"Something like a Jackson Freestyle would likely fit the bill here."
·"Investing in some good skates like Jacksons or Edeas or Riedells is way better in the long run."
·"I upgraded to the Jackson freestyle last winter and I love them!"
·"I ended up switching to Jackson Artistes after about 3 months because I feel like I w"
·"Look into the Riedell Gem series, Riedell Ember, Jackson Softec, or Jackson Classic."
·"Look into the Riedell Gem series, Riedell Ember, Jackson Softec, or Jackson Classic."
·"Jackson makes the Evo, Elle and Freestyle model which all are heat moldable and have a temp mounted blade."
·"Jackson mystique or artiste is about as low as I would recommend for most adult."
·"If you want something for recreational skating, no jumps or spins, the jackson freestyle should be fine."
·"Jackson Freestyle is the classic option for adults."