"It’s like coffee for your under eyes—wakes them right up without the jitters."
·"I would go with The Ordinary for affordable and great serums."
·"Apply to freshly-cleansed skin while it is still damp-wet."
·"Favorites: - The Ordinary Multi Peptide + HA"
·"Hyaluronic acid serum from the ordinary- simple ingredients but the best one needed for dry skin."
·"I like using the Ordinary brand!"
·"Try The Ordinary Lactic Acid 10% (don’t apply if you have very irritated skin though, it might sting a bit)."
·"I really wanna try the ordinary soothing and support barrier serum but i haven’t got around to it yet"
·"If you really must I’d say maybe a simple The Ordinary buffet serum or hyaluronic acid serum."
·"If you really must I’d say maybe a simple The Ordinary buffet serum or hyaluronic acid serum."