"I've been using Proraso Cypress & Vetyver and haven't found any problems."
·"This has to be the best soap I've ever used. It has a really thick layer that sticks in place really well, even in the shower."
··"Proraso White (Green Tea and Oat), Edwin Jagger Aloe Vera, TOBS Jermyn (as mentioned), TOBS Avocado, all good options!"
·"Proraso makes a white tub for ultra sensitive skin, I love it."
·"If you want to try another Proraso I would recommend either the Red or the Blue."
·"I like red Proraso and Taylor Of Old Bond Street with sandalwood."
·"Proraso white has little smell and Cella just has a light almond scent."
·"I honestly like Proraso more than the artisan stuff I’ve tried."
·"Proraso (any colour), Cella, Omega in a tub, Tabac, any ClassicEdge creams or Arko."