"I like fiskars. My parents got a pair of lefties scissors when I was maybe 10 yo and got them when I moved out."
·"I love my Fiskar's spring loaded scissors."
·"My experience has been overwhelmingly positive. Right out of the box, I was impressed by the ergonomic design of the handles."
·"My preferred ones are Fiskars, especially ones made in Finland. They also sell sharpener specifically for those, so they should stay sharp for as long as you like."
·"Fiskars' scissors are quite solid, I've been happy with them."
·"Be sure to get the made in Finland models."
·"Strongly recommend. Sturdy enough for leather, sharp enough for thin paper or fabric."
·"They come apart for easy cleaning and have a sharpener built in. Had them for ages and they cut everything with no problem."
·"They come apart and have a built-in sharpener on the sheath."
·"They are obviously shaped to be left handed. I use them all the time and they are great."