Weir."
"The Martian is awesome, it's so rare when sci fi is combined with well done humor."
"You might enjoy The Martian by Andy Weir."
"By Andy Weir."

Dennis E. Taylor

"Bobiverse series by Dennis E. Taylor!"
"Self-replicating, sentient probe out in space."
"Bobiverse by Dennis E. Taylor."
"The bobiverse is right up your alley."
"Incredibly fun and relatively lighthearted."
"That's my favorite audiobook."
"Always- top tier narration by Ray Porter."
"DET's other books are really good."
"DET's other books are really good."

Neal Stephenson

"Seveneves by Neal stephenson"
"Neal Stephenson has a couple that fit. Seveneves is basically about the moon exploding."
"Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson and Neuromancer by William Gibson are what got me into hard scifi"
"Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson"
"This one is somewhere between magic and scie."
"Anything by Neil Stephenson."
"Anything by Neil Stephenson."
"Anything by Neil Stephenson."
"Seveneves by Neal Stephenson."

Pierce Brown

"It’s reads more like fantasy than sci-fi."
"By Pierce Brown."
"Are excellent sci-fi."
"Is amazing on all fronts."
"For sci-fi/fantasy."
"Have you tried Red Rising by Pierce Brown?"
"I've been saying this a million times, but Red Rising and its sequel Golden Son on audible is fantastic."

Peter F. Hamilton

"Peter F. Hamilton."
"The Reality Dysfunction, Pandora's Star or Salvation are all worthy jumping on points."
"I loved Peter F Hamiltons Commonwealth Saga."
"Pandoras’s Star by Peter F Hamilton, it will forever be one of my favourites."
"The Salvation series by Peter F. Hamilton is one of my favourite SF series."
"I have just finished the Commonwealth Saga (Pandora's Star & Judas Unchained) by Peter F. Hamilton."

John Scalzi

"John Scalzi writes some great, great sci fi."
"I'd recommend Old Man's War by John Scalzi as a great intro sci-fi read."
"Great writing, fun characters fast paced."
"Old man's war series and Kaiju preservation society by John Scalzi."
"Is highly recommended."
"Old Man's War, by John Scalzi, is a nice book for people starting out in science fiction."

Blake Crouch

"Dark Matter by Blake Crouch."
"Upgrade by Blake Crouch."
"* Upgrade by Blake Crouch."
"Blake Crouch is generally accepted to be a science fiction author, but his books read a lot like thrillers."
"Is fast paced and fun."

Martha Wells

"Martha Wells does some fun things with gender. Her Murderbot series (starts with All Systems Red) is popular."
"+1 for Muderbot Diraries by Martha Wells"
"Murderbot diaries by Martha Wells."
"But the Murderbot Diaries by Martha Wells is amazing."
"Is fun and well written."

Star Wars

"Some of the Star Wars books that I read when I was younger would be Death Troopers."
"Jedi Search…there’s tons."
"Darth Maul Shadow Hunter, Outbound Flight, or Rogue Planet."
"Battle Surgeons was really good too."
"I'm loving it."

Greg Bear

"Greg Bear - Way series."
"* Blood Music by Greg Bear."
"I would (as I always do) recommend Greg Bear's *Blood Music*."
"If you are into horror, try Blood Music by Greg Bear."

Alastair Reynolds

"Everything by Alastair Reynolds."
"Revelation Space is top tier sci-fi."
"The Revelation Space series has both."
"Alastair Reynolds is great for this."

Kim Stanley Robinson

"Red Mars by Kim Stanley Robinson"
"If you like Mars by KSR you should definitely check out *2312* by him as well."
"The Mars Trilogy by Kim Stanley Robinson (Red Mars, Blue Mars, Green Mars)."
"One more vote for the Mars Trilogy by KSR."

Cixin Liu

"Three Body Problem and it's sequels are excellent."
"Three-Body Problem Trilogy by Cixin Liu"
"Three Body Problem will blow your mind."
"I can’t recommend the three body problem trilogy by Cixin Liu enough."

