"Nylon strap. Thank me later"
·"I bought this one guitar strap and my tone improved dramatically."
·"Best guitar strap is one that doesn't slide off the peg."
·"Forearm and grip strength are good for you, so I would do as many as you can without straps, and then use them once the forearm gives out."
·"Using straps is a thing. There are things you could do if you are worried about grip strength."
·"If your goal is to do pull-ups and build up your back, hell yeah, use straps."
·"There nothing wrong with using straps. In fact if your goal is hypertrophy and your back is the target muscle then using straps to remove the grip strength limitation is a smart move."
·"They can take the pressure off your hands and forearms so you focus on your back."
·"Buy a 2 inch memory foamed suede strap."
·"Two other styles that I like are the leather with a butterfly magnet."