"Works great with betta and very peaceful."
·"Great options for algae control and peaceful tank mates."
·"Angelfish are social and intelligent, so getting a second angelfish as a buddy would increase their quality of life."
·"In 55 gallons you can definitely put at least twice as many tetras depending on the variety."
·"Otos and pygmy corydoras are a good choice for a tank that size. They are super cute and get along well with Betta fish."
·"Six lines are fantastic utility fish for pest control and they are very active and entertaining."
·"They make a great pair with the sixline."
·"The fish work well together visually and have had no behavioral problems."
·"Harlequin rasboras are perfect for mid-column schooling!"
·"I love neon tetras, swordtails, and zebra danios! It's a really nice setup."