Dan Simmons

"Hyperion Cantos by Dan Simmons."
"If you like very ambitious and mature writing go straight for Hyperion by Dan Simmons."
"I've been reading fantasy only for about 2-3 years now, but just last week I started reading *Hyperion* by Dan Simmons."
"I want to suggest Hyperion so bad."

William Gibson

"William Gibson anything really but specifically "neuromancer""
"Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson and Neuromancer by William Gibson are what got me into hard scifi"
"Neuromancer - William Gibson"

Arkady Martine

"I really enjoyed Arkady Martine’s Teixcalaan books (there are only two), the first of which is A Memory Called Empire."
"You should try Arkady Martine's Teixcalaan books!"
"Are excellent sci-fi."


"Go read Bujold. Vorkosigan Saga never disappoints."
"The Vorkosigan Saga by Bujold is 20 odd books of interstellar politics."
"Vorkosigan series by Bujold."

CJ Cherryh

"The foreigner series, CJ Cherryh."
"Downbelow Station by CJ Cherryh."
"If you liked CJ Cherryh’s fantasy and you liked Foreigner, why not try Alliance-Union?"

Isaac Asimov

"I, Robot or The Foundation by Isaac Asimov."
"Asimov - Foundation"
"I rec Isaac Azimov's Foundation series and the Robot series."

Peter F Hamilton

"Peter F Hamilton - Nights Dawn Trilogy."
"Anything by Peter F Hamilton."
"Fallen Dragon by Peter F Hamilton!"

N.K. Jemisin

"The Broken Earth trilogy by N.K. Jemisin."
"Broken earth by N.K. Jemisin."
"Is a really successful mix of sci-fi fantasy."

Iain M. Banks

"The Culture series by Iain M Banks."
"Iain Banks with his Culture series!"

Iain Banks

"*Use of Weapons* is a good entry point on the darker side of his Culture series."
"Iain Banks - Use of Weapons ( And All Culture Novels )"
"I have to put another plug in for the Iain Banks culture series."

Michael Crichton

"The Lost World is *very* different from the movie."
"Jurassic Park is fun, it’s sci-fi horror and different enough from the movie."
"Sphere by Crichton is a good intersection of SF and horror."

Joe Haldeman

"Is highly recommended."
"Highly recommend *The Forever War* by Haldemann & Marvano."

Larry Niven

"Larry Nivens _Ringworld_ and sequels."
"[Ringworld] by Larry Nivan."

Ian McDonald

"I highly recommend the Luna series by Ian McDonald."
"Are excellent sci-fi."

Elizabeth Moon

"The Serrano Legacy series - Elizabeth Moon - (Hunting party)"
"Vattas War and Remnant Population by Elizabeth Moon."

Christopher Paolini

"Was pretty good."
"I actually really enjoyed."


"Firefly and serenity."


"Farscape. That's all you will ever need."

M.R. Forbes

"Starship Eternal, a space-opera with an interesting time element."

Richard K. Morgan

"The Altered Carbon series by Richard K Morgan. Very distopian, very good."

David Brin

"David Brin - Uplift series."

Greg Egan

"Diaspora by Greg Egan because, several of his books straddle the line between fiction and physics thought experiments."

Christopher Ruocchio

"Empire of Silence by Christopher Ruocchio."

John Varley

"Weird Ecology: John Varley’s Gaea trilogy."

Hal Clement

"Non-Human Protagonist: 'Halo' by Hal Clement."

Neal Asher

"Everthing from Neal Asher Polity series."

Becky Chambers

"A Long way to a Small Angry Planet is about a woman assigned to a deep space mission."

Sue Burke

"Try Semiosis by Sue Burke."

Robert Charles Wilson

"1) *Bios* by Robert Charles Wilson."

C.S. Friedman

"C.S. Friedman’s Coldfire trilogy."

Ann Leckie

"2) *The Raven Tower* by Ann Leckie."

Simon R. Green

"Deathstalker series by Simon Green is what I always recommend."

